
Why Did I Fall In Love With You

Changmin ran to the house and looked for Jaejoong. When he entered in Jaejoong’s room he noticed how Jaejoong didn’t even have clothes in his closet.

He went downstairs and stretched his hand to Yunho. Since Yunho didn’t understand, he clarily asked for the car keys and immediately left.

- This is all my fault. - Junsu said, his arms crossed.

Yoochun hugged him from behind. - Then it is my fault as well.

- No- Junsu started to deny it but Yoochun didn’t let him to. - We were selfish and never thought Hee Shik could actually do it.

Yunho rolled his eyes. – Then it’s my fault, I’m the leader and couldn’t do anything for them… Is that it?

- Yunho…

Yunho gave them a sad smile. – I’m not serious, don’t worry. What I mean is, we should find Jaejoong and not keep discussing whose fault it was.

They nodded. What they were doing was a waste of time, they could be helping Changmin instead. They decided to look for him and each one of them kooked in different places.

Yunho looked for him on the surrounding places, while Junsu went to his parents’ house and Yoochun searched for him and talked with all his friends to see if they knew about his whereabouts.

At the end of the day, the three were home already, no success on the search. Only Changmin wasn’t home, they tried to call him non-stop.

- He doesn’t pick up. – Junsu stated the obvious. All were trying to contact him for hours already.

Yoochun sat on the sofa, touching his forehead. He was looking down until he stood up abruptly. – The letter!

- What? – Junsu and Yunho said in unison.

Yoochun touched Yunho’s arm. – President lent you a letter, saying it was from Jaejoong. What does it say?

Yunho froze. – A… Actually, I gave it to Changmin. Sh*t.

This was probably why Changmin wasn’t coming back. What if he disappeared as well?

When they were all waiting the worst, they heard a sound of keys. Changmin appeared at the living room a bit after.

He smirked. – Good morning, my friends! I love you all! – he smiled and broadned his arms to them. