Secret Kiss Part 1

MushieMonster's One-shot Collection :)

~Your POV~


'Right now I'm in cram school but Math's Mr. Kim is really Irritating'  I took out my phone and texted Changmin my love?


'What is Changmin doing? it's been a while I want to talk face to face' I smiled


'I was thinking the same, when should we meet?' He replied


"Kyaa! Yes!" I screamed in my mind


"Hey! ______~ah! Mr. Kim is looking over here!" My seatmate and friend Taeyeon said


"Huh?" I was surprised!


'OMO! WHAT TO DO!?' I screamed like hell I don't want people to hear me so I screamed in my mind


"Hey Ms. Lee you sure are brave if you're going to send e-mails during class!" I can see Mr. Kim's face boiling in anger


'Gyaa! I was caught!' He actually... took my phone


"I'm confiscating this, I'll give it back when classes are over" He started teaching again


~After class~


I went to his class after my last class... he was talking to students... maybe his... fans? anyways after his "FANS" were done he went up to me


"Is this Changmin guy your boyfriend?" He asked


"You're wrong! He's not my boyfriend! it's none of your business is it!? it's not about cram school!" I explained


"That was some reaction" he mummbled loudly


"Huh?" I was confused


"Will you go out with me? _______~sshi?" huh? Just.. now.. why?


"M-mr. K-Kim?" I stuttered


"But outside of class you have nothing to do with us... You're different.." He smiled


"Huh!? Mr. Kim!!" I screamed


"I'll listen to your answer next time see ya!" he left


"_____~ah what's wrong did he give you back your cellphone?" Taeyeon asked






"-fessed...." I mummbled


"Ehhh! Mr. Kim confessed!?" She finally got it


"What should I do Taeyeon, I can't figure out what to do myself!" I hugged her tightly


"Really, that Mr. Kim likes _____~ah?... surprising" she smirked


"What should I do I still have until our next class to reply!.... USELESS USELESS USELESS!" I jumped up and down


"I really can't date that scary person!" I thought my soul got taken away


"It's probably because _____~ah has many good traits that Mr. Kim likes" Taeyeon giggled


"I'm not that happy that this kind of person likes me!" I screamed at her


"Yeah Yeah Yeah" She flapped her right hand


"and...I still...Changmin~sshi"


After class I went to Changmin~sshi's school


I saw him went out with a girl...


"Huh? it's _____~ah Why are you here?"


"Uh... ahm.. I was close by so I came over..." I forcefully smiled


"I want to tell you something... I actually got a girlfriend..." He smiled


"Is that so? She's cute!" I replied


I walked to where my feet will lead me to... I stopped... I looked up and found Mr. Kim stitting there smiling at me


"Mr. Kim... Why are you in a place like this?" I asked


"Taeyeon told me you went to Changmin's High School" He replied


"Anyway, did Mr. Kim came here to tease me with my failure!?" I asked


"I didn't come here to make fun of you" He admitted


"Mr. Kim you don't understand how I feel right now don't you!?" I asked again


"I Understand" He replied


"I got dumpped by a girl yesterday..." He told me


"Huh?" I asked with a confused tone.... was it me?


"Mr. K-Kim...Yesterday you said.... you mean .... me?" I was so confused


He coughed


"Who else could it be?" I was shocked


"It's okay if we moved slowly" he said


"This guy doesn't know your good qualities" He continued


"First let's just start with a trail period okay?" He suggested


~Next Day~

~Cram School~

~After Class~


"Mr. Kim... this kind of treatment hasn't changed form before...Actually,He's even angrier than before" You cried to him


"Oh, I was doing that on purpose" He plainly said


"From now on we'll be a cram school teacher and a student, If we're discovered, it will be troublesome, right?" He explained




"What's with that!?" I asked madly


"If you say it like that then why did you confess to me?" I asked again a little calmly this time


"Well you know...  Before I was a teacher I was a normal guy you know" He closed his eyes and opened them again


"If it's like that don't you think you're getting a little too mad?" he smiled


"If you could just be a little bit nicer it would be okay" I banged my head on the table


"Hmm.. Is that so?" he smirked

"_____~sshi want's me to be nicer... sound like a girlfriend" his smirk got brighter


"I didn't say that kind of thing!!" I hit him on the head


'Mr. Kim touched me with his big hands...Calling my name with his deep voice... Hugging me with his strong arms' I thought


When I exited the room I saw a girl standing infront of me


"I've liked Jaejoong~sshi since he was dating my sister... Since Jaejoong~sshi was here I entered this cram school... I know about Jaejoong~shi and you but I don't accept it!" She said and walked away


'This person... is Mr. Kim's ex-girlfriends little sister and she like Mr. Kim' I thought and it made me wonder about his past


I left the school there were so many students chattering Taeyeon left me alone... I looked left and right which way will I go!?


