The Pleasant Date.


Your relaxing date with Luhan. 






And so you stood there, admiring the figure of the man standing in front of you with his arms stretched out taking in the air and view.  Just you and your boyfriend Luhan stood in the open field of wheat. Every time the wind blew you could feel the stands tickle your legs making you smile in comfort. Nothing more could make the mood more perfect, you were right where you wanted to be in life. Moving to Korea, starting university, meeting an incredible man like Luhan and best of all being with him.

Luhan turned around and caught you smiling at his back; he walked over to you and smiled warmly.

Luhan: Your smile couldn’t possibly get any more beautiful can it?  

You: Hmm, I don’t know what I know it shines the best when I think of you.

Luhan holds your hand and you rest your head on his shoulder as you two decided to take a rest from your walk a and sit in the field. Before you went to sit Luhan took off his jacket and placed it on the ground for you to sit on. As much as you told him it was fine he didn’t want his girlfriend to get her pretty skirt dirty!

The sun is beginning to set. Eventually you both become so comfortable you decide to lay back and stare at the sky for some time. You roll over to your side and decide to get his attention.

You: Luhan..

Luhan: ____-ah? :)

You: What’s your greatest dream? Something you’ve always wanted, something you desire so much. The greatest wish you want to accomplish!

Luhan: Why so curious?

You: I was just wondering.. :)

Luhan: Well, I’m looking at it.

You: What do you mean?

Luhan smiled and cupped your cheek, we’ll talk about this another day he said. You grew extra curious with the answer he gave you. For the rest of the time you both made corny jokes together, made figures out of the clouds, and held hands until the sun finally set. He got up first and leaned down to grab you and you up into his embrace. Once he had you up and he picked up the jacket and dusted it off before putting it around you. He placed his arm around you and pulled you close again and started walking back to your bus stop. While you two were walking small fire flies began trailing along the way giving light. 

As you were walking you could notice out of the corner of your eye he kept looking at you and smiling to himself. You decided the next time he tuned to look at you; you’d catch him in the act. Right when your eyes met he couldn’t help but to lace your fingers together and your hair out of your face. He pulled you into a small café next to your bus stop where you two shared a small dessert and some warm drinks. You went to freshen up in the bathroom as Luhan paid the bill.

At the bus stop there were no seats so you both leaned against the sign. Just as you spotted the stop coming form down the road Luhan leaned his body against yours. He stared into your eyes just admiring your eyes, lips, and the way your hair fell into frame. He placed his hands on your cheeks and kissed your forehead lightly. Just then the bus came up and he hugged you, but before he let you go and told you to check his jacket pocket when you got on the bus.

You got on the bus and waved to him goodbye as he watched the bus pull off. Once you settled in your seat you reached into the pocket to find a napkin folded neatly addressed to you..

“ ______, dreams are something we all can’t develop easily. Once I found mine I knew I couldn’t let it go, so I went after it. I feel that I already have it but I want to keep it forever, grow with it, and cherish it until my last breath. Promise me you’ll help me do that? You are and forever my greatest wish.

-Luhan  … P.S. Thanks for stealing my jacket :P “

You smiled and placed the napkin back into the pocket. You cuddled yourself into the jacket and relaxed on the bus. You watched the Seoul lights fill the air as you thought about Luhan and his note. Your day was just as beautiful as his smile. :)



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EXOkpop424 #1
Awwwwwww it's so perfect