
바보가슴 (Foolish Heart)

Taecyeon knelt down and then staring at Yoona.

"Im Yoona please be my girl." He said.

Yoona was staring at him too, astonished.

"Don't talk such a nonsense thing!" Yoona was about to leave but again, Taecyeon grabbed her wrist and hold it tightly.

"I may have a billion dollars, I may be rich. But.. I never have someone who loves me. That's the reason." He stated.

Yoona was surprised. She gulped.

"But.. this doesn't make any sense! We just met yesterday, how could you ask me to be your girlfriend, Sir? You don't even know me like my friends do!" Said Yoona.

"Just call me Taecyeon."

"Yeah whatever it is."

Both of them are staring each other awkwardly.

"I can't. I can't be your girlfriend. I'm sorry." Yoona stated.

"Then be my friend. I need someone to talk since I don't even have a friend. Deal?"

"And then all of my debts to you....?"

"I'll count it as paid off."

"Okay then." Well, that's quite weird, she thought.




"Well that's weird." Tiffany gave her opinion after Yoona told her everything about what just happened to her.

"Don't you think he planned something, Yoong?" Tiffany asked.

"Like what?"

"Hmmm.. i don't know."

Yoona's phone ringing. A call from unknown number. Yoona answered the call. "Hello? Who is this?"

"Ah Im Yoona? I am Taecyeon. Can you come out please?"

"W-what? Uh, O-okay."

"Ah Im Yoona-ssi don't forget to bring your things!"

"What? But.... why?" Yoona asked.

"Just bring it, Im Yoona-ssi."

"O-okay then." Yoona astonished, but still she packed all of her things hurriedly.

"H-hya, where are you going?!" Tiffany asked while she saw Yoona in a rush.

Yoona immediately come out and saw Taecyeon standing right in front of hollys cafe with his expensive BMW.

"Hi. Please get on the car."

Taecyeon said it with a big smile on his face. Then, both of them got in to the car.

"Where are we going, Sir?"

"Don't call me Sir, Im Yoona-ssi. Just call me Taecyeon. We were in the same age anyway. You were born on 90's right?"

"How did you know..?" Yoona asked while she looked at Taecyeon's face. "You are such a stalker!"

Taecyeon chuckled. "No I am not."

"Ugh, whatever." Yoona pouted.

And then both of them were awkwardly silence. Taecyeon clears his throat and turned the radio on.

"Okay so we're going to announce the winner on this Saturday's chart who has the highest votes... Congrats to.... 2PM! Their song's 'Back To Square One' had the highest votes on this week! Listeners, enjoy this song!"

"Daebak." Said Yoona.

"So do you like 2PM?"

"Eo. Their songs are great and easy-listening! Sometimes some of the lyrics are very related to my life." Said Yoona.

"I see."

"Do you like them too?"

"Umm well a little bit."


Back To Square One - 2PM




They finally arrived in the place. The place was so crowd, so full of people.

"Your hand." Said Taecyeon, suddenly.

"Why... my hand?" Yoona asked.

Taecyeon grabbed Yoona's hands and hold it tightly.

"H-hya! Let go of my hand!" Yoona yelled. She said it again and again but Taecyeon doesn't care. He keeps holding Yoona's hands and walking.

Taecyeon was looking around. Where is the restaurant? He wondered. He walked and walked and finally he found the restaurant he was looking for.

Taecyeon went in to the restaurant with Yoona. He was looking around, Where is it? Ah there! And then Taecyeon walked straight to the table. Then, both of them were sit.

Taecyeon was looking around once again. This is Jessica's favorite restaurant. She must be here. But where she is?

"Hya, what are you looking for? Don't you think we should take a look at the menu first?" Yoona yelled at Taecyeon which makes him startled.

"O-oh. I'm sorry. Sure."

Then, both of them were ordered the food. Taecyeon was looking at the door when finally someone come in to the restaurant. It was Jessica. Game start, he smiled, crafty.

Jessica went to her favorite's spot. She ordered her favorite's food when suddenly her eyes caught something.

Isn't that... Taecyeon? But who is that girl who was with him? Jessica wondered. Jessica keeps looking at Taecyeon and Yoona.

Finally the food they were ordered came. After served, they enjoyed to eat the food.

"Is it delicious?" Taecyeon asked.

"Eo. Really delicious. I didn't know there was such a cozy place like this in Seoul."

"Me too at first, but someone told me there is such a place in this town." Taecyeon glanced at Jessica who was looking at them from the distance. They were eating again when suddenly,

"Yoona there's something.." Taecyeon grabbed his napkin and started to wipe off the cream in Yoona's lips. Yoona was extremely surprised.

"T-thank you." She stuttered.

Taecyeon smiled as he glanced again at Jessica who surprisingly is looking at him and Yoona. Taecyeon continued his eating when suddenly he heard footsteps right toward him and Yoona.

"Yah! Don't be so happy just because he wiped off the cream from your stupid lips!! It doesn't mean he likes you!!!" Jessica yelled at innocent Yoona.

"Eo? Jessica?! Why are you here?" Taecyeon asked.

