Chapter 7: The Queens’ Judgement

Speak Now

Yonghwa’s POV

                 So, today’s the day. The dreaded day where I face the wrath of eight powerful ladies, also known as the Girls’ Generation. Omo, who would have thought that these beautiful ladies could be so scary. But no one knows how intimidating they could get when their maknae is involved. And I just happened to be the man that was the first love and heartbreak of their most precious Seobaby. It was because of them that I rarely saw Seohyun within the past 3 years. They would always hide her and protect her from me during events, and would continuously give me these deadly stares. Ugh, those stares pierced right through my soul, it was deadly scary. Aigoo, well there’s no turning back now, I decided. If I want to be able have a relationship with Seohyun, I know I’ll have to have her unnie-dul’s consent and prove myself worthy. With more self-encouragement I finally reached their apartment and slowly approached the elevator. Once I reached their floor and stepped out, I saw Hyunnie patiently waiting a few doors away from their dorm. I came up to her and she approached me with that beautiful shy smile of hers that never fails to calm me.

                 “Oppa! I’m glad you came early. My unnie-dul would have made things harder if you were even a minute late,” she said, as she took some of the bags that I was holding and held my hand. “Oh, and what are these?”

                 “Oh, it’s just food that I bought on my way here. I thought it could lessen the tension a bit if I bribed them with food.”

                 “Haha, nice try, oppa. But that’ll only work on Sooyoung-unnie, and even she tames her hunger for food when it comes to interrogating the possible boyfriends of our group,” she replied.

                 Hearing this, made me even more nervous. If food can’t even help me get on the good side of Sooyoung-ssi, then I’m doomed! As if Hyun read my mind, she gently squeezed my hand, “You’ll be fine oppa, besides as long as you behave and answer their questions sincerely, they’ll approve you,” Hyunnie smiled.

                 And after what seemed like forever we finally reached their door. I hesitantly reached up and knocked the door, with a little push from Hyun. Okay, take a deep breath, Yonghwa. You can do this. And once the door was open, I entered the dorm in what would be the longest day of my life.

                 “Oh, Jung Yonghwa-ssi, please come in,” Taeyeon-ssi answered the door. She soon lead me to the living room where the rest of the girls were sitting at. I handed the bag of food to Taeyeon, as she prepared the tea and snacks. I then sat down on the couch after being told to by Tiffany, with Hyunnie sitting beside me. No one spoke, and like Hyunnie said, even Sooyoung wasn’t affected the food that I brought in, which meant that this was very serious. Once Taeyeon sat down, the interrogation started.

                 “So Jung Yonghwa-ssi, you do know the reason as to why you’re here, right?” the kid leader asked.

                 “De, I’m here to ask for your permission to be able to date Seohyun,” I answered, with Seohyun holding my already sweaty hands.

                 “Good, now that you know that, I hope you also realize that we won’t go easy on you just because you were a gentleman during the WGM show.  Besides, you were the one that broke our maknae’s heart for the past 3 years, when you avoided her after your filming ended. You better have a good reason for hurting our Hyunnie for so long. You don’t know how much she cried by herself at night,” the ever so blunt ice princess told me.

                 I let out a breath and started, “Yes, I know that my attitude during WGM won’t be included in the reasons. As for a good reason as to why I hurt Hyunnie back then, I’m afraid I don’t have one.”

                 “What do you mean by this?! Then why are you even here?!” yelled Hyoyeon.

                 “Hyo, let him finish,” told Tiffany. “Please Yonghwa-ssi, could you explain?”

                 Well, here goes. “I was a coward. I’ve already had feelings for Seohyun back then and already confirmed it as love. But, I knew that Seohyun was still new to this, and I honestly didn’t think she felt anything for me other than friendship. When WGM ended, I didn’t know what to do. I no longer had any reasons to text or call her, so I stopped, thinking I would only be a burden if I was to continuously contact her. I knew I should have confessed, but I was afraid of rejection. I’ve never liked anyone like her before. I’ve dated some girls in the past, but in the end, I could only see them as close friends. If Seohyun was to reject me, I don’t think I would have been able to take it, so I was content with just the way things were.”

                 “Then why did you date Shinhye-ssi? If Seohyun was so special, why’d you move on so fast?” I could tell by the look on Yuri’s face, she was confused.

                 “I thought I could move on. That my feelings for Seohyun would slowly fade away. I once had a crush on Shinhye-ssi, and I since we were comfortable with each other, we started going out. But it was never a serious relationship. We were at most, just two best friends hanging out. Shinhye-ssi was also using me as a rebound after her unsuccessful relationship with Keun Suk-ssi, but still had feelings for him. But I realized that no matter what I do or how long I wait, Seohyun was always on my mind. I realized I lost something precious by being a coward,” I could no longer look at the girls in the eyes. Though, I really didn’t want to reveal my feelings like this to them, I knew I had to. I’d rather be seen as a coward, then lose Seohyun again.

                 “Well, we may know that you love her now, but how will we know that you won’t change your mind later on, or cheat on her when your feelings are gone,” Sunny asked.

                 At this I immediately raised my head. “I’ve been in love with Seohyun for 3 years. If my feelings didn’t die out when I wasn’t with her then, I’m pretty sure they’d only grow stronger if I were to actually be by her side. I’ve also tried dating other women, but even then I couldn’t get my mind off Hyun. After suffering for the past years, I’m positive that Seo Joohyun is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.” Aigoo, I just made a love confession to all nine members. I could feel my face turning red, and even worse, it seems that the ice princess and dancing queen are enjoying my reaction.

                 “Okay, so we know you’re loyal, but Seohyun’s our maknae. Even though she’s acts strong and mature, she’s still a girl. Relationships takes a lot of sacrifice. We need to know whether she’ll be able to depend on you, and that you’ll give her the time she needs. If she won’t even be able to see often, even if you’re idols, I’m afraid your relationship won’t last long,” Sooyoung said.

