Cinderella Drops Her Headphones?

Through Teen Top Headphones

Before I start the story this is what you were wearing but the hair and the makeup is the same as the photo in the foreword and you have teentop headphones around your neck

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Brook's (You) POV

“Wait… this isn’t Korea?” I said as we walked out of the plane into the airport building. “No Miss. This is Beijing, China” Mr Kim Jiho told me. I didn’t know him that well. We met 3 days ago, him with 5 or 6 more body guards with him. My parents died a few mounts ago due to a car crash in a taxi while I was left at home and the driver was sent to jail. I miss them so much. My uncle Lee Soo Man wanted me to immediately go to Korea so he wouldn’t have to worry so much but with much persuasion he let me stay in Australia for another four months to finish off high school. After I graduated being a kind uncle he was he let me stay an extra week to get read and sort things out before heading to Korea. The last two days he sent Mr Kim Jiho and a few other body guards to me back to Korea. But now we’re in Beijing? “Why are we here?” I asked. “This plane makes a stop in China before making its way to Korea. I’m sorry for not telling you but this was the only flight we could get to get you to Korea. We would have waited another 2 to 3 days for the other flights head straight to Korea and I don’t think Master Lee would be very happy with us if you were 2 days late” he explained. “I see. So when does it take off” “I checked with the flight attendant before and she said in about four hours or when we hear an announcement” we sat down in the waiting area. The other 5 bodyguards also sat close but not next to us and either hid behind newspapers or just doing stuff on their phone or iPads. For some reason it reminds me of 007 and Get Smart. After about 20 minutes or so I got bored. I turned to Mr Kim who was texting on his phone. “Um… Mr Kim” he looked up. “What is it young Miss?” “Can I go look around? I’m kind of bored” “Of course. Do you want all of us to come with you or one or two of us?” “Maybe not all of you. Two people would be plenty” I told him because I didn’t want the whole airport to get suspicious. I went through different shops and brought a

Sushi plushie (It’s pretty big)


Midnight poison perfume (the last one to complete my set the Dior perfume poison collection)


And a whole bunch of designer clothes

After I had finished we were back in the waiting area. The good thing is that we could get in the plane in about an hour. So I brought ice cream to eat. I suddenly heard people yelling, screaming and cheering. “What’s going on?” I said to myself. I was a bit curious. “I think its EXO-M” Mr Kim said to me. “Really?” I look back and see that it was indeed them. “Want to join the crowd?” he asked me as a joke. “Nah… I don’t want to get trampled on and I’m too young to die” As much as I’m a fan (not an insane one) of EXO. I’m being this close to them is enough for me.

We were finally able to head into the plane. We were part of the business class which was pretty good to me. I’ve never been on business class before. My seat was on the left side of the plane and Mr Kim took the window seat because I didn’t want to sit there this time. Just then EXO-M members walked through and took over the middle of the plane. And guess what Kris, Chen and Luhan sat in the same row as me. Luhan my ultimate bias sat next to me. Well not really next to me since there was the walkway gap in between us. But like Holy mother of strawberries!!!

Soon after the plane took off the flight attendants started to walk around to check if the passengers needed anything. One of them came up to me and asked “Would you like a drink miss?” in Chinese. I gave her a confused face. I turned to Mr Kim and he translated it in English for me since my Korean was slightly lacking. “Oh sorry Miss. I thought you could speak Chinese. So would you like a drink miss?” she apologised and asked me again in English. “Just lemonade please” I answered giving her one of my bright smiles. She nodded and walked away. I waited for my drink and just started thinking about what it might be like when I get to Korea. I mean I have to head to my uncle’s office but what happens after that... “Here’s you drink Miss. Enjoy” She said to me in English. “Thank you” I smile at her again and she walked away. I felt someone staring at me so I sightly looked to my right and saw Luhan staring at me. I found it slightly uncomfortable so I smiled at him before turning back to the glass of lemonade. I still feel him staring at me so I started to drink the lemonade. I think god hates me because I think it went down the wrong tube and I started to choke.  After 15 seconds of almost dying, I manage to return back to normal Mr Kim told me “You shouldn’t scull your drink” “I wasn’t” “Sure” he rolled his eyes before focusing back on the magazine in his hand. That was so embarrassing. I decided to put on my headphones that were around my neck and drown myself in my house music.


Luhan's POV

I finished talking to Kris and I turned to my left and saw an adorable pretty girl in tomboy clothes. She turned to me and smiled at me. She is so cute. I wanted to go up to her and pinch her cheeks a she smiles. Just then the flight attendant came back to her and started to speak English to her.  All I heard was lemonade and enjoy, the rest sounded like gibberish. She started to look a bit uncomfortable. Is it because I’m looking at her? Is she a fan? Or an anti-fan? No she can’t be an anti-fan. Does she even like us? Wait what is she doing now? Is she drowning herself with the drink? She must want me to stop looking at her. Just as I was about to turn away she started to choke. The man next to her started helping her and rubbing her back. He looks familiar I think I had seen him around the CEO’s office. What is he doing here? Anyway after she said she was fine I started to breathe again. When did I start holding my breath? Anyway she put on her headphones and sat back in her chair. Wait... those are Teen Top Headphone! “Damn it!” “What’s wrong hyung?” Chen asked me. “Huh? ... Oh nothing” Why out of all people why did you guys have to take her? Out of all you fangirls you just had to take her too. Why?!! Who the hell is your bias oh pretty girl so I smash his face! I turned and looked at her again. She has her eyes shut. She looks so peaceful and beautiful.

When we all were getting out of the plane. She went out first with a few men in black suits following her behind. Is she a celebrity or something? When she was long gone I looked over her seat and found her headphones. I felt like smashing them but now they remind me of her. “Luhan what’s wrong?” Xiumin asked me. “You look like a love-sick puppy” Kris added. They looked down in my hand. “Why do you have Teen Top headphones?” I opened my mouth but what do I say? I don’t know how to answer that question. “I know what it is. Hyung has fallen in love. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT!” Chen yelled the last part. “Shut up!” I defended myself. “Well if you want to keep them you should put it away or the fans will think you’re a crazy Teen Top fan” Kris said. “Oh I see what you did there Hyung” Chen and Xiumin looked at each other and randomly started singing Crazy by Teen Top. Facepalm.


Brook's (You) POV

“What the heck? Where’s my headphones?”I said as I frantically searched my bag. “You’re what?” Mr Kim asked me as we were in the limo that my uncle arranged for me. “My headphones... I think I left them on the plane” I let out a sigh. “Don’t worry we will get you a new one” “Nah its ok. You’ve done so much for me. So don’t worry about it” I told him. “Are you sure?” he asked me to make sure. “Yes” I said as I stared out the window. Watching the streets of Korea as the limo drove past.



Finally started the story

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Chapter 2: Update plz like story so far want to know what happens next
Woofanynminyul4ever #2
Chapter 1: It'd an awesome start! Can't wait for the upcoming chapters!
Chapter 1: Hahaha! Luhan seems to amusing! I can't wait for more, authornim! Please update soon!