Chapter 4

When I fell in love with the devil

*Julie’s pov*

Did they seriously need that much time? Alice and I needed to come up with ideas for our rainbow themed cafe day. I had a paper and pencil in front of me and it was full of little doodles of possible ideas but each one of them was crossed out. I needed an exciting main dessert but I just could not get my brain to work. Just when I thought all hope was lost, Alice came bounding in through the door with bags in her hand.

“Look what Daehyun and I got.” She said happily and set the bags down in front of me.

I sifted through the items and was surprised, they were things I could have never afford with my salary but here they were sitting prettily in their bags and boxes.

“How much did they cost?” I asked.

“Ask Daehyun, he payed for them all.” Alice said and picked up the shopping bags and left towards the kitchen.

“Daehyun payed for them?!” I said in surprise and right then he entered into the shop.

“Yep but no worries it was on me.”

I stared at him a moment almost forgetting my manners “Thank you.”

“Your welcome.” He smiled and placed the remaining bags behind the counter for Alice to put away. As he set them down he seemed to notice my paper and its messy contents.

“What’s that?” He asked and pointed to the doodles.

“Oh, well me and Alice are having a rainbow day tomorrow and I needed a center dessert but I just can’t think of anything.” I replied and moved away so that he could look.

He observed it for a moment and nodded. “Could I suggest something?”

I wasn’t sure what to say so I just nodded, anyones ideas could be of help at the moment. He picked up the pencil and began to draw. Alice reappeared from the kitchen and stopped to see what Daehyun was doing.

She glanced up at me but I shrugged in response. He finally put the pencil down and showed me his creation. It was fudge but in a whole array of colors. My eyes widened in shock, it was perfect.

“How’d you come up with this so quickly?” I asked giving the paper to Alice.

“I don’t know, it just came to me.” He replied.

“Well it looks good but it needs to taste good. I think food coloring would be boring so how about a fruity flavor for each color?” Alice commented and pointed to each layer.

I nodded “That could work, we could use real fruit flavoring and add food coloring to make it pop out more.”

Alice clapped her hands in delight “It sounds awesome! We should get to work on it right now so that we have time to set up tomorrow.”

“Your right, Daehyun could you and Zelo return to your shop? It was nice having you over but we have to work and I don’t think you’d have much fun sitting around since the cafe’s closed.”

“Sure, I needed to get back to work anyway, I’ll stop by tomorrow.” He said and shook up Zelo who had fallen asleep at one of the tables. As soon as they left me and Alice went straight to making cakes. It was going to be a long night.

*Daehyun’s pov*

I walked ahead my mind in deep thought, they both seemed normal and downright nice ,except for Alice here and there, but why was Yongguk so intent on on finding out secrets on them? I’m sure they have nothing to hide.

I shook my head, I was thinking too much, I had to remember I was there for a job not on my own free will.

*Yong guk’s pov*

I sighed, no useful information from either boy, dammit Alice I should have known you wouldn’t be so easy to rat out. I shuffled the papers in my desk when I heard a soft knock on my door.

“Come in.” I called.

It opened to reveal Himchan, he entered and shut the door behind him.

“What is it Himchan.”

He smiled “I know what you’re up to Yongguk it’s not very hard. You’re worried about Alice aren’t you.”

I stopped my work and looked up at him, he’s the only one that knows everything that had happened in my past.

I sighed “She’s just too mysterious Himchan, why would she come back to Korea? She knows she has nothing here it would have been better for her to just stay in america.”

He shrugged “Don’t you think Alice misses her friend? That could just be the reason Yongguk, if you changed why can’t she?”

I scoffed “ You don’t know her like I do Himchan. She’s a very good liar and can trick others easily, if Jaehyung was here he would have laughed and said the same thing. People like Alice never change.”

*Alice’s pov*

I slide the last tray of rainbow fudge into the fridge and sighed, I was utterly exhausted. I looked over to Julie who was falling asleep at her desk, I smiled and went over to wake her but stopped when I heard a faint knock on our front door.

Didn’t people know we were closed? I pushed past the swinging set of doors and into the cafe area, I headed straight for the door and slid aside the curtain. I nearly screamed when I saw the bloody man outside. But at closer inspection I realised it was one of the drug dealers I worked with. I quickly unlocked the door and went outside. I was not about to let him in and risk Julie finding out.


“Chung-ho!” I exclaimed. “Oh my god, are you hurt.”

“I got shot but nowhere fatal, the others though I can’t say the same," he grunted.

“Who did this.” I growled.,"

Chung-ho smirked despite how bad the situation was at the moment “Dong-sun”

I felt all the air leave me “Dong-sun?! Jaehyung killed him Chung-ho.”

“Well he’s obviously alive Alice and he’s onto us. I’m laying low for a while and I suggest you do too.”

“You know I can’t, I already showed myself to Julie and I can’t hurt her by disappearing now Chung-ho, I need her more than anyone else right now.”

“Even more than jaehyung?”

I grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him abruptly, he groaned in pain and looked at me fear splayed across his face.

“Don’t you dare talk to me like that or I swear I will finish what Dong-sun started.” I said lowly and let him go. He fell onto his knees gasping. “Get out of here Chung-ho before he finds you.”

He looked up and nodded “Another thing Alice before I go.”

“That is?”

“Yongguk’s in trouble too.”

*Julie’s pov*

I awoke with a start and noticed I’d fallen asleep at the counter. I rubbed my eyes sleepily, hopefully Alice isn’t too mad. I searched the room but she was nowhere to be seen.

“Alice?” I called getting off my stool and leaving the kitchen and entering the cafe.

The first thing I noticed was that the curtains were slid aside and the front door was open. Had she gone outside? As I went over I noticed a little red on the first stair, I stepped closer and to my horror I realised it was blood. I held down my scream and rushed outside. Where was Alice, I was in such a panic I hadn’t noticed that I had run across the street and towards the la fete. I reached their door and began to pound my fists against it.

I was near hysterics when the door finally opened, revealing a tired Yongguk.

‘What.” He said shortly.

“Alice is missing and there’s blood on my stairs and I don’t know what happened!” I gasped and burst into tears, this was all too much.

Yongguk had gone wide eyed and tore down the street back to my cafe, I followed behind and heard the voices of the others but I wasn’t sure if they came along or not. I was breathing hard by the time I caught up to him. He was kneeling down and staring intently at the blood.

“It’s not her blood.” Yongguk commented.

I looked at him surprised “How do you know that?”

He gazed up at me and there was an emotion hidden in his eyes that I couldn’t quite place. But I knew I had to trust him.

“Then whose is it?”

“It’s a mans.”


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Chapter 14: Good Job ^^ Sorry for the late comment but can't wait for the sequel!! ^-^v
Chapter 13: Whoo~ Gurl! BangHim?! ^^ Finally got around to reading it!! Can't wait for the next update ^^
This story is really cool ^>^ It's pretty funny too, update soon~
Chapter 11: Girl~ ^^ Ima update yours too ^^
Chapter 10: Oh~ :'( No~ This is all starting to come together.
Can't wait~
Chapter 8: Gurl~ I was bout ready to flip shyt when Dae-Dae kissed you!!
Oh~ Excited for the next chapter ^^
Chapter 6: Aww hell naw!! My DaeHyun boo better not like Alice!! **
Chapter 5: Oh~ Snap!! Mian, but waiting for me and DaeHyun's y time~ ♥♥
Chapter 4: Lol!! You is a fruity person!! Awesome chapter!!
Chapter 3: Jo!! Its so great!! ^^ Thanks!! Can't wait for the next update!!