He takes care of you.

Breaking and Entering.

He takes care of you. Part Three.

~Note: There's two versions to this story. This one that's being published on here will be the series! The one on Tumblr will be ending! It will also contain . This one will as well, but later! (http://devouringseoul.tumblr.com)~ 


Recap from Part Two. 

"Kris just looks up at you again this time his eyes a thousand times more lustful then before. He places his hands over yours and begins kissing every bruise and bandaid scratch. You moan his name in moment.  He then picks you up and carries you to his bedroom…"


Current Time - 5am. 

You snake your arms around his neck pulling yourself as close to his embrace as possible hiding your face his chest. His hands rest gently on you while carrying you knowing you might feel uneasy having someone touch you right away after what just happened. 

He nudges the door open with his foot lightly trying not to make any loud sounds. His room is nothing what you expected it to look like. It's plain, dull, and has no trace of life in it. All the colors are dark, even his sheets are jet black. No photos, no posters, just walls. 

Placing you down slowly, you sit up on his bed looking down at the ground. He steps away from you leaving you to go somewhere. Mixed thoughts crossed your mind. First and the most obvious you were in Kris's room, then that fact that you'll have to call the police soon to report what happened. Things just kept pilling up on you but before you know it Kris returns. 

He hands you a shirt and some sweat pants, he tells you everything in the bathroom is available for you to use and if you need anything just call him. You shrug your shoulders in acceptance with what he's said. Kris being such a gentlemen also tells you not to worry about anything. He'll call the cops and take care of everything. Before leaving he grabs one of the pillows from the bed and an extra sheet from the closet then closes the door behind him.

Few hours later you wake up, it's 10am. Thinking you've woken up late you rush out to the living room only to find Kris sitting there laughing watching Tv still in his pj's himself.

Kris: Oh hey ____! You're up! How'd you sleep!? There's some breakfast in the kitchen for you! I hope you like pancakes! I can make something else for you if you'd like!

You: Oh nono that's fine thank you, thank you. Umm.. *Scratching your head

Kris: Hmm.. I guess you're wondering how the police situation went? 

-You actually forgot about that and was going to ask about taking a shower...

You: Oh yeah, what happened?

Kris: Haha, don't worry about anything I promised you I'd take of everything and I did! But you'll be staying here for a few days after they finish looking around, taking evidence, fixing the window and all that other fancy stuff! 

You: Here? o.O

Kris: Well I'm not gonna let you sleep back in there with a broken door and window silly! Now hurry and eat! I got some of your close before they taped it off! It's in my duffle bag over there. 

You: *Blushing* Oh thank you.

You head over to the kitchen as Kris follows behind like a puppy. He pulls out the chair for you to sit and even pre-cuts your food for you. 

Kris: Enjoy your breakfast, I'm going to take a shower. 

You: Thank you once again and I'm sure I will enjoy the shower. I MEAN BREAKFAST!

Kris: *Laughing* Okay, as you say! 

Face palming, you look down and start eating. You can't seem to understand where that slip of words was coming from! To you Kris probably only saw you as a close friend that's nice enough to let you stay with him for a few days!

The thought of last night keeps replaying in your head. How worried about he looked when he kick the door open. How he took his shirt off for you without even thinking twice. The way he defended you moving every muscle in his body to take those guys down. Best of all, when he grabbed your hand pulling you into his embrace. The feeling of his muscles pressing on your back, his legs rubbing against yours as you walked. To top it off, his hands around your waist kissing your bruises before carrying you off to his room. You were in his bed, in his clothes.

You suddenly began to feel yourself getting hot and bothered. Just right then you hear the shower turn off. To scurry  to the kitchen placing you plate in the sink. You glance up slowly, only to see a quick glimpse of Kris with a towel around his lower body wrapped dangerously low. The image of his wet glistening body was tattooed in your mind.

You take a large swallow of air trying to calm yourself.. A distraction might be good. So you head over to the bag with your things and look around for something comfortable to wear. You notice Kris has packed your undies and bras. He's packed only your undies and bras that has y patterns and lacing on them leaving the plain ones back in your apartment. The thought of calming down was long gone somewhere in LaLa-Land.  

Kris has finished getting dressed and comes out to the living room.

Kris: Here's a towel so you can take a shower.

You: *Startled from being deep in your thoughts causing you to  jump up knocking somethings down* Sorry! I'm so sorry!!

Kris: Haha I didn't mean to scare you! Here, you go take a shower and ready while I clean this mess up.


You leave to go take shower while Kris cleans up. While showering you can't help to think of the same thoughts again. In his bed, in his clothes, now he's touched your undies and bras. You get hot again.. 


Part 4 coming soon my lovely DLK's! <3

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