29. Last day

7 hours from home, next door to heart (in the process of editing)

“Jungmin!” Hyung Jun went for his hyung the moment he saw him sitting on the couch watching a cartoon; “yah, what why Hyung Jun-ah?!” Jungmin put his bowl down as Hyung Jun came after him with a hand out for his neck.

“You’re in trouble,” Kibum said chuckling as he closed the door behind them, “for making our father meet us.”

“I figured I should, it seemed like the right thing to do.” Hyung Jun stopped, the two Kim brothers blinked at him. “I guess I should have told you but then you may not have agreed to do it.” Jungmin lowered himself to the couch, “I only just called him this morning; while you two were getting ready for church.”

“—So you weren’t really sleeping at all,” Hyung Jun was shocked, “hyung~”

“He agreed when I explained that it would be the only time that it could happen,” Jungmin continued to explain, “I called KyuYang before he picked you up to ask him if he was able to take you there. He really likes you two because he didn’t object or ask for further reason as to why he should do it.” Hyung Jun and Kibum glanced at the other. They didn’t know what to say.

“Hyung,” Kibum walked over to Jungmin. Jungmin stood, “thank you.” He then hugged Jungmin before letting go. Hyung Jun came over to him and did the same.

“Aish you’re going to make me cry,” Jungmin stuck out his tongue, “I’m sorry I had to go behind your backs like that.”

“We forgive you,” Hyung Jun told him.

“So where’s Maddy?” Funny how his attention had changed from one topic to another.

“She’s gone back to her apartment, she’ll join us in a few minutes,” Kibum explained.

“Speaking of Maddy,” Jungmin had a random thought, “what are you going to do Hyung Jun-ah?”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Well,” Jungmin folded his arms, “we leave tomorrow morning right?”

“Yes at six thirty am.”

“So, tonight will be the last time that you may be able to confess to her.” Hyung Jun stepped back nearly falling over the chair, “-c-confess?!” His comrades nodded.

“Yes, tell her how you feel.”

“I can’t…” They sighed Kibum raised his head to the ceiling.

“Why, you obviously are crazy about her.”

“Because my father…”

“—What did he say?!” Jungmin demanded getting Kibum interested, “yeah hyung. What did appa say about it?”

“Well...” Hyung Jun ran a hand through his hair, “that… Look at us,” they did, “we may not be well known here… But back home, many people love us. Most of them are girls, how do you think they are going to be when they learn that their ‘oppa’ is in a relationship.”

“I’d say, ‘get over it.’” They gasped, “It’s not their business whoever their ‘oppa’ dates.”


“I’m serious,” Jungmin’s face showed it, “you can’t let the green pea’s control what you do and who you can like. Either way sooner or later you will want to get married right?” Hyung Jun nodded.

“So will you stay single just because of a few jealous fans?” Hyung Jun shook his head.

“Exactly,” Jungmin patted him on the shoulder, “look Maddy may or may not be the one you will spend the rest of your life with. But for now she’s the one girl you’re interested in. She’s not like other girls, you see the female celebrities, and some of them are no good and the ones that are end up getting taken quickly.” They understood this; the world of celebrities was far different from that of normal people. Dating was more of an issue than if it had been with people who weren’t seen everywhere or recognized in a majority of the world.

“What I’m trying to say is,” Jungmin added, “you have to at least try before you go and then regret never saying anything.” Hyung Jun moved aside to be alone for a bit. He had to think it over. Time was running out. The question was; would he do it?

“Hyung,” Kibum said to Jungmin, “I don’t know if we may have been—“

“—I will,” they were surprised, Hyung Jun wasn’t smiling but he seemed composed, “I will plan something for tonight.”

“Good,” Jungmin clapped his hands together, “now what’s the idea?”


Maddy knocked on their door exactly when Kibum had said. The door opened to reveal Kibum’s happy face, “noona.”


“Sorry, I forgot you wouldn’t know,” Kibum apologized, “but noona is a good thing in Korean.”

“Ah,” she placed her hand bag down, “where are the others?”

“Oh they went out for a bit,” Kibum lied. He couldn’t really say where they were, “would you like a drink?”

“I’m fine thank you,” Maddy looked around the apartment, one of the suitcases sat by a bedroom door, “so you really are leaving tomorrow…” She sounded sad.

“Yeah, our flight leaves early,” Kibum told her taking out his suitcase that was half ped, “six thirty.”

“Wow,” Maddy showed she understood this, “I see.”

“We were thinking of having dinner out tonight,” Kibum explained as he had been scripted to say, “There’s a nice Korean restaurant that we wanted to go to. We were going to go at seven pm; would that be ok?”

“Of course,” Maddy nodded, “I’d be happy to come.” It was silent for a while.

“So,” Kibum tried to think of something to say, “Will you miss us?” Maddy nodded without hesitation.


“Ah yes,” fortunately she knew what it meant, “of course. You three are like brothers to me…” She trailed off, her mind thinking something else.

“So are we all brothers?”


“I have an idea,” Kibum went to the kitchen, “we can make kimchi for lunch!”

“Kibum what’s Kimchi?”

“It’s really yummy,” Kibum disappeared for a moment and came back with his wallet and phone, “come on. There’s a shop nearby that stocks the ingredients.” He went to the door with a confused Maddy following him.


“Huh, w-where did they?” Jungmin was gob smacked. Their apartment was empty, no sign of Maddy or Kibum anywhere. Hyung Jun’s phone beeped.