"I should be the one who asking you! Why are you here? This is my fav-"

"Did you own this place?" Taecyeon cuts her off and asked with rude tone.


"See? Now you are stuttering." Then he glanced to Yoona. "I don’t feel like eating again. Let's go somewhere Yoona."

Taecyeon grabbed Yoona's hands and go out. Yoona who is confused, just followed him right away.

Jessica looked at them, full of jealousy.




"I'm sorry Yoona, I ruined our dinner." Said Taecyeon.

"It's okay Taec." Said Yoona while looking at him.

"Taec? So you didn't call me sir again." Taecyeon chuckled.

"What's wrong with that? We're friends anyway."

Taecyeon chuckled again, "So, I'll call you... Yoong."


"Yeah, Yoong~~"

This time Yoona giggled.

"You look more prettier when you are smiling. Or laughing." Said Taecyeon as he looked at Yoona.

Yoona smiled shyly. Taecyeon smiled at her too. Without them knowing they were holding hands.

They walked and walked when suddenly Taecyeon stopped in front of scarf stand.

"Welcome! Are you looking for the best scarf? Then you are in the right place!" Said the seller.

"Jinjja? Then please give me one ahjumma~" Said Taecyeon, as he smiled to the seller.

"Okay then." The seller grabs one of scarf, "I think this green scarf really suits you kiddo." The seller give it to Taecyeon.

Taecyeon released his grasp with Yoona awkwardly and take the green scarf. Somehow, Yoona felt that her hand is getting cold.

"Ahjumma this is good. I'll take this." Said Taecyeon.

"Just 1? How about your girlfriend?" The seller asked as she glanced to Yoona.

Taecyeon blanked for a moment. Then he patted his forehead,

"Ah i totally forgot! Yoona pick one do you like the most among these scarfs." He said.

Yoona staring at Taecyeon and asked, "You're... going.. to.. buy me.. one?" She asked, stuttered.

Taecyeon nodded, "Eo. Just pick one Yoong."

Yoona bites her lips while looking at the scarfs.

"Aaah since both of you are couple, how about getting the same color? Here." The seller give the other green scarf to Yoona.

"But we are not..."

"Okay then, how much is this?"

Yoona tried to explain but Taecyeon cuts her off. Yoona just glanced at Taecyeon and pouted.

"Thank you for buying! I hope you two, will longlasting until you get married!" Said the seller with a big smile on her face.

Yoona eyes widened, "But ahjumma, actually..."

"Thank you ahjumma!" Again, Taecyeon cuts her off.

Aishh...! Yoona stared at Taecyeon. Then they walked again.

"Yah! Why did you say that?!" Yoona tapped on Taecyeon's shoulder.

"Why? Did you not like it?"


"But I like it. And I don't care." He said as he chuckled.

Yoona pouted again.




They finally arrived at Yoona's home. Taecyeon stopped his car and looked at Yoona who is sleeping right beside him.

She is.... really pretty.

Taecyeon still look at her, admired. He reaches over to touch Yoona's face and it looks like he might, for just a split second, but his hand lingers in the air and he pulls back.

Aigooo, what did you do, Ok Taecyeon! He thought, as he looked away from the sleeping Yoona.

A few minutes later he looked again at Yoona.

I am... truly sorry for making you a part of my plan... I am really really sorry.

Suddenly, Yoona opened her eyes. Taecyeon surprised and then he look away.

Yoona look around and asked, "Where are we?"

Taecyeon clears his throat, "We.. arrived.. in front of your home."

"Really?" Yoona grabs all of her things lazily and then unfasten her seatbelt.

"Your scarf.." Taecyeon gives her the green scarf. Yoona take it away.

"Thank you. Thank you for today, Taec." She said as she smiled to Taecyeon. She was about to get out from the car when suddenly, Taecyeon grabbed her wrist.


Yoona looked at Taecyeon. Taecyeon straightly looking at Yoona too. He actually didn't know why he did that. He just followed what his heart say.

"What?" Yoona asked.

"No-nothing.. just wanted to say.. good night. And... have a nice dream." Taecyeon stuttered as he released Yoona's hands slowly.

Yoona smiled again, "You too. Be careful."

Just like that, Taecyeon leaves to his apartment. He still astonished by himself.

Why did I do that?

Why did I grab her wrist?

What happened to me?

"Aigoo that girl driving me crazy!"

A few times later, Taecyeon arrived. He is going to his room, locked the door, and walking straightly to refrigerator and take out one bottle of soju.

He take a sip when suddenly his eyes caught something on the table right across him.

His photo with Jessica.

And then the flahsback starts...


To Be Continued------

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light_love #1
Chapter 3: Update please
Warsonic9620 #2
Chapter 3: Hope I can see the update of the story.
Chapter 4: its good, slow down a bit.
Hi there your poster is ready to pick up here :)
adelliaamanda #5
Chapter 2: please update soon
Chapter 2: pleaseee update sooon ><

jac_21 #7
Chapter 1: The 1st chapter definitively peak My Curiosity! Please update soon! Thnx