
바보가슴 (Foolish Heart)

That night, Taecyeon walked to his favourite cafe. He sits in the corner of cafe. He looked so miserable. Then he called one of the waiter. He needs a cup of hot chocolate to boost his mood. He was so depressed.



Taecyeon was at his office that afternoon when his phone is ringing abruptly. It was a call from his girlfriend, Jessica.

"Taecyeon, where are you?" Jessica asked.

"I am still working. Why?"

"I have something to tell you... Can we meet now?"


"Okay then. I'll see you at the hollys cafe. Bye." She hangs up. That time Taecyeon feels weird because she just called him Taecyeon. She used to call him oppa. It's kinda weird, isn't it? He thought. Then he packed all of his things and then leave the office.

They meet up at the hollys cafe. Taecyeon saw Jessica clearly with her uneasy look.

"Hi." He said. She smiled. Let me correct it, she tried to smile.

"So what is it then? Is there any problem?" Taecyeon asked.

"Hmm.. can't we order the drink first?" She stuttered.

Taecyeon nodded. "Sure."

Jessica called one of waiter and order. 10 minutes later, their hot chocolates were served perfectly on the table.

"Taec.. Thank you. Thank you for everything." She said it suddenly.

Taecyeon frowned. He nodded and waiting for the words to come from Jessica's beautiful lips.

"I don't think we could continue our relationship.." She said, again.

No. No way, He thought. "What are you trying to say?" He asked. He was perplexed. And nervous.

"We need to break up. I can't... do this anymore." She stated.

"B-but.. why?" Taecyeon asked. His voice shaking.

Jessica started to cry, "Do you remember my first boyfriend, Onew oppa? I met him a week ago." Tears were streaming down on her pretty face. "I knew that I shoudn't fall for him because I'm your girlfriend but to be honest... I still love him. Last night he text me that he still loves me and he wants me to be his girlfriend again.. I'm sorry Taec." She sobbed.

Taecyeon was speechless. He looked at Jessica's beautiful eyes. He couldn't believe it. But he is trying to be strong.

"Taecyeon-ah... i'm sorry. I am truly sorry."

Taecyeon sighed. He takes a deep breath and say,

"That's okay. If you want it this way... I'm okay." Then he stated, "I hope you are happy with him." He stood and left Jessica alone without looking back. Jessica chased him and suprisingly she hugged him from the back,

"Taecyeon-ah you deserve someone better than me."

*Flashback ends*


Taecyeon sighed again. He closed his eyes and bowed his head down. I still couldn't believe it. We were just.... breakup. After 5 years. 5 years. Such a long time, he thought. But what's weird is he didn't cry. Not every single tear drop from his eyes.

10 minutes later, the waitress came and served his hot chocolate.

"This is your hot chocolate, Sir." Said the waitress as she puts it in the table.

"Thank you." He said.

Taecyeon was about to take a sip when suddenly the waitress who served his chocolate collapsed right in front of his eyes. Taecyeon surprised,

"Miss are you okay?" Taecyeon asked as he looked at the waitress's face. She actually has a beautiful face, with her short, wavy, brown hair. But her face looked so pale.

"Miss?!" Taecyeon tried to wake her up.

"Is anybody here? Please come out and help me!" Taecyeon screamed as loud as possible. Suddenly he heard a sound of ringing phone from the waitress's pocket. He took the phone and picked up the call.

"Hyaa!! Im Yoona! Give me the money or i'll kick you out tomorrow!!" Said a drunken man on the telephone.

Taecyeon frowned. "I am sorry but who are you?" He asked.

"Me? I am the owner of the house that she rented 9 months ago! She haven't pay the rent's bill for 5 months! Hya i don't care who you are but give the phone to her!! I want to talk with her!!"

"She collapsed."

"Whatttt? Hahaha nice!! Just let her die then!!" The man giggled.

Taecyeon shocked. He think for a while, and he unexpectedly said, "I'll buy the house then. How much?"

After dealing with the drunken man Taecyeon hangs up. He screamed again,

"Is anybody here? Someone is collapsed! Please help!"

The waitress's friend finally came and help Taecyeon.

"Omo! Yoona-ya!" The other waitress shocked and then she come towards Taecyeon,

"I'll take care of everything. I'm sorry for bothering you in the late of night Sir." Said that waitress.

"No problem. Just make sure that she's okay." Said Taecyeon.

"Yes, I understand Sir."




The next morning, Taecyeon called one of his staff.

"Secretary Khun, could you come to my room right now?" He asked. And then he hangs up. In a second his staff came to his room.

"Can I help you Sir?" Asked Secretary Khun.

"Secretary Khun, please transfer 1000$ to this person." Taecyeon give him the number of that drunken man's bank account.

"Yes, I understand Sir." Secretary Khun bowed and left Taecyeon's room as soon as possible.

Taecyeon was dazed. "How is the waitress? Is she alright?" Taecyeon wondered.




"Hya Im Yoona!! Wake up! How could you, hya!" Tiffany wakes Yoona up. Yoona finally opened her eyes and look at Tiffany, confused.

"Where am I? What happened?" Yoona cluelessly asked.

"Hya! How could you collapsed in front of our customer!" Tiffany yelled at her.

"Me? Why am I.... collapsed?" Yoona asked. Again, she was still confused.

"I don't know why, but our customer, that man-which I didn't know his name helped you. Thanks to him." Tiffany sighed.

"Jeongmal?" Yoona asked.

"Eo. You can go home Yoong. You doesn't look healthy. Just rest for 1 day." Tiffany suggested.

"But i can't. I need that extra wages.."

"Hey that's okay. I'll tell the boss about your health and i think he'd understand. Plus, I don't think it's good for you to work here 24 hours Yoong."

Yoona smiled, "Okay then. Thank you so much!"




That afternoon Yoona was awaken by her phone ring.

"Aigooooo who dares to disturb my sleep!" Yoona grabs her phone lazily and pick the call up, "....Hello?"

"Ah Im Yoona!! Thanks to your boyfriend! Now the house is officially yours!" Said the man on the phone.

"Eo?! What do you mean?" Yoona eyes widened. She shocked.

"Yeah.. that man! Uhmmm what's his name... ahh Ok Taecyeon!! That guy bought you the house so don't you ever worry and live happily okayy~~~"


Yoona was speechless.


To Be Continued-------


This is my 2nd fanfict! I hope you like this chapter! >.<

What do you think about this chapter? Please write down your comment! Thank you for reading! :D


With love, Park Min Young.

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light_love #1
Chapter 3: Update please
Warsonic9620 #2
Chapter 3: Hope I can see the update of the story.
Chapter 4: its good, slow down a bit.
Hi there your poster is ready to pick up here :)
adelliaamanda #5
Chapter 2: please update soon
Chapter 2: pleaseee update sooon ><

jac_21 #7
Chapter 1: The 1st chapter definitively peak My Curiosity! Please update soon! Thnx