Let the rain fall


'We've to get to the hospital NOW! Baby is coming oh... lord the baby is coming! Step on it Donghae who cares about the cops just get me to the hospital NOW!!


‘Let’s not have this baby.’ Donghae said as he looked at his girlfriend in the eye. ‘What!’ she gasp, heartbroken she slap him on the cheek and said. ‘We are over Lee Donghae; I want nothing to do with you anymore.’ Two weeks later ‘I’m sorry; I’m sorry let’s get married and be the family we always dreamt about.’ Donghae beg his ex- girlfriend. Turning away, she started to speak but was woken up when her mobile phone rang. ‘It was just a dream… who’s is calling this late at night, I’m hungry, what should I do? Oh pick up the phone, right! Whoever you are, it better be good!


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omg..is Dasom dead???no...T.T