The unexpected didn't even need the corner


What happens when you  and your best friend as university students enjoy the first summer-like day of the year and you find your favourite group filming on your university campus. It would have made some sense to you right then if it were a more famous group in your country. But it was an asian one. And it was not just a place on the campus. The filming location is the very building where you have your daily lectures.



Name: Kim Hana
Alias: Unnie, Hani (Honey), yeobo (all used by her friend)
Age: 20 (22 korean)
Personality: A girl who strives for her utmost best. She has a caring nature towards her younger friends, siblings due to being the eldest at home. Hana is in no way a quitter or someone who is silent. She is someone who likes a good discussion and won't let anyone walk right over her. Her favourite activities are playing the guitar, spending time with friends, jogging in the evenings, watching asian drama's and listening to music (all kinds, not only kpop).
Studies: Pharmacy. Currently in her first year.

Quote: " It's not a matter of being able to do something or not. Everyone can do everything. One grasps it more easily and quickly, while the other needs more time to be able to. In the end everyone can do it. "

Name: Ahn Saenan
Alias: Saenan, pabo, mongchongie, Mong Sae.
Age: 19 (21 korean age)
Personality: A girl who strives to live up to people's expectations of her. Like her friend she enjoys a good conversation and is quite stubborn. In her eyes things can only be given up on after losing the fight to obtain it. She's easily side-tracked and distracted, always dreaming off in her own world if not paid attention to. Hence she has obtained the name Mong (blank) Sae. Her ambitions are her pen and paper, the music she has listed in her phone and tablet and her imagination. She adores writing and coming up with plots. Since her young years they were her imaginairy friends.
Studies: Pharmacy. Currently in her first year.

Quote: " They're not just characters in my stories or made up. Some are a part of who I am and some are a part of who I want to be. There's nothing as frustrating as having a part of you being labeled as just a fantasy or fake. "


Group: Shinee
Members: (from left to right) Onew, Jonghyun, Taemin, Minho, Key.

With a cameo off Girls Generation.



Author's note:
Hi everyone. This is a piece I've written last year. It was actually a dream in which I saw everything through Saenan's perspective and my best friend being Hana. I used our korean names for fun's sake, but the story actually takes place in a European country called The Netherlands. I hope you like the story and please comment.

Lots of love,


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Yeobo's used for married couples... shouldn't she be called jagiya?? I like the story though it's good and creative! Aja! Aja! Hwaiting!!
Chapter 3: This story is really good! Please keep it up! Fighting! ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