Mad Goose Chase

My School Life At Sea

Day 7 at sea

Taemin walked up and down the halls reading a book. Taemin is unable to read books unless he's moving or standing up. Weird. It's been 4 days and he still hasn't seen the girl he photographed. Taemin looked up from his book and ahead of him was a familiar face. Wearing silly glasses, black messy hair, holding a nintendo DS. "Ryeowook hyung!" Taemin called out to the geek. Ryeowook looked up and saw Taemin waving at him. "Hey! How's your life at sea been?" he asked cheerfully. Before Taemin could answer, Ryeowook looked back down at his DS. "Just wait Lugia. In a minute, we're going to crush the elite four. Just you wait" he smiled and shut his DS slowly. "Take care of blazakan for me" he whispered one last time before finally shutting his DS. "I need to ask you something! It's important. Well, I wish it wasn't important, but it is" Taemin sighed. "Whatever is it, I'm here for you comrade" Ryeowook straightened up. "Okay" Taemin mumbled while he took out his digital camera and pulled up the picture of the girl. "Have you ever seen, this girl?" Taemin asked. Ryeowook adjusted his glasses and squited his eyes at the small screen. "Yeah! She's in my class, third period, greek mythology." Ryeowook beamed. Taemin frowned. "Aww. My third period is on Ancient Rome. Hate that class. Like seriously. Who cares?" Taemin pouted. "People who wanna be a world history teacher care" Ryeowook argued. "Is that what you wanna be?" Taemin asked. "No. But that's a great career choice" 

Since Ryeowook wasn't of any help, Taemin decided to go to his cousin and see what he got. Taemin couldn't just skip class and go to Ryeowook's class just to meet her. That would be ridiculous. Taemin made it to his room and saw Jungsu on his bed, dozing off. "Hyung. I need to ask you something. Also sorry I haven't been talking to you in the past few days. I've been busy". "It's okay. I've been busy too. What's up?" Jungsu rose up from his bed and looked over at Taemin. "Have you found anything from the mission I sent you on?" he asked his older cousin. "You mean the mission to find your girlfriend?" Jungsu teased. "Shut up! She's not my girlfriend! I don't know her! Not even her name.." Taemin sighed. He wanted to know her so bad. "Well, no. I didn't find anything. I do have a foreigner in one of my classes. I thought for a split second that she was mystery girl, but she wasn't. Her skin is lighter than the girl in the photograph, and her hair is shorter. Taemin sighed. "Okay. Then we just keep looking. I mean. It's a class of barely 1000 students. How hard can this be?" Taemin laughed.

Day 8 at sea

Taemin wandered around the top story of the ship like he always does to enjoy the wind. "Why is it always so breezy up here??" he said out loud. Taemin sat on a flight of stairs when he saw a girl looking out into the ocean. Her hair was medium brown, just above shoulder length. Her skin was milky white. She finally looked over in Taemin's direction and that's when he realized that the girl was a foreigner. "Maybe she knows of mystery girl's whereabouts! I mean, don't foreigners stick together?" Taemin thought. "Excuse me, miss!" he said running towards her. "Yes. Can I help you?" the girl said. Taemin started to bring up the picture in his camera. The girl looked at Taemin confused. "Have you ever seen this girl's face before? Anywhere?" Taemin asked. He started to sweat. "No, I've never seen her before.. I'm sorry" the girl sighed. "I thought I almost had something here" Taemin snapped his fingers. "Did you think all of us foreigners stuck together?" the girl laughed. Taemin nodded. He felt totally defeated. "We don't, since there are only two or three of us here" she sighed. "I'm Taemin, nice to meet you" Taemin held out his hand. The girl smiled and shook it. "I'm Zuri. You know, if you need help looking for this girl, I can help" Zuri offered. "Really? That would mean so much! Thank you" Taemin beamed. "I have a suggestion" Zuri said rubbing her chin. Taemin waited for her idea to come out. "What is it?" he asked. "When and where did you take this picture?" Zuri asked calmly. Taemin told her in detail the day he took the picture and what time. The whole nine yards. "Well. I suggest that you just go back to where she was last time and say hello. Go back to that storage room at night and introduce yourself" she explained. "Sorta like retracing steps?" Taemin asked excitedly. "Ehh, sorta. Just let me know how it goes, okay?" Zuri said patting Taemin on the back and walking down the steps, headed for her room to do her homework. 

"I'm telling you, he's such a love sick puppy" Taemin heard Jungsu say through the door. "I bet.. He's falls in love way too fast" He heard a voice. It sounded familiar, but not familiar enough. Taemin barged in to protest. "I'm not in love!" he fumed. Jungsu had been talking to Jong-woon, an old friend of theirs from pre-school. "If you weren't, then why are you trying so hard to find her? Leaving our cabin at night to see if she's in that storage room. Asking random strangers if they've seen her" Jungsu raised his voice. "They're not strangers! I ran into Ryeowook hyung today. And I actually think I made a friend too. She's a foreigner and she said she'll help me find her" Taemin argued. Jungsu shot up. "What did this new friend look like?" he asked. "Umm, she was my height, short-ish brown hair. Green eyes" Taemin described. "That's the girl from my first period class! What's her name?" Jungsu asked again. "Why? Do you have a crush on her? It seems like you do" Jong-woon smiled. Jungsu turned around to Jong-woon and hit him upside the head. "I do not!" he yelled in his face then turned back over to Taemin "Just answer my question" Jungsu continued. "Her name is Zuri. I don't know much about her" Taemin sighed "She wants me to stop spying and just go into the storage room where she sits at night and talk to her". "That actually is a good idea" Jong-woon chimed in. Jungsu was deep in thought. "Hyung, what are you thinking about?" Taemin said tilting his head. Jungsu just shook his head "Nothing" he sighed. Jong-woon and Taemin gave each other a creeper smile. "You know, I can introduce you to Zuri, if you want" Taemin said. Jungsu sprung up. "You can?!?!? I mean... You can?" he beamed, but tried to keep his cool. "Yeah, for sure!" Taemin smiled.

That night, Taemin got out of bed quietly tying not to wake Jungsu. He tip toed around the room and headed for the door. "Be careful, you" Jungsu said half asleep, rolling over on his side. Taemin took a deep breath and walked out into the windy night. When Taemin made it to the top story, he looked up and saw no stars, and in the distance was lightening. "Oh no, not a storm" Taemin sighed and rushed to the storage room. Who knows how fast the storm is approaching. Taemin was standing outside the storage unit where he took the picture. There was no music, but a candle was lit. "She probably just left her music in her cabin" Taemin thought and walked into the room to see that she wasn't there. All that was there was one lit candle. "Hello? Anyone here?" he called out. He searched high and low for any sign of life, when he came up with nothing. Taemin started to feel hurt in the bottom of his heart and sat where the girl sat when she drew in her book. "Maybe she'll come back tomorrow night" he thought and blew out the candle


Hello there! I feel like I'm taking this story too fast. Lol oh well. xD

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