From the Beginning


Jiho changes his hair a lot. Kyung reacts every time.



A timeline of Kyung's reactions for every time Jiho had to change his hair.

Starting from the Freeze era and ending (for now) with the Hiatus era.


Comment if there's a specific era or hairstyle that you would like to see me write about and I'll see if I can add it in!!

There will be a few Mature-themed stories in here, just to forewarn you guys.


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cheshirerae #1
Chapter 3: I love this!!!! Is it discontinued I notice it hasn't been updated in a while from my limited knowledge of AFF are you still continuing this? Because I think this is totally one of my fave fanfics now
Chapter 3: Haha randy Kyung again! I must admit I for one do not miss Zico's dreads! He looks better with this kind of hair anyway. I could see why Kyung couldn't wait to jump Zico! Thanks for the update!
Chapter 3: Oh yay, you finally wrote a new chapter!!! This was great, really quite adorkable hahaha

Please update soon! (but don't forget that schoolwork comes first lol)
Chapter 2: Omg the chapters are so good and fun! Write more babe! Oh wait...write more when u have time ok? ^^
p/s: it's been a while since i look at the tag here...or i would've read already. OTL
Chapter 2: This was such an awesome chapter! Kyung not being able to control himself and Zico getting hot as the result of it! Really enjoyed this!
Chapter 2: Haha this chapter was great...I loved the ending! Please do update soon
Chapter 2: Jiho's dreads have become a measurement system of bad hair days. "As bad as the squid haircut?" "My hair doesn't look as bad as Zico's dreads."
Chapter 2: hehe loved it keep writing ^^
Chapter 1: I really love this~ I can't wait for the next chapter :)