Falling In Love With My Stupid Bestfriend


He is my best friend but he is too stupid to realized that he is the one that I like not anyone else..




❝  i'm the princess, i don't wanna be the queen















"My name is Seo Jeong and everyone call me little seo. Why if you guys ask me? The only thing I could say is blames my stupid and idiot friends..."



❝  i'm the prince that looking for his princess















"Yoseob is the name given and I am everyone prince charming..I know it is really hard for them to resists my good looks. What can I tell anymore about that..But there is one person who doesn't even fall into my charm..who is she? Who else? My smarty friends.."

Other characters will going to be reveal later..
SUMMARY: Seo Jeong and Yoseob have become friends since the two of them in diapers. They fight, argue and crying 
                       together until they grown up when Seo Jeong starting to develop a feeling on him but the main problem is
                       Yoseob are too stupid and clueless to noticing her feelings..What would she do to capture his attention?

This is my first attempt writing a fanfic and I really hope you guys are going to support me and my fic...Hope to see you guys as my subscribers...^_^







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everythingys #1
Chapter 1: WOW
claudiamacy #2
Chapter 1: its really good please update soon.
Chapter 1: For a first time the first chapter is really good. ^^ Did you writed before a little, like on a paper -or Words- ? Because the way you write it's really different from the others first times, they use the "theator type" to write a chapter. Hahaha well just to say that I will wait for the next chapter and Fighting !
oo2PMoo #4
Chapter 1: Hi there ^^ This fanfic looks as if it'll develop into something great. :) I'm looking forward to your next update!! And good job!
this looks really cool; i love your writing style! keep updating <3
It's your first time ? Well it's seems like it can be a good story, now the think who can change it it's only one little -and stupid but we can't do anything for it- thing... How you will write it. ^^
Maybe I'm not an author here -because well I'm not confident with my english- but I am on another site so I will -if you want- give you some advices for the chapters ! ^^
Hope you don't think it in a bad way and sorry for my english who's not really good !! ><
everythingys #7
Update soon!!!