Chapter 3

When I fell in love with the devil

*Julie’s pov*

I woke up slightly dizzy from all the extra hours of sleep I got and at closer inspection I noticed I was in the comfort zone of my room.

“Alice?“ I called as I went into a sitting position.

“Yea?“ She answered appearing at my door.

“When did I…?“

“I pulled you in here after I found you passed out on the couch.“ She replied.

“Oh... I might as well get ready for work.“

Alice nodded and began to leave when I suddenly remembered a question I had to ask.

“Alice!“ I called and jumped out of bed.

“What.“ She turned and stopped me so that I wasn't in her personal space.

“Um where'd you go last night?“ I felt my voice lower and it was slightly embarrassing.

She stared at me a moment before answering “I was shopping.“

“You were shopping?“ I mentally slapped myself for sounding so suspicious.

She nodded“ You obviously know that I can shop for hours at any time of the day or did you forget that about your best friend?“

I felt myself flinch and a guilty feeling settled inside me.

“I`m sorry Alice, I didn't want you to get mad.“

“It`s fine I’m just a little tired.“

“Oh...well what did you buy?“

She froze and I knew right then and there that she had lied.

“Just tell me the truth Alice. Where were you?“

“Nothing that concerns you.“ She turned around and left the room.

“Alice!“ I called out my anger flaring.

But she was already out the door, slamming it shut behind her. The house was silent except for my labored breaths.

“Argh!“ I yelled in frustration. When had Alice become so private about her life?

I sighed and all my sudden energy flowed out leaving me tired and cranky. I looked at the clock and I had 2 hours before opening time.

I ate, dressed and did all my hygiene necessities in 30 minutes leaving me with an 1 and a half for my cafe.

I locked the door and hurried down the steps almost tripping in the process. As I neared the cafe I spotted Alice sitting on one of the nearby benches.

“Yah!“ I yelled and gained her attention. “Lets open up!“

I smiled showing her that I was letting this incident go but next time I won't be so easy.


The cafe was, yet again, full and everything was normal again between me and Alice. Jiyong, weirdly enough, wasn't here yet and it sort of worried me.

The bell then jingled and on a sprig of hope I turned to see if it was him. But no it was Daehyun and a boy who I saw at la fete but never learned the name of.

“Welcome to Wonderland how may I help you?“ Alice asked coming up to them but she eyed Daehyun uneasily.

“We just came here to talk with you and Julie.“ Daehyun answered and walked over to where I was.

“Can I sit here?“

I nodded, I couldn't deprive him of a seat even if he made me uncomfortable.

“Whos the kid?“ Alice said losing all the formality in her voice.

“I`m Choi Junhong or you can call me zelo.“ He bowed and at closer inspection he was quite cute.

“How old are you Zelo?“ I asked.


“That makes me and Alice your noonas“ I smiled.

He looked at me shyly and if not for the crowded room I would have already been giving him a death crushing fangirl hug.

“Don't you want to know more about me?“ Daehyun interrupted.

“No one cares about you Daehyun, we all know you're just plain annoying and lets not forget loud.“ Alice replied coyly.

“You shouldn't be talking miss I don`t shut up and mind my own business.“ he snapped back.

I tried holding back but I couldn't stop the giggle that escaped my lips. Daehyun turned towards me and smiled. My next laugh got caught in my throat as my insides tingled and I lost the mobility to speak, god dammit daehyun.

*Daehyuns pov*

I was glad I got a good reaction out of my comment, it might add me some points here.

“Oh shut up! I don't even know why you're here. Aren't we your competition?“ Alice asked and her face was slightly red from embarrassment.

I shrugged “My comments about you two were a little out of hand I have to admit.“

“A little?“ Alice burst out into fits of laughter “Yah! mister I got too big of an ego, just get to the in point.“

I glared at her a moment before continuing. “I just came to give an apology and was hoping we could become friends.“

Alice and Julie both looked at each other. They began to converse in english and I could barely understand except for a few words here and there.

“We accept your apology.“ Julie answered and stuck out her hand to seal our agreement.

I shook it and reached out for Alice but she moved away while giving me a hard stare.

“I`m gonna go shopping and get more stuff for the cakes, can I have the keys to the car?“ Alice asked completely ignoring the glare I was giving her.

“Yea sure thing, I wish Jiyong was here to help you though, the bags must be heavy and I don't want you to get hurt.“ Julie replied and gave Alice the keys with a worried expression.

I seized this opportunity to fix my friendship with Alice. “I`ll go.“

They both stared at me in shock “You?!“

I nodded “I`m a baker and I could help her around the baking supplies.“

“Well thats great, I`ll see you two in a bit then!“ Julie smiled but something seemed a bit off.

Alice looked uneasy as she led me to the cafes delivery van.

“You drive.“ She said and tossed me the keys, but before I could complain she was already in the passenger seat.

“Fine.“ I mumbled and got into the drivers side.

*Julie's pov*

Why was I so upset about Daehyun going with Alice to the store? I sighed and tried taking deep breaths but I didn't feel any better.

