First day.

I Don't Like You
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I looked up and saw Sehun staring at me with angry eyes.

"ummmm is something wrong?" I asked.

"You betcha!" He said while smiling but his eyes were full of anger and they looked piercing as they looked into my eyes.... creepy.

"w-well, I don't know w-what could b-be bothering you but i-if there's anything I can d-do to help just a-ask" I told him while smiling nervously. His face then turned into an angry poker face and I couldn't help but to shudder. he's so scary!!!

"Yea, YOU'RE the problem. I don't like you" he cockily said. It was starting to get me angry. Calm down KyungMi, keep your cool. We don't want to show the bad side of us especially right now, be kind and calm!

"Oh, well I'm sorry to hear that, but I honestly don't know what I did to make you dislike me, but I am sorry" I then fake smiled. He scoffed. this bastard.

"I don't care for your apologies, I want you out of here, you disturb me and I don't like it." Oh my god, I'm going to end up yelling at him. He then pushed his arm up against the wall above my shoulder, I was in the corner, no where to escape. .

"Uhm, I'm sorry to hear that. But I can't leave and it's lunch time, we should get going."

"Not until you say that I'm better than you." (॓_॔) OH MY FAWKING GOD! I was starting to get very impatient and was on the verge of screaming my lungs off.

"Just leave me alone." With that said, I tried to push him away but he wouldn't budge. I was about to punch his stomach when I heard a shout.

"YOU GET AWAY FROM HIM!!" I then saw a plastic, the queenka I suppose.  Great, JUST what I needed. 

Sehun then pulled away and stepped back while the queenka pulled my hair. this . I looked at Sehun and he smirked. Screw him to hell. 

"What the hell were you doing with my boyfriend?!" she pulled my hair harder and I gave a small yelp. She then reached for my glasses and grabbed them. Oh hell no this plastic did not just grab my glasses. Then I lost it. I punched her in the face and pushed her to the wall, then I grabbed my gasses from her hand and put them back on, grabbed my stuff and walked away. I may not look tough because of my innocent looks and the baggy sweater, but I've tooken fighting lessons, mixed martial arts since I was 4, I knew how to fight, but I usually don't like to, unless it's a good reason like this, my dad always told me that I have to defent myself no matter what, that I shouldn't let anyone bully me and it didn't matter if I got in trouble, he'll be proud if I defend myself, and I am grateful that he has such an opinion because it's very convinient. The whole time Sehun just had his jaw open and was staring in shock. I looked back and said

"I didn't want to do that, I'm sorry" and I walked towards the caffeteria which was on the bottom floor, and as I walked in, some guys were staring at me. I ignored and went towards the food. When I saw it I just froze and stared in awe. THIS IS SCHOOL FOOD?! It looks like the food at my house! I got a tray and started picking out lots of foods! I eat a lot. But I don't care. 

I then went to sit down at an empty table, as I was walking, the boys in the last row and some other guys were looking at me, then Sehun walked in the caffeteria. I sat down and looked over only to find him glaring at me. As I was eating with a full mouth, some of the guys at the table came and sat down beside and

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Chapter 26: Awww. update sooon!! sehun is so adorable
d'ahh i really liked this story
what happened to the updates?? ;-;
Update soon, update soon, update soooooooon Pleeeeaaaasssssee
estherralte #4
Chapter 26: sorry but the poll is soo rude
LeeBoNa1 #5
Chapter 26: Updateeeeee
angeli709 #6
Chapter 25: Please update soon! Thank you! <3~
SeKai94 #7
Chapter 26: I kind of hope that u can remove option C and D frm the's kind of mean. ..actually
Chapter 16: what is EXO withOUT KRIS well the news is kris will be leaving EXO noooooooooooo
Snsdismine #9
Chapter 25: Update asap jebal~~