Friend? Or no Friend?

My School Life At Sea

Day 12

"You guys are making your next stop in Chile" the translator said to Zuri. She didn't look at the translator at all, she just watched the teacher. It was like watching a movie with subtitles. It didn't matter much though anyway. She was all ears today since she left her glasses in her cabin. Every now and then, Zuri would look down and see Key. He was always talking to someone and he'd barely listen. She wanted to go down to his desk and scold him, but nah. Too much attention. She'd also always notice one guy particular glancing at her constantly. Once when she caught him looking, she waved. He just smiled and looked back down at his notes. "He's got a really cute smile" she thought for a moment. After class was over, Zuri walked up to Key to say good morning, but after she said hello, Key didn't respond. He didn't even look at her. He was too busy talking to Onew. Jonghyun walked up to her and pushed her. "What are you doing here? Back off!" he roared. Zuri took one big step back. Key was so involved with his conversation with Onew, nothing that happened to Zuri mattered to anyone, but she still tried fo talk to him again anyway. "Hey!" she called out to him. She made her way past Minho and Jonghyun fearlessly and waved to Key with a smile. Onew looked up and glared at her. "Yah! What do you want? We're having a conversation" he yelled. Zuri looked down at Key, who was looking down at his desk. "I just came to say hi to my friend" she explained. Onew, Jonghyun, and Minho laughed out loud. "Since when do you have friends?" Jonghyun pushed her again. "Since a couple days ago" she answered confidently. Since Zuri had made friends with Key, Ryeowook, and Taemin, she'd felt more confident. But Jonghyun was slowly bringing her back down. "He's not your friend. So don't even try" Onew stepped up. Zuri looked around in disgust. "Yes he is! You're all just mean and heartless people" she spat one more time and fled the room. "Yeah, you better leave!" Minho yelled before she slammed the door. "Do you need us to take care of her for you? She's starting to become a real pain in the " Minho asked. Key shook his head. "I'll handle it" he sighed. "Why didn't I do or say anything? She probably thinks I hate her now" Key screamed in his head. 

Day 13

All of the students made their way off of the ship and onto the coast of Chile. The kids were put into groups. Jonghyun and Onew were put into the same group as Zuri. "Wow, look at those odds" Zuri mumbled in her head when she found out. After taking tour after tour and writing down notes for hours, the students finally were able to sight-see. Taemin had walked into a small store when he saw a familiar face. "Donghae hyung!" he yelled. Donghae spun around and smiled. "Taemin-ah!" he beamed and gave him a bro hug. "How do you like Chile? I haven't seen you around school in a few days" Donghae asked. "Have you been busy?". Taemin lowered his head. The sudden thought of the girl popped in his head and how he decided to give up on her. "Maybe I'll get Donghae's advice. He's good with these things" Taemin thought up an idea. "Hyung. I need some advice" Taemin started. Donghae nodded and listened.

Jungsu and Key walked around a small shopping center in the town in Chile, talking about how boring the tours were. "Did you get good notes?" Jungsu asked Key. He eyed Jungsu up and down. "Sounds like someone wants to copy" Key smirked. "No. I want to compare" Jungsu defended himself. "Hyung. I'm not an idiot." Key laughed and lightly pushed him. They were busy laughing, looking at each other's notes when Key looked up and saw Zuri across the street. He smiled, but remembered how mean he was to her the day before. Since he knew Jungsu had an interest in her, Key pointed her out. "There's Zuri" he said flatly and pointed. Jungsu looked up and smiled. "What do I do if there's a girl who I think is super pretty, I think I might like her.. I might, I might not. I hope I don't. And I want to talk to her so bad, but I'm just too damn afraid?" Jungsu complained. Key looked away and thought "Sounds to me that you like her" he grinned. "Even though I met her and thought she was pretty first" Key said in his mind. "Should I just go up to her and start talking? You know her better than I do" Jungsu asked. This was a moment Key had taken in to feel like he had more knowledge on girls than Jungsu did. But in this situation, it was just one girl. "Well you see.." Key started. Jungsu just rolled his eyes. "She doesn't like it if you rush too fast. She's sorta has a fear of skinship" Key lied, totally making everything up. He didn't want Jungsu to touch her at all. "Oh.. Well that's okay. I wasn't planning on doing that anyway" Jungsu smiled. Key faked a smile and continued to give him false information "I just don't want him to get too close to her. Why is it that I feel like I don't want her to be friends with any other guy other than me?" Key's mind wondered. 

Zuri stood in the middle of the shop and looked at the snow globes that they had. Some were small, some were big. Some were prettier than others. Some played music. She then looked around the corner and saw a wall of only music boxes. She gasped in joy. "I love these!" she beamed quietly and fast walked over to the wall. She started by opening one and listening to it's beautiful music. She closed her eyes and swayed back and forth. After a while, she started to get the feeling that someone was watching her. "You like music, huh?" someone said next to her. Zuri opened her eyes and saw a girl about her age smiling at her. "Are you a student on the ship?" Zuri asked the girl. "Yupp. Are you?" the girl asked back. Zuri just nodded. "Cool, maybe I'll see more of you. I'm Yoona" she introduced herself and held out her hand. "Finally. A female friend!" Zuri thought. "I'm Zuri" she smiled and shook her hand. Yoona and Zuri talked for a few minutes in the shop and then left. "It's Key oppa!" Yoona beamed and pointed to the other side of the street. Zuri saw Key across the street and smiled foolishly. But then she realized. "Yoona knows him?" she thought. "I'm gunna go say hi to him" she smiled and started to walk across the street. But Zuri stopped her. "Wait!" she blurted and held Yoona back. "Why did I do that? Just let her go talk to him. What's the big deal?" she thought again and mentally slapped herself. "Why?" Yoona frowned. "Uuuh.. Because.. I" Zuri tried to explain. She couldn't control her actions. Her arm had refused to let of Yoona's. "Because I still want to talk to you. You're just so fascinating" she lied and walked with her the opposite direction. "I just don't like the thought of some other girl talking to him. Is that bad? Shouldn't I just let him be?" Zuri thought. 

