Chapter 5

When I fell in love with the devil

I began to shiver as the crisp fall air finally hit me and my light cafe uniform, Yongguk had left claiming  he knew where Alice was and left me in the care of no other than Daehyun. It was awkward as we stood beside each other a pool of blood between us but I gave a rueful smile as the memory of Jae Hyung's death flooded my mind we too were separated by spilled blood

“Aren’t you cold?” Daehyun asked interrupting me from my morbid thoughts.

I shook my head “I can handle it, I came from a state a lot colder than this.”

“Still it wouldn’t be of much help if you caught a cold.” he said while taking off his jacket and placing it over my shoulders.

“You can’t give this to me! You have nothing and I don’t want you getting sick.” I resisted even if the feeling of the jacket over me gave me a weird sort of comfort.

Daehyun smiled and I swear it made my stomach flutter.

“Julie keep it.”

Just with those words and the tone of his voice convinced me that I had to keep this jacket, that it, in some way would make me feel better.

“Do you think Yongguk will find her?” I asked my voice slightly above a whisper.

“I’m sure he will. Yongguk is an amazing guy.” Daehyun’s voice was so full of adoration for his leader that he too made me put all my faith into that man.

*Yongguk’s pov*

I knew that Alice had not gone far, she was too smart for that. She wouldn’t have gone where attention would have been attracted to her. So the first place I checked was the first alley on the street and I wasn’t surprised to see her as she leaned casually against the wall a cigarette in her hand.

She looked at me and she chuckled slightly. “Took you long enough.”

“Who’d you kill this time.”

“Very funny Yongguk but it wasn’t anyone random, it was Chung-ho.”

My eyes widened at the sound of his name “Why was he here, I thought he left Korea.”

She shook her head “Looks like he stayed, when I first came back he was the first one to find me, the little bastard. Talked me into selling drugs.”

“Alice. You know thats dangerous do you know what happened to us when we sold it for Jae Hyung?!” I growled.

“Don’t think I didn’t consider that Yongguk, but you know its hard to turn your back on something you were so dedicated to.”

“Alice we both know it wasn’t dedication that drove us.”

She sighed “I thought I could make it seem like it wasn’t a big deal but when I came back here I realised just how much damage we caused.”

It was my turn to be silent “What did Chung-ho want.”

“He was injured Yongguk, shot to be more exact.”

I laughed “I knew he’d get found out somehow. What, did he go into hiding?”

She gazed at me but her expression was grave “He’s in hiding but it wasn’t because of cops, Dong-sun is back Yongguk and he’s onto us.”

“Dong-sun?! But-” I managed to choke out.

“I know he was killed but according to Chung-ho he’s alive and he killed most of the drug dealers who used to work for Jae Hyung. Which means we’re on his list.”

“So what now, we both go into hiding?”

She let out a chilling laugh, a laugh that reminded me of her old self “We both know we can’t go into hiding, guess we’re just going to have to face the fact that we’re screwed.”

*Daehyun’s pov*

I was shocked to hear Julie cry and turned to see her running toward her friend, and I gave a little laugh as Julie inspected Alice everywhere to make sure she wasn’t hurt. As Julie said thanks to Yongguk, Alice and I made eye contact. She mouthed out “I need to to talk to you.” and I nodded in response. With that she excused herself from Julie and went over to me.

“First of all I want to thank you for taking care of Julie, you don’t know how much I appreciated that.”

“It’s ok, I didn’t mind at all.”

“Well I just want to let you know that things are going to be a little rough on me from now on.”

I looked up at her and something seemed off about her expression, there was a coldness to it that i’ve never seen before and it sent shivers down my spine. Her brown eyes seemed clouded and her stance rigid, what had happened. But the expression was gone in moments and she replaced it with the smile I saw often, it was a weird change accounting that she still had blood all over her work clothes.

“Well, I better go change. I’ll see you tomorrow Daehyun.” And with that she entered the cafe leaving me in awe.

Julie soon exchanged her goodbyes and she too left after Alice. Yongguk gave me a nudge indicating that we were leaving and I followed him back to our store.

“You know what Yongguk?”


“Their beautiful.”

He turned to give me a weird look “Whos beautiful?”

“Julie and Alice, they both kind of make me think in ways i’ve never thought in before. They both attract me but in two different perspectives.”

He laughed and stood in front of the open door, the light spilling on him making him slightly intimidating. “Be Careful for who you fall for Daehyun, the devil or the angel.”

And he left leaving the bright lights to engulf me, my skin prickling as if the words had formed an imaginary tattoo on my skin.

*Julie’s pov*

“Alice! What happened?” I cried following her up the stairs to the apartment we shared.

“JULIE. For the last time, a man was injured and I took him to the hospital. Isn’t that believable enough?”

I snorted “How can I believe that when you came back looking as if you found out you only had 3 months to live!”

“Actually shorter.” She mumbled.


“Nothing, anyway what can you expect I found a bloody man on our doorstep. Which reminds me that the blood needs to be gone by tomorrow.”

“Yongguk’s taking care of that. But what I want to know is what you’re hiding from me Alice. I thought there were no secrets kept between us!”

She turned to look at me a look of exasperation on her face. “That was a long time ago Julie, it might not even apply to us now. If I told you everything I knew I don’t think you’d want to be friends with me.”

I stopped, shocked that she would even suggest that “Alice, why…”

“I’m only saying the truth, you know I don’t have to tell you anything.”

“I deserve to know!” I yelled.

“No, no you don’t.”

I felt anger clamp its hand around me and I couldn’t stop the words as they left my mouth “Well you know what? Fine. Don’t tell me but I don’t want you here. Find your own house but I can’t have you living with me.”

I saw the hurt flash from behind her eyes but she didn’t say a word. It was silent as we both stood on the stairs neither one of us heading for the door.

“Alright I’ll go.” She whispered and disappeared inside.

I stayed exactly in the same spot my breathing calming and my actions dawning on me. I let my head fall into my hands and I felt myself tear up. What had I done?

*Alice’s pov*

I packed my things back into their bags, the tears threatening to fall, I should have known this would happen-


I turned to see Julie at the door, she looked small and fragile something I hadn’t seen in years.

“Yeah.” I replied keeping my voice steady.

“I’m sorry.” She sighed.

I turned towards her not sure what to say but she gladly continued.

“I was just overreacting and I know you wouldn’t lie to me.”

The words hit me like a bullet to my chest but I stayed silent.

“Can you forgive? Will you stay Alice? Please?”

“I’ll stay and I’m sorry too Julie.”

She smiled and came over to me enveloping me into a giant hug.

“Promise me there will be no secrets between us anymore.”

And like always I lied “Of course.”

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Chapter 14: Good Job ^^ Sorry for the late comment but can't wait for the sequel!! ^-^v
Chapter 13: Whoo~ Gurl! BangHim?! ^^ Finally got around to reading it!! Can't wait for the next update ^^
This story is really cool ^>^ It's pretty funny too, update soon~
Chapter 11: Girl~ ^^ Ima update yours too ^^
Chapter 10: Oh~ :'( No~ This is all starting to come together.
Can't wait~
Chapter 8: Gurl~ I was bout ready to flip shyt when Dae-Dae kissed you!!
Oh~ Excited for the next chapter ^^
Chapter 6: Aww hell naw!! My DaeHyun boo better not like Alice!! **
Chapter 5: Oh~ Snap!! Mian, but waiting for me and DaeHyun's y time~ ♥♥
Chapter 4: Lol!! You is a fruity person!! Awesome chapter!!
Chapter 3: Jo!! Its so great!! ^^ Thanks!! Can't wait for the next update!!