
Why Did I Fall In Love With You

Bohai waited at the door, without knocking. Was it correct of him to go there when he had sworn to himself that he'd never come back to his old self? He shook his head to the non asked question. But his hand moved on its own and knocked.

After that, he didn't know if he should run or not. The door opened before he could make up his mind.

- Who i-

The guy was stopped at the door, looking at Bohai. He seemed to be about to say something but Bohai covered his mouth on time.

They walked in and went to the living room. When they were both confortable, Bohai started speaking.

- Long time no see, Hyun Joon hyung.

Hyun Joon was incredulous. - J-

- Bohai, I'm Dong Bohai, remember? Did you miss me?

- Of course, jerk! You're my best friend! Everyone looked for you like crazy! It's been almost three years! Where were you?

Bohai sat on the sofa. - I was in Taiwan. I decided to take a break and went there...

- Stop with the non sense. You left them alone when they needed you the most!

"It's true. But if I didn't leave..."

- It was better like that. So how are they?

- They? They're cool, they did their com-

- I mean my parents and sister, of course.

- Oh. - Hyun Joon said. - They're fine. I walk by once in a while. Your mom is a mess, she is too worried about you. Your dad stopped talking and your sisters barely go there now. Your younger sister is always skipping meals and barely sleeps at home too. I always feel I need to pay a visit to them.

Bohai sighed. - I'll visit them now. But, Hyun Joon... Don't tell them that I'm here.

- Why?! They need to know!

- No, they don't. I'm no turning back.

- You're stubborn.

"I just have a person I want to meet. And he's Changmin" he thought, but didn't say it out loud. He shrugged. - Now, I heard you have a new girlfriend?!

Hyun Joon smiled. - She's not my girlfriend, she's just a friend.

- Oh, a friend you kiss and hold hands with?

- Bohai! You're too- How did you know?

- I've been following my best friend's steps when I was in Taiwan. But it hurts to know you were going to lie to me.

- Ah, smartass! - Hyun Joo laughed and poked him. They kept being like that and spoke about everything they had done while they were not seeing each other.


"Fine. He knows how to cook, it's handsome, loves to tease me, he was my boyfriend, we used to hit each other..." Changmin was trying to organisate his head. He had asked the members about Jaejoong and they gave them a lot of informations. But somehow Changmin could never find a great characterization about that Jaejoong. As if their informations weren't enough to describe him.

Moreover, something was wrong with him. Each time he stopped typing to the computer the infos he wrote on paper he'd add something else, something the members never told him.

He closed his eyes and rested his head on his arms. "When will I remember you, Jaejoong hyung? Why did you leave?" The others had told him Jaejoong's reason and showed him his letter, but Changmin still hadn't understood. Was someone so stupid to sacrificate his career for other person? Instead of fighting for their love, he chose to give up. Was it that big, the love the other members swore that they had for each other? He let out a sigh and went to bed. No use on thinking about that. He should just find Jaejoong and make his hyungs happy. Sure.

Soon, Changmin was already on his dreamland. First, he just dreamed about the flowers and the lasagne he had eaten the day before. Then, he started recalling his memories and they floated to him. He saw how he and Jaejoong first met, he saw Jaejoong cooking for him, playing with him, hitting him... He saw how he was hurt after confessing to Jaejoong, how Jaejoong ignored him and how told him he loved him after all... How they dated, how they broke up. How they gave up on each other, Jaejoong leaving and he loosing his memory like a coward. Not that he had lost it on purpose, but maybe it was his brain trying to protect him from the suffering. Jaejoong... Jaejoong living next to him and he didn't even know it. He treated him badly and tried to expel him, yet Jaejoong never left. Only when he was about to leave too, he disappeared without a trace.

Sweating from the dream, Changmin woke up. He had remembered everything.


- So, you won't tell them?

- What? - Bohai pretended to be deaf.

Hyun Joon breathed - Camon, stop being stupid. I mean, won't you meet them? You should do it at least!

- I'm afraid!

- Of what?

Bohai revealed what was on his mind for the first time. - That they will hate me.

And then, Hyun Joon laughed. He kept laughing, making Bohai frown and feel like a fool. - You can stop now.

- I can't help it. Sorry. Please, tell them. They missed you. They would sell their soulds to the devil just to meet you again. Tell them.

- I just can’t.

- Then I will tell them. If you don’t do it, Jaejoong, I will instead.



Argh.... It deleted the last part of this chapter... But LUCKILY it only deleted two or three lines!! I didn't have the last part saved on the computer so i made everything up again and copied. This was even marked as privated >.<

I'm so relieved now... My subscribers remain the same, only some of the comments disappeared >.< So just wait for an update ok? :)

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"Why did i fall in love with you" is updated for weeks already, but there are no comments yet... Should i even finish it?


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Chapter 23: Wow, i become goosebumps when i found my username in this chapter, i thought maybe there are someone who have same username as me ^^
Silly me ~ Impressive, authornim

P/s: This story really funny ^^
tamtastic74 #2
Chapter 23: Woah thank you for saying my name in this!!!!
tamtastic74 #3
Chapter 23: This is sooooo good(^∇^)
mmm13579 #4
Chapter 24: O.o I was reading chapter 19 and then I saw my username at the end .... I was a bit scared to e honest xS The irate thing I thought was "OMG someone hacked my account!!" !>.< I still don't know how you did that but it's fun x) .....Anyway, great story ^^ thanks for sharing
Chapter 10: wow i fall with your fanfic so badly keke
Chapter 23: I was just reading the ending of the page and i got so surprised to see a name Kas2umi because thats my user name! Hahahato who does it refer to? Please tell me... Saranghae <3
Chapter 43: Soulfighters are the best! *-*

Thank you for this awesome fic that had the power to make me give up my precious sleeping time.

I totally enjoyed it.
This story was nice, I read it so fast.
I loved Jaemin and yoosu, so cute <3
sooyoung/yunho relationship was also funny ^^
Thanks for this jaemin :D
This comment is kinda late because I just got off from school at 8PM.. okay... now please, step aside so that I can spazz and flip non-existent tables.


*Sobs* I can't believe it's over.
This is one of the most cutest and interesting story here in AFF and I love it cause it's MinJae. *wipes my tears with tissues*

I really liked the progress of love and different types of emotions in this story because they somehow feel so real to me... ;AAA;

*whines* what have you done?! I'm a writer but I wrote FLUFF/ROMANCE/COMEDY because I liked this fic's progress. *whines while pointing at my melted and erted heart*

And the way that each pairings love develops makes me smile because the story is not dragging nor slow enough. It's enough to be viewed again and again.
Though I wish that instead of using this - for the characters dialogue you use "xfsdff" but of course other than that everything else is fine with me...

Now if you'll excuse me my author-nim. Let me flail and spazz for a moment because you're writing another JaeMin.

*runs away while yelling how much I love you* AND THANK you for advertizing my ty fic!
*cries more*

And it's 3:00 AM in the morning!!!!!!!!! I have school tomorrow but I'm going to read this fic again!!!!!!!!!! ;AAA;

Oh well.... *throws away priorities for a moment*
I promised you a LONG comment after I read the last chapter so I will do it tonight. Mwuahahahah!