Surprise Encounter

Through Teen Top Headphones

Luhan's POV

It’s been two week since we came back to Korea and EXO have finally got three days off. The other members have either gone out or just lodging around the dorm. While I’m just lying on my bed not really doing anything. The headphones are just sitting on the night stand and I’m just staring at them. Thinking back to the plane trip, how I can’t forget that day if I even tried. Her smile is stuck in my mind. I wonder what she likes. What type of music she is into? Hold on. I have her headphones. I just need to find out what music has been last played on them and I know just who can help. “Kris!!!” I yelled. “Why are you yelling? I’m just in the room next door!” he came in my room with his pissed off face look. “What do you want?” he sounded like he was going to kill me if I don’t hurry up. “Do you have anyone’s number from Super Junior?” I asked him. He started flicking through his phone. “I have Donghae’s, Siwon’s, Sungmin’s and Ryewook’s number” he said. “Could you give me Sungmin’s?” “It’s ***********. Ok can I go now?” I typed in the number and nodded. I then called the number. “Hello?” I heard Sungmin hyung’s voice. “Hey hyung. Are you in your dorm?” I asked. “Yeah. Why?” “Is Kyuhyun Hyung there? I need his help” “Yeah he’s in. I’ll put him on the phone” “Actually don’t. I’m going to come over if that’s ok” “Sure. See you soon then” we said our goodbyes and hung up. I grabbed my jacket and my bag with the headphones in it and headed for the front door. “Where are you going?” Suho asked. “I got to take care of something then I’m going to practice a bit more on my dancing” I headed out the door.

It wasn’t long before I arrived at Super junior’s dorm and Sungmin let me in. I walked in and noticed it was only Sungmin hyung, Donghae hyung and Kyuhyun hyung in their dorm. “Kyuhyun Hyung I need your help since you are best at IT and computer hacking” I asked Kyuhyun. “Come” he led me to his room. “So what do want done? Do you want to leak stuff off the internet or send a virus to someone’s computer or do you want confidential data of someone to destroy them” what the heck hyung?! I know you are the evil maknae but I didn’t know you would be this scary. “No No. It’s nothing like that. I just want you to analysis what music has been played on these headphones” I told him and I was going through my bag. “Really that’s it? I was expecting something a bit more exciting” he let out a sigh. I passed him the headphones and he raised his eyebrow. “Teen Top?” “They belong to this girl but she left them behind and she disappeared” I explained to him. “Right. Stalking... I didn’t you had it in you, Luhan” “Just do it. Please” so he plugged the cord into his laptop and started tapping away. “Do you have a usb with you?” he suddenly turned his chair towards me. “Umm...Here it is” I found one in my bag and he plugged it into his laptop. After about 10-15 minutes he unplugged the headphones and my usb. “Ok. So it’s finished and I’ve put the list of songs on notepad that is saved to your usb. Also since I’m in a nice mood today I have downloaded the songs for you. Most of them are English/Western songs by the way” he explained and I thanked him.

I’m walking down the hallway of the SM building when I stop a girl walking in the opposite direction as me when she stops. I took a look at her face and my eyes widened. Is this real or am I dreaming. I lightly slapped both sides of my face to check if I was actually awake. She is really right in front of me. I hear her repeating “Recording room 23, recording room 23” a she looked around. I went up to her and she looked up. She screamed in shock. “Mother of Strawberries!” she said trying to calm her breathing down. “Sorry to scare you” I smiled at her cute reaction. “I’m Luhan” “I know who you are” she said as she seemed to return back to normal. “What’s your name?” I then asked her. “I’m Brook” “Brook. Interesting name defiantly not a Korean name” “Yeah. I’m Australian but my parents are Korean. BTW Can you help me find Recording room 23? Uncle Lee didn’t tell me where it was since he was called into a meeting” she explained. “Wait Lee? As in Lee Soo Man? As in CEO of SM?” I asked her. “Yep that’s him” mindblow. “Umm... Luhan Oppa? The recording room” did she just call me Oppa? en CUTE!!! Mentally Spazzing!! “Oh right. It’s just behind me” I told her. “Thank you” she said to me in English which I understand. She smiled at me before heading through the door. I feel like prancing around like a happy idiot. I started to walk away as the door closed but then it opened again “Luhan Oppa?” I turned around. “Do you want to... well... listen to me sing... and give me so vocal advice. If your not busy that is” WOULD I? HELL TO THE YES!! Luhan calm down play it cool. “I’ll be happy to” I smiled at her.


Brook's (You) POV

“You go in first Brook” Uncle Lee said as I got out of the car and walked up and entered the SM building. A tall model like girl came up to me “Wait you’re not an idol or trainee. You’re one of those crazy fangirls aren’t you?” I didn’t get time to answer before she started trying to drag me out of the building. “What the hell is wrong with you? You crazy woman! I’m not a fangirl” I said trying to get out of her grip. For the love of god she has a strong grip. “Yeah yeah. That’s what they all say” she continued. “What do you think you are doing?” Uncle Lee came in and saw us. “I’m trying to get this crazy fangirl out” she said. “Get your hands off my niece or I swear you will regret it” she then loosen her grip and I yanked my arm back. “Crazy woman” I mumbled in English. “Yes she is my niece. I expect you to pay as much respect to her as you value your job” My uncle warned her. “I’m so sorry young Miss please” she gave a 90 degree bow to me. “It’s ok but gee you have a strong grip. I rubbed me wrist. I followed my uncle up the elevator. When we were at the 5th floor we got out of the elevator but then his phone started ringing. He read the text and turned to me. “Um I have to go to a meeting but head to this room which should be down this hall” he said and gave me two maps one with the recording room and the other with the dance studio that he had privately made for me.

Wondering around trying to find the recording while chanting “Recording room 23, recording room 23” I usually help me. I stopped and ad a look at the map again. When I looked up I screamed since someone was in front of me. I jumped back to find it was only Luhan. Wait...LUHAN? EXO LUHAN IS IN FRONT OF ME? Sorry to scare you... I’m Luhan” he smiled. He’s smiling at me!! Act calm. “I know who you are” “What’s your name?” He wants to know my name. I could seriously die happy right now. “I’m Brook” I told him. He started to comment on how my name is a bit unusual. I told him that Uncle Lee left me kind of lost and he was surprised I was the niece of SM’s CEO. I remembered I needed to find the room “Umm... Luhan Oppa? The recording room” I asked him. He then pointed behind him. I smiled at him before I went in the room. I kind of want to spend more time with him. So I opened the door and called out to him. “Luhan Oppa?” he turned around. “Do you want to... well... listen to me sing... and give me so vocal advice” I’m stuttering. “I’ll be happy to” he smiled at me. So we went in I started to get everything ready. “Sorry if I sound really bad though” I said to him. “No. Don’t say that. I bet you sound great” he encouraged me. I connected my phone and pressed play to Titanium by David Guetta Feat. Sia.  As I sang I started to lose myself in the song.


Luhan's POV

Waoh she is so good. So mesmerising.

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Chapter 2: Update plz like story so far want to know what happens next
Woofanynminyul4ever #2
Chapter 1: It'd an awesome start! Can't wait for the upcoming chapters!
Chapter 1: Hahaha! Luhan seems to amusing! I can't wait for more, authornim! Please update soon!