True Colours: One-shot Collection


 #1: Reason Number 14: I hate the way he covers his mouth whenever he laughs. Why would he hide his smile when it actually makes him so beautiful? I mean, his teeth are perfectly aligned right? He must be thankful that he didn't have to be like me that has to withstand the pain of the dentist's torture just for me to have an "ideal" teeth. Yeah, to be me. 20 Reasons Why I Hate Kim Jaejoong 

#2:  In which Yunho tries his best to write a fanfiction—trying to impress his Jaejoongie, of course. - Better Than You

#3: Yunho decided to have his own dictionary. - Yunho's Dictionary



I've decided to have my own one-shot collection! :)

There won't only be Yunho/Jaejoong stories. There are some YooSu, MinFood, etc too. :D




Genre: Romance | Humour | Drama | Fluff | Angst(?) :)

*it depends upon my mood. HAHA :))

**I might include some fail! chapters. =)) I’ll try to make one :P :)



Author’s Note: Yeah, I know. Another story, right? I couldn’t help it! :D =))  I promise I’ll update Facebook and Dong Bang Messenger and this one on June 24! :D :))




I hope you'll subscribe and will drop some love~ XD <3






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BeeCher #1
Chapter 3: Love it ❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 3: "Just mine so back the hell off" xD
i just found this's really good and funny too...cute...but you haven't updated for quite sometimes....please do because i have a high expectation on u...

thanks ^^
Lol~ I love the Yunjae one~ 'hottest couple' damn right it is~!!!!!
FOR THE WIN. :)) Kim Jaejoong's definition..GOLD. This is so daebak. XD
you really are the best crack-ish author...
Axiela #7
Yunnie is so cute in a possessive-but-not-too-stalkerish way lol Hope to see more of these cute oneshots! Really like your writing style and how ou depict the Yunjae =)<br />
Thanks for the hard work!
Hey , I read this and find Yunnie weird but CUTE~~ But seriously his character is weird but I like it . It's refreshing ^3^ Update soon ~
hi new reader here!!! just finished the first reminds me of 7 THINGS I HATE ABOUT MINHO HYUNG...2min fic in livejournal...<br />
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nyweiz, its CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...<br />
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and i heard you're the real and true author of Yunho's Dictionary..i think you deserve the words of praises, of course you do..that fic is simply AMAZING... so sweet~ <br />
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well i'm off to read your other stories<br />
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*ipagalakianggalingngpinoy*<br />
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