“Noona are you alright?“

I turned and saw Zelo who was left behind.

“Yea I’m fine, do you think you can take over for a little bit? I need to make a call.“

He nodded and stood up, I felt my mouth drop. He easily towered over me by a foot or so.

“I’m not too intimidating am I?“ He asked and he scratched his head as his face tilted towards the ground.

“No no no! your just fine, I should be complaining since I’m so short.“ I laughed as I made my way to the kitchen doors.

He nodded and turned his attention to the next customers which was a group of giggling girls. “If only he worked for me.“ I thought and pushed past the swinging doors.

I headed straight to the phone and dialed Jiyong's number.

“Hello?“ Answered a groggy, stuffy voice.

“Um is Jiyong there?“

“Your speaking to him.“

“Are you sick? You sound terrible.“

“Yea, you can say that. Why'd you call?“

I suddenly felt embarrassed, if I told him I wanted him here cause I was lonely he would think I liked him or that I’m clingy.

“Oh well…I needed more help at the shop and wanted to know if you could work part time!“ I lied.

“Part time worker?“

“Yeah! That way me and Alice can spend more time in the kitchen while you work at the counter.“

“By myself?“ He sounded unsure and a little uneasy.

“Well of course Alice will also do tables but I thought that hiring more help will lessen the stress. So please?“

It was silent a moment and I wished he would just answer my request to make it more believable.

"Um sure, I'll take the job. I'll stop by tomorrow is that alright?"

"Totally, I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye." I said and hung up.

I sighed, how pathetic can I get. I mean not confronting a small problem like that? It just showed how scared I am of having to face reality. I shrugged, I have more problems on my hand and that includes Daehyun.


*Alice's pov*

It was complete awkward silence as we drove to the cake shop that Daehyun claimed was the best.

"You know we have a job to do right?" I commented as we passed the store I was supposed to be in.

"Yeah but I'm sure Julie won't mind if we take a detour."

I rolled my eyes and slumped into my seat "Wake me up when we get there."


I was suddenly jolted from my sleep and I looked up to see Daehyun who gave me a sheepish smile. Still in a daze I looked around and a small feeling of panic set in as I realised I didn't know where we were.

"Come on." Daehyun urged and tugged on me to get out.

I groaned and let him pull me out, as I took a better look at our surroundings we were in a small parking lot and in front of us was a cute little cake shop.

“Why are we here again?”

“I’ve eaten at this place countless of times when I was younger and I thought maybe I could put us on better terms if I took you to eat here.” Daehyun gave me a wide grin and pulled me to the doors.

Once we were in a waitress took us to a table and sat us down.

“You two are quite the couple.” She commented.

“Oh no we’re not dating.” I replied, I didn’t want that comment to start into a rumor and spread around. Yongguk would kill me.

“Alright then, what do you two want to eat.”

I stared blankly up at her, I mean I didn’t even know what they had to offer. She seemed to realise I was a newbie and she quickly corrected herself. “Do you need a menu?”

“No it’s fine, could you get us something with Kiwi and mangos?”

The waitress nodded and left towards the kitchen.

I looked at him shocked “How did you know I liked those fruits?”

He turned to me and smirked “People call it a talent, I can sense the things an individual likes and dislikes and you like fruity stuff right?”

I nodded, I never expected him to be so observant.

“She’s back.” Daehyun commented turning away from me.

I looked at the tray that the lady carried and I felt my mouth water. The cake she held was so pretty and it looked great too. She set it down in front of us, bowed and left.

“You take the first bite.” Daehyun urged and pushed the plate towards me.

I took out my fork and sliced of a little piece and popped it into my mouth.

“Oh my god it’s so good!” I cried and grabbed a bigger piece.

Daehyun laughed “I knew you’d like it.”

“Thanks Daehyun and I’m sorry for being so mean to you.”

“Nah it’s fine, I apologize too. I shouldn’t have acted that way towards you or Julie.”

“Well we can start over. Friends?”

“Friends.” He replied and took some of the cake.

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Chapter 14: Good Job ^^ Sorry for the late comment but can't wait for the sequel!! ^-^v
Chapter 13: Whoo~ Gurl! BangHim?! ^^ Finally got around to reading it!! Can't wait for the next update ^^
This story is really cool ^>^ It's pretty funny too, update soon~
Chapter 11: Girl~ ^^ Ima update yours too ^^
Chapter 10: Oh~ :'( No~ This is all starting to come together.
Can't wait~
Chapter 8: Gurl~ I was bout ready to flip shyt when Dae-Dae kissed you!!
Oh~ Excited for the next chapter ^^
Chapter 6: Aww hell naw!! My DaeHyun boo better not like Alice!! **
Chapter 5: Oh~ Snap!! Mian, but waiting for me and DaeHyun's y time~ ♥♥
Chapter 4: Lol!! You is a fruity person!! Awesome chapter!!
Chapter 3: Jo!! Its so great!! ^^ Thanks!! Can't wait for the next update!!