Key is the sweetest thing I ever had

I Just Wanted to Live!

Back with an update for all of you guys cause I love you that much~


When ever someone thinks of the mall they think of dates, people hanging out, and going to find a date. But when your with Key it’s nothing like that. Everything is a blur as your being pulled by the hand.

“Key please slow down I cant keep up!” I was exhausted. The moment we had gotten there it was like he was a runner in the biggest marathon in the world.

“Oh come on you baby! Plus this will help your stamina when you start training, did you think it would be a walk in the park honey?” At this point he had slowed down a little bit so now we were standing side by side.

“Well no but we will have to face that when the time comes.”

“Ah true little one, but now its time to go to the first store. Tada~” He stopped and turned to a store and pointed to the store with open arms. I followed his gaze and saw that we were standing in front of forever 21.

“This is more of your style.” He smiled and walked into the store leaving me behind. It felt as though this was a shopping trip for him more then me.

I didn’t even get a chance to look at clothes as he held them to my body and either said “This will do” or “Oh god no”, I kinda of just went with the flow. I mean I have no fashion sense what so ever so I just let him do it all for me. Before I new what happened he was gone.

“Key?” I looked all around, going on my toes to see if I can see him when it caught my eye. These black leather boots. I some how gravitated towards it like a magnet. When I reached it I was entranced by the way they looked up close. They were knee high boots with a semi skinny heel. The zipper on the side made it have this “Bad” look to them.

“Ah I see you found what I was looking for.” Key had shown up beside me like he just vaporized there. I looked at him with a questioning gaze. “In your past lives you always had these special fighting boots. Always the black boots no matter what.” He crossed his arms and laughed like her remembered something.

“What’s that look on your face. I’m guessing I did something stupid in the past.”

“Stupid isn’t even the word for what you did.”

“OH TELL ME~!” I started to jump around. For some reason when I heard about my past got really happy.

“Okay, okay. Lets go pay for this and then we can go sit and talk about it.” I nodded in agreement as we walked towards the cashier. Key placed all the items on the counter and smiled to the lady.

“Your total will be $450.78.” She said while passing key a flirtatious smile.

“Wow that’s it. I thought it would be more.” He said as he went to get his wallet out of his black skinny jeans.

“Oh well I gave you my employee discount. I’m a fan of yours. A huge fan Mr. Key.” I forgot that the boys were semi- famous. No wonder we kept getting looks as we came in.

“Oh well then I feel I should repay you. What’s your price darling?” Key leaned on the counter with both his hands and came really close to the cashiers face. “With someone as pretty as you I’d do anything.” He reached up his right hand and ran his index finger along the jaw line of the now blushing cashier.

“Can you sing Juliette for me?”

“Sure what’s your name babe?”


“Heyeon you take my soul away~” And the next thing you know the girl fainted right there.

“Oh my god are you okay?!” I ran to the counter and jumped over it. ‘This ninja outburst need to stop!’ I thought as I reached her and placed my hand on the back of her neck. I started to fan her and soon her eyes opened. “Are you okay?”

“I feel more alive then I ever have before.” She got up and fixed her clothes. “Thank you for that.”

“Anytime sweetie.” Key said with a wink. By this point I was getting annoyed by his flirtatious style. So I decided to throw the girl off a little bit. I wrapped my arm around Key’s waist and rested my head on his shoulder.

“Yeobo~ I’m hungry, can you take me to get something to eat?” I batted my eyes and him and smiled. He seemed to catch on with what I was doing. He in return wrapped his arms around my waist and faced me.

“What do you wanna eat? Ice cream?” I shook my head “ Crepes?”

“No, not sweet enough.” He looked at me with a questioning gaze.

“Then what?” and here is comes. I reached up and put my mouth closer to his ear.

“You are what I want to eat~The sweetest thing I ever tasted.” I said it loud enough so that the cashier can hear me too. She just stared at us with envy and shock. Key on the other hand held in his laughter and looked at the girl.

“Can you pack this up. I have some business to take care of.” And with that I let go of him as the girl quickly packed all our stuff and handed it to us. Key grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the store while whispering “I’m telling Onew~” I didn’t understand what he meant but it made me giggle even more.

“Okay so now that, that is done with lets go get you a new look.” And off we went to the salon.


The rest of us had packed all of Mi Young’s things and was now finishing up putting it all in her room that was right next to mine. The house is pretty big but not too big it was just right for six people to live in. Mi Young’s room was at the end of the hallway with mine on the right of her door then on her left was Sooyoung and across Sooyoung’s was Jonghyun, then Minho, then Key and last was Taemin at the end. It was a 3 floor house. The firs floor or the basement was the training rooms and all the equiptment or the goodies as we like to call it. The 2 floor was the main floor the kitchen, living room, TV room and dining room was all there. And the 3 floor was the bedrooms.

“Hyung when do you think they will be back?” I was in my room when I heard taemin ask me a question from my door.

“I have no clue. You know Key, you say shopping and he becomes like a little kid in a candy store. Plus he hand to make Mi Young over. So only god knows when he will be back.” I my bed so that my back was now flat on my bed and my pillows propped me up so that I can see him.

“Ah that’s true.” But taemins face showed something else. I got up so that I was sitting up right.

“Taemin-ah what’s with that worried look on your face?”


He seemed like he wanted to say no but he just let out a sigh and put his head down. He walked to my bed and sat next to me with his knees up and his head resting on them.

“Will things be the same as they were before?” He said in a whisper but I heard him crystal clear.

“I don’t know Minnie-ah. But if it will be we know how to prepare our self’s right?” I wrapped my arm around him. I knew this was a touchy subject for him, well for all of us actually.

“Hyung I don’t know if I can go through it again.” He snuggled into my side. He was my little brother my only relative left. I had to make a new family with the others. In our past lives it has always just been the six of us…fighting side by side. I rested my head on taemin’s head when I heard him sob.

“Shhh little brother it will be okay. Your hyung is here okay I’ll never leave you. None of us will….I promise you that.”


Okay soooooo I have come to a conclusion…college is hard and very time consuming so I will be updating in little chapters like this. Comments and Subcribers make RIRI and SHINee really really happy.

Onew: No! Lies! Chicken makes me happy!!

Me: Shhhhh And how did you get that tape off your mouth. -Evil smile- 

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teddiebears #1
popping in to older fics to say hi .u.
Fangirlforlife #3
Chapter 6: Please update soon
Update soon ^^
aundrea #6
yay you updated! i love this story so much cant wait for the training to start its going to be funny
Woah! Lols onew and chicken xD I so love the plot and how they all relate to her and their past lives so cool! Lols so that means jonghyun is the bestfriend right? Hm lols
I'm loving this stories plot so far!!! :) are you going to make sooyoung have a "thing" for one of the guys, if so I think jonghyun would be so cute :D hhahahha onew's shirt got chicken kekeke XD
aundrea #9
AWW! I cant wait to see who the fathers bestfriends son. I think its onew and i love sooyoung she is so funny
ahhh, I'm REALLY into it!!!^ _____________ ^<br />