"This way ______~ah!" I heard a voice


"Mr. Kim!"  I shouted surprised


"Is it really okay for you to go home with you?... I want to give you a ride" he explained


"Is that so..." I heard footsteps behind me...


"Jaejoong~sshi your hobby with girls is bad!" The girl shouted


"Sooyoung...." Mr. Kim mummbled


"What's with that girl she's totally different form Unnie!" The girl who's known to be Sooyoung asked


"She's not the intellectual type and she's not beautiful!" She spoke again


She kept on shouting


"Why is it okay for her but it's bad for me? I don't get it!" It hurts my feelings it really hurts


"Sooyoung is careless... ______~ah let's go!" Mr. Kim dragged me to his car


"Don't worry about what Sooyoung said earlier"


I didn't reply just then, he took of his seat belts and came closer to me he was actually going to kiss me
 I remembered what Sooyoung told Mr. Kim


"No..." I spoke


but he kept on getting closer to me... I have no choice but to shove him away


"I don't want to!..."


"I'm sorry if I was too fast... just forget what happened" he lowered down her head


~Next Day~

~After Class~


I was so depressed that day I walked alone when I was walking down the streets I saw Mr. Kim's car I ran faster but I saw Sooyoung riding the passengers seat I watched them rolling away


'It's cruel... if his feeling were that simple then why... why did he say he liked me?' I thought


~End of Your POV~

~Jaejoong's Car~


"What do you want to talk about Jaejoong~sshi?" Sooyoung asked with a bright smile


"Can you stop it?" He plainly said




"Quit telling her all those things about the past She's certainly not as beautiful and intelligent as you sister but..She's the only girl to date me and take me as I am idiotically straight forward" he explained


~Your POV~


"Is it really late for me to dropping in?"  I asked myself


I turned around and saw Mr. Kim outside his car leaning against the driver's door


"If it wasn't like this with me to take you, it'd be scary" he told me


'I don't want to! I don't want to see him right now...' I ran away


"Hey! Why did you run when you saw my face?" he turned me around and he saw me crying


From his face I can see he was shocked


"You.. What's wrong? really... did you cry because you thought that I was giving Sooyoung a ride?" He asked


"Listen .... I was shocked that you rejected my kiss but my feelings for you haven't changed I did all that because I want her to stop all the harrasment" he told me


"B-but, it's just that ... I don't want Mr. Kim to be with someone else!!" I confessed


'I JUST SAID TOO MUCH!' I covered my mouth


"Come Here ______~ah" He took out his hand




I took my right hand and placed it on top of his


"Don't call me Mr. Kim anymore... Call me Oppa or Jaejoong Oppa" He smiled....


"O-Oppa... here it's close to your house, if anyone sees..." I lowered down my head


"What are you talking about?, it's dark no one will see..." Mr. Kim I mean Jaejoong said


"And besides... You got Jealous..." He smirked


I shooked my head


"Yo...wro..." I can't find the words to say!


"That's Right..." he looked up annoyed a little


"If I get a kiss from you right in front like this, I'll forgive you for doughting me..."  He smiled


"Huh!?-------" I was shocked at the sudden request


"If we don't kiss you'll hold a grudge?" I asked again


"......" No reply


"If you can do that, how about I promise you that no one other than ________~ah can ride in the passengers seat?" He smiled


"Cr-Cruel Jaejoong! even though it's my first time, You're bullying me you idiot!" I pouted


"Well it's okay if you don't" He had a staright face plastered


"Okay... then..." I had no choice


"Close your eyes" I instructed him


"It's closed..." he said


I tiptoed and reached for his lips after a while it touched mine... they were soft and sweet like cakes...


'I did it! even though it was my first time I was the one who gave it!' I thought and I felt like jumping


"Alright... You did very well" he said and hugged me


~To Be Continued~

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aisssh #1
Chapter 1: awwww XD //spazz so cute~