All Aboard!

My School Life At Sea

"But I don't feel like doing this, dad! I really don't" Zuri complained to her father while they watched TV. "Do you have everything packed for tomorrow?" he asked blankly, not taking his eyes off the television screen. "You're not even listening to me! Why don't you ever listen?" the teenage girl fussed. "I'm listening sweetie" her father said, still not looking. "Well it doesn't seem like it" Zuri pouted. Just then, Zuri's step mother, Sunyoung walked into the room. "Do you have everything packed?" she asked nicely. Zuri didn't like Sunyoung. She hated how she tried to take her mom's spot. Zuri glared at her silently, then ran to her room and slammed the door. Finally, Zuri's dad took his eyes of the TV and looked up at Sunyoung. Sunyoung just sighed. "I think I'm gunna try to talk to her" she delcared. Zuri's father just nodded and continued watching TV

"What is it like?"

"I don't know yet"

"Are you gunna get sea sick?"

"Doubt it"

"Who's gunna be on the boat?"

"Other kids. And don't call it a boat, it's a ship"

"Can I go?"


"Why not?"

"Because, young one! You are not old enough to go, get it?! You wouldn't understand a single word the teacher says and you would be crying all the time because you'd miss dad!!!" Zuri finally exploded at her little sister, Jenny

"No I wouldn't! I'm a big girl" Jenny crossed her arms. "Not big enough" Zuri mumbled while she packed the last of her clothes. While Jenny just stood there pouting, Sunyoung came into the room slowly. Jenny turned around and smiled "Hi mommy!" she beamed. Zuri jumped at the sound of the word 'mommy' coming out of Jenny's mouth and spun around to see her looking up at Sunyoung, who was in the door way. "She's not our mom, Jenny!" Zuri fumed. "She is now!" Jenny said sticking her tongue out and running out of the room. Zuri wanted to chase after her. "Take it back!" Zuri screeched. She tried running out but Sunyoung stopped her. "Can I talk to you for a moment?" her step mom asked politely. In the past year, Sunyoung has been trying to get on Zuri's good side. But even now, everything she's tried hasn't seemed to work yet. Zuri rolled her eyes and turned around to her suitcase again "Make it fast, I'm still packing" she said coldly. Sunyoung sighed and sat down on Zuri's bed. "You know, I think you're really going to like it" she said trying to break the ice, the thick, cold coooold ice. "Oh, do you?" Zuri snapped. "Yes. I think this is going to be good experience" Sunyoung continued. "You're just excited to get me out of the house, because you know I can't accept the fact that you're my "new mom". But the truth is, you can't replace my mom. I'll never accept you as a mom. To me, you're just a woman who married my dad" Zuri said getting into Sunyoung's face. "I know how you feel". Zuri looked back at her remark with surprise, but just kept her cool "Pssh, no you don't" she growled. "Maybe not exactly. My parents divorced when I was your age" Sunyoung started. This got Zuri's attention. "They'd always fight. My dad told me that he hated my mom, and soon they split. Then my mom remarried and told me "This is your new dad", but I couldn't accept him. He was nice and everything.. But he never compared to my dad, Not even in the slightest" Sunyoung explained. Zuri just listened carefully. "In the end. I never did accept him. I just couldn't. I don't expect you to accept me, but I'd like it.. If you'd be nice to me" she pleaded. Zuri stood there for a few minutes and thought about what to say. "Tonight, I'll take you out for ice cream. And we can talk. And we can be buddies. For one night. It's what I've wanted for so long" Sunyoung pleaded. Zuri could feel slight remorse. "Have I really been that harsh on her all this time?" she thought in her head. Zuri just nodded, which made Sunyoung smile. After Zuri was done packing, she went out with her step mom for ice cream, since the next she'd be gone for only god knows how long.

The next day at 10am, Zuri and her family drove to the docks where they got to see the new school. When they stepped out of the bus, they came face to face with the biggest ship they'd ever seen. The ship was 15 stories high. "Wooooow. That's a really big boat" Jenny gaped at the huge ship. It looked much like a cruise, but it wasn't. It was a school. 