                 “I’ll make sure to make time. I know that you’re all busy, and being idols makes it even harder, but I’ll do whatever it takes just so we can see each other. And as for being dependable, I don’t only want to be Hyunnie’s boyfriend, but I also want to be her best friend. I’m able to be myself when I’m with her, and I hope that she’ll be able to be comfortable around me and trust me more. Knowing that she’s new to dating, I’ll do anything it takes to make her comfortable.” I was becoming more confident. It seems that I’m slowly meeting their requirements.

                 “Alright, then. You seem pretty sincere. But Seohyun is our sister, and our member. We’ve been leaning on each other ever since we were trainees and were facing the harsh world at an earlier age. We only had each other at that time, and each of us kept supporting each other. We’re a family even if we’re not of the same blood, and if you hurt our Seobaby, you have eight girls watching you. We may be females, but there is so much we can do to make you suffer, Yonghwa-ssi. So please take care of her,” Yoona smiled.

                 “I can’t promise that I won’t hurt her, but I promise to do everything I can to work things out. I love Seohyun, and I won’t be stupid enough to let her go again,” I looked at each of the ladies, before finally setting my eyes to the one I truly loved.

                 “Good, then Yong-seobang, welcome to the SNSD family! We approve of your relationship with our Seobaby!” Taeyeon finally smiled, which caused the other seven to follow her lead. At this my heart finally felt a huge burden being lifted.

                 “Finally! I’m hungry, it was soooo hard to resist the food that was on the table. Aigoo, the things I do for my love for Hyunnie.” Sooyoung shouted as she devoured the snacks laid out on the table.

                 “Ugh, I’m sleepy. That took so much more time than I thought,” Jessica soon walked in her room, but came out not long after and said, “if anyone disturbs me, you’re dead.” And she slammed her door after giving off a deadly glare.

                 Hyun, soon took me to her room so we could have some alone time, and I felt so relieved. “Wah, what just happened?” I asked, still confused with the sudden change of atmosphere. “First your unnies were glaring at me, then they suddenly celebrate our getting together as if nothing happened? I-I don’t get it…”

                 “It’s okay, they’re always like this, besides you should be happy! They approve of us!” Seohyun shrieked and tackled me with a hug.

                 “Haha, the things I do for you. Man, this was by far the scariest day of my life.”

                 “Stop exaggerating oppa, they just want to make sure that your serious. By the way, the stuff you said out there was debaek! Who knew you had the guts to confess in front of my unnie-dul! That probably gave you some bonus points. Even their boyfriends didn’t do that!” Seohyun praised me.

                 “Well, now that that’s over, you have to meet the CNBlue boys,” I smirked.

                 “No problem, besides we still talk often. If you haven’t noticed, Jungshin-chingoo has been attracted to Sooyoung-unnie and Jonghyun-oppa and Yoona-unnie have been real close lately. I’d say we’ll have two more interrogations coming up, if they finally get together. And now that we’re a couple we can play cupid!!” Bwo?! How come I never knew that her and the boys were close? Aigoo, I’ll have to talk to them when I get home.

                 “Well, I’m not sure about playing match-maker, but how we meet up next week? I’ll let the boys know, and I’ll talk to the two who apparently like one of the tigresses in SNSD.”

                 “Oppa, we’re not that scary! And sure, I’ll just get there after I finish my schedule at 2. For now let’s enjoy the night!”

                 “Arasso,” who could deny her with that cute smile on her face? 


So this chapter's more serious, but I the next should be more goofy. Hope I didn't bore you out that much and please leave comments and subscribe. Also, if there's something you want me to write about please comment. Thanks for reading!

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ela2807 #1
Chapter 8: Thank you for your update. They are cute cute.
adina1602 #2
Chapter 8: welcome back author-nim.. it ok.. take your time.. kind feel happy cause i though you already abandon this fic.. thanks..
fiokpop #3
Chapter 7: Love it!!! ♥ Please update soon!!!
maerd82 #4
Chapter 1: I hope 1 by 1 all the soshi reveal their love life, I believe it will impact their career but for those that really love them, I doubt it matter as long as they are happy, no matter what before a singer, they are human too.
Chapter 7: update soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon
Chapter 7: update soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon
oqyoiko_89 #7
Chapter 7: Wow finally they all accept yong. Yeah CNSD family so cuteee. Even the news lately bout yoona n sooyoung dating news really make me surprise. Earlier in this year we hear big news bout soshi love life. Surely if yongseo really dating for real yong really envy with their boyfriend but hyun a wise one she know what to do this time. Please write bout ys moment more amd krysmin. Even u just blow up bout jonghyun yoona and jungshin sooyoung bout its okay for me bcoz this is just a fanfic right? But for yongseo i hope they are a real one.
oqyoiko_89 #8
Chapter 6: Happy new year too authornim. Yeahhh they are officialy a cpl right now. About the news this morning. Yoona seunggi go public make me wonder and still hoping this cpl will be fine. Bcoz SM just let thekr idol go public right now. But maybe it still not okay for FNC. so just date secretly till the right time. Goguma always support u both. Hope u will not hiatus for a long time like before. Update soon. :)
YongSeoForever7 #9
Thanx for your comments everyone. I know that I kind of vanished from this story ever since school started, but I'm not giving it up! Since its Christmas break right now, I'm planning to update more chapters, so please bear with me. I'm sorry for the long hiatus, but I'm back! Please look forward to it, and Happy Holidays everyone! ^-^
seohyun5014 #10
Chapter 5: .. one word.. SubaRashi!!! which mean wonderful !!.. cant wait for another update!