After a long day of walking around a small part of Chile, the students headed back to the ship to eat dinner.

"Hey! Do you wanna sit with me and my friends at dinner? I wanna tell you about what I saw in Chile today" Ryeowook asked Zuri. "No. I'm so tired. And I'm actually not hungry. I'm gunna go to bed" she smiled and gave Ryeowook a light hug before walking off. When he made it to dinner, he sat with Jungsu, Jong-woon, Heechul, Donghae, and Kyuhyun. "What did she say?" Donghae asked. "She said she was too tired and that she wasn't hungry" Ryeowook looked over at Jungsu and frowned. Jungsu sighed. 

Zuri walked towards her cabin when the ship finally started to move again. Zuri looked up on her way and saw Key. She smiled at first but then she realized who he was sitting with. Jonghyun, Minho, and Onew. "Whatever. Might as well try again" she thought. She walked up to them and crossed her arms. It wasn't until she got closer that she realized that he was sitting with Taemin as well, along with four other girls. It was a big group. "Hey! I have been trying to say hi to you for a couple days" Zuri raised her voice above everyone else's. "What do you want?" one girl hissed at her. Taemin stood up and smiled at her, but Zuri couldn't take her attention off Key. "Why do you keep showing up? Can't you see that nobody here likes you?" Minho roared. "I don't care what you think. I just want to talk to Key and catch up" she snapped. "Wow, she really doesn't want to give up" Key thought. "Well if you haven't noticed, Key doesn't want to talk to you" Onew approached Zuri. "That's just what you think!!" Zuri yelled in his face. Onew gasped in disgust right before one of the girls got up and pushed her down to the ground. "I'm so ready to fight someone!!" Zuri thought. "Okay! EVERYBODY STOP!" Key got up and grabbed everyone's attention. "Zuri-ah. What makes you think that I honestly want to be your friend? Just because I talked to you once doesn't make us friends! I don't want to talk to ever again because you attract too much attention. I mean look at yourself!" Key ranted, his mind a blur. Zuri just listened in horror as one of the only people on the ship that she wanted to talk to was rejecting her like this. "If you try to approach me like this again, I'm going to have to report you to the faculty. Please leave me alone..  I don't want to be your friend" he finished. By this time, Zuri face was coated with tears. Taemin was shocked. "How could you say that, hyung??" Taemin yelled. Zuri started to back away. Key finally looked her in the eyes and saw pure sadness. "Oh god. What have I done??" he thought. This was the girl that had told him her life story. The girl that opened up to him. The girl that actually thought that Key decided to take on the role of a friend in her life, and he now that he had just said all those hateful things. Neither of them knew what to think. "No.." she whispered and shook her head. Key felt a small tear escape his eye. He reached out to her but she continued to back up until she was against the wall. "Dude, that was harsh" Onew said. "Yeah.. I didn't know that's how you really felt" Jonghyun agreed. "IT'S NOT!!" Key screamed back at them, which made them jump. When he looked back over at Zuri, she was gone. "Oh no.. What was I thinking?? What did I just do?? I'm such an evil person!" he screamed over and over in his mind. He was going to run after her, but it was dark and she was long gone. The four girls that were with them left, leaving Jonghyun, Onew, Minho, and Taemin to sit with Key to comfort him. "Why did you say that if it's not true?" Minho asked. Key had his head in hands. "Surely, that's not true" Jonghyun suggested. "It's not! I know it's not!" Taemin raised his voice. "C-Can you guys j-just.. just leave m-me alone?" Key sobbed. The other four boys looked at each other and nodded. They all got up and left Key to cry. Taemin looked back at him one last time. "How could he do that?"

Zuri ran halfway around the ship when she finally stopped. She wanted to get as far away from Key as she could. When she finally stopped, her knees gave in and she fell to the ground and sobbed profusely. "Why would he say that? Why did he lie to me? WHY WHY WHY WHY??" she screamed out loud. She sat there for almost an hour and cried non-stop. "This is all my fault" she whimpered out loud. "No matter what's going on, I highly doubt it" a person said standing in front of her. She looked up at the person to see that it was a boy. "Are you okay?" he asked. Zuri continued to cry. The boy sat down next to her and slowly put his arm around her. "No. I'm everything but okay" Zuri sobbed. The boy's presence started to calm her down and she took in a deep breath. "What happened?" he asked. There was a long pause. "Long story" she said flatly. "Well I've got the time" he smiled. Zuri looked at him and saw his smile. "I recognize your smile. Where have I seen it?" she asked. he shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I just have a unique face" he laughed. Zuri giggled. "I'm Zuri.. Thanks for talking to me" she sniffled and bit back more tears. The boy took his arm back and smiled. "Not a problem.. I'm Jungsu"

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