Zuri was stopped right by the elevator by her father. "Be safe.. Please.." he pleaded. "I'll be okay dad. Just... Have fun with one daughter for now.. Enjoy it while you can" Zuri joked. Jenny laughed. Their father just patted her on the head. "How will I be able to communicate?" Zuri asked. "Just use the Korean I taught you. You'll learn more later. If they don't have a class on language, then we'll call and request one for you" Sunyoung smiled. Zuri had really bonded Sunyoung last night on their late night ice cream run. They finally let all their feelings out and were finally able to talk easier than ever. Too bad it was right before Zuri had to leave. "You'll be just fine.. Don't hesitate to make new friends" Sunyoung said again. Zuri smiled up at her and gave her an unexpected hug. Sunyoung looked over at her husband and smiled "I'm gunna miss you sissy!" Jenny sobbed. "It'll be okay, little one" Zuri knelt down and kissed her baby sister on the forehead. "Who's gunna read my stories goodnight? And brush my hair? You do it the best!" Jenny whined. Zuri giggled quietly. When she stood up, she went straight for her dad and hugged him tight. "I'm gunna miss hugging you" he sighed and Zuri's dark brown hair. "I know. Just pretend that I'm still here.. For now" she said into his jacket. When she released her grip, she headed for the elevator and went up slowly, waving goodbye at her little family. When she looked up at the sky in the glass elevator, that was last time she saw their faces. 

When the doors opened, she saw a bridge. At one end, was where she was standing, and the other end, was the actual entrance of the ship. She walked slowly, taking in the moment. "My first time on a cruise. And I have to go to school" she mumbled. When she made it on the ship, it was beautiful. It looked brand new, like it hasn't been around for more than a year. Kids were flooding the walk ways. Zuri didn't look around much, she didn't want to attract attention, since she figured she will be the center of attention because she's a foreigner. The ship had taken off in Seoul, and it had stopped in America so the kids could learn up on American culture. And that's when Zuri boarded. Zuri quietly went to the front desk outside the rows of cabins and got her room key. "Room 100 exactly? That's weird.." Zuri thought as she walked down the hall to room 100. Since she got one of the smallest rooms on the ship, she didn't have a roommate like most of the kids had. But they warned her if their kid count got too high, she'll probably have one later on. While she walked down the hall of rooms, two girls came running towards her the opposite direction. Laughing, jumping around, until they saw Zuri. Then they stopped and gave a dirty look. Zuri took this by surprise, but she kept walking. 

When Zuri reached her room, she unpacked quickly and left to hear the loud horn everyone told her about. She had to go up on the highest story, and the very top of the ship where you can see the sky. When she made it, all the kids were over the edge waving out to everyone. Zuri just stood in the middle and spun around, looking for a place to look out with everyone else. Her eyes finally made it to one spot next to a boy with blonde hair. "Another foreigner?" she thought. She ran up to see that there was a bunch of people looking up at them waving back. Zuri tried searching for her family, but they were no where to be found. "Yah!! That was my spot!" a girl behind Zuri yelled out and pulled her away. Zuri blinked at the sudden contact. "Find your own spot!" the girl hissed before shoving Zuri to the ground. When her body made a loud thud on the wood, the boy with blonde hair turned around and saw her on the ground. He panicked and helped her up in a flash. He flashed her a smile and went back to his spot to wave again. Zuri just sighed in defeat and decided to go down the steps again to a lower story. Before the made it anywhere, the horn sounded and deafened almost every kid on the top story. They all grabbed their ears in pain. Some knelt down to the ground. Zuri held onto her eyes for dear life. Her eyes rang so loud, and her vision started to blur. She looked around and saw someone coming up to her to help her. It was the one with the blonde hair again. "Are you okay??" he asked in korean. Zuri didn't understand so she didn't answer. The boy looked down at her face and saw that she was foreign. "Are you okay?" he asked again, this time in english. Zuri looked up at him and nodded. The boy flashed another smile and helped her up. Zuri just bowed awkwardly and ran down the stairs to a lower level, leaving the blonde boy to stand in the middle of everything. Another boy with light brown hair walked up to him and held onto his shoulder. "Key, are you okay? What's going on?" the other boy asked. "I'm okay." Key said to his friend, Jinki.

While Zuri walked along one of the halls, and looked out of her town, she a tad unbalanced, then she looked down and realized that the ship was moving. "Well, I can't jump out now, or I'll get shredded" she joked and kept walked. "And so my adventure begins" she said again while she watched San Francisco get smaller and smaller


Sorry the first chapter was so loooong, and no one was really in it except for Zuri. But you know, Zuri is you. :D The next chapter will probably be up today, so stick around <3

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