“Gone to that shop, we will make kimchi for lunch,” he read from his phone, “Ah Kibum-ah, you know cooking isn’t a strength of yours.”

“We are having kimchi for lunch? Daebak,” Jungmin had disregarded what Hyung Jun had just said. They sat down on the chairs.  “So,” Jungmin leaned over so his mouth was at Hyung Jun’s ear, “the plan is dinner then we go back but Maddy and you go elsewhere and….” He winked at him; Hyung Jun pushed Jungmin’s head back with a composed face.  “Aigoo I’m so excited,” Jungmin clapped his hands together, “sarang, sarang, sarang!”

“What are you two doing?” The two jumped, Maddy and Kibum were watching them, holding grocery bags in their arms.

“Umm,” Jungmin lowered his hands while Hyung Jun cleared his throat; “n-nothing?” Jungmin did the peace symbol to show that there wasn’t.

“Do you want to help?” Maddy lifted her bags up. The two looked at the other and then both pointed with a finger. This scene caused the onlookers to burst out laughing.

“I guess they will watch,” Kibum said as they carried the bags to the kitchen. Jungmin lowered his finger only to make a love heart with his hand. Hyung Jun grabbed the heart and the two struggled on the chairs.

“You two,” Kibum mockingly scolded them while grinning in amusement. They were such boys. Sometime later Kibum and Maddy had put everything that wasn’t needed away while they got ready.

Maddy was tying up her apron but fumbling with the string on the back. Kibum stepped behind her to tie it for her.  Jungmin glanced at Hyung Jun but he seemed focused on something else, a small, velvet blue box which he was placing in his jacket pocket.

“Maddy we need to cut this up,” Kibum pointed to the vegetable that was part of the kimchi dish. Maddy nodded and began to work with Kibum helping.

“I can’t wait,” Jungmin rubbed his tummy happily. Hyung Jun couldn’t make himself smile. For the last lunch that they would be having with Maddy, it was a bittersweet feeling that it was a nice dish but for such a sad time.


“So how is it?” Maddy asked the guys as they helped themselves to the dish in the middle. Jungmin was the first to take a bite. “De…Yummy,” Maddy smiled, relieved as well as laughing at Jungmin’s choice of words.

“It really is good,” Hyung Jun agreed eating his mouthful.

“We did well noona,” Kibum nodded as he raised his hands for Maddy to hi-5.

“So what time do we want to go to dinner tonight?”

“Won’t you three need to be getting up early in the morning?” Maddy asked. They had a point.

“Mm,” they stopped to think for a moment. All of them pondered as they ate the kimchi. Kibum’s face lit up, “I know; would six thirty work?”

“Sure,” Maddy nodded, “six thirty would be fine.”

“Then we will meet outside at that time,” Jungmin decided, “yay we have a plan.” He grinned at Hyung Jun however the other two thought it was coincidence.


“So are you set?” Jungmin asked Hyung Jun as he joined him in their bathroom, Jungmin spotted a bulge in one of Hyung Jun’s inner pockets.

“Yes,” Hyung Jun checked his hair for the umpteenth time. They were dressed smart casual, nice shirts and jackets with skinny jeans. Jungmin had dark blue shirt and a grey jacket while Hyung Jun had black for both of them and had dark blue jeans.

“Hyungs we’ll be late,” Kibum came in smelling like his cologne, “it’s twenty nine minutes past six.”

“Gee, impatient aren’t we,” Jungmin did the unthinkable and ruffled Kibum’s hair. “Relax.”

“My hair,” Kibum moaned going away to fix it up.

“Ah you really had to do that hyung?” Hyung Jun sighed at Jungmin, “we’ll be late now.”

“He can walk,” Jungmin was being joking while seeming serious.  

“Ah she’s here,” Kibum said this just as the door knocked. They went to the door, Maddy was in a flowery skirt with a denim jacket, a pair of black ankle boots and a pink singlet. She had left her hair untouched in its natural waves.

“Are we ready?” Kibum called to the other two, they walked out Jungmin was giving off charisma intensely. Maddy couldn’t look him in the eyes. Hyung Jun was jealous for that brief second.


Ah I didn’t think I would get this far. I almost wrote this too long until I counted how many pages I’d done for this one. I guess the next chapter will have the… Whoops almost spoiled it hehehe. This fanfic will end later it seems but be happy my fellow triple S’. If there are any of you guys who want me to read their fanfics I will be happy to. SS501 is in need of some serious loving. I need to focus on them once my MBLAQ faze is over, ah Byunghee and Changsun my two lovely favourites from the group much sarang to them both <3. Well I guess it’s from watching Idol Army and Hello Baby. Please sub Ep 3 of Hello Baby soon…… *Trails off*

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I'm going to edit this story at some point. Just the grammar and vocab because it's horrible.


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lavi018 #1
Chapter 32: I liked the ending very much, cute story... Baby seemed so mature with kibum and then on meeting his hyungs he turns again into his old cute self.. ^-^
hielooo #2
^___^ nice story!
PART TWO. I was surprised by your wall but I feel bad I have not commented. SILENT READER IS SORRY :(((

gREAT story!!
Aawww..... I want part 2!! XDD
kYAA!! I want a kiss too!! xDD LOL~ though I don't want it from Hyung Jun but, from Kibum hahaha!!!

The song, did you just translate it to Korean or is it really a song? I'm curious...
nice chapter! :) waiting for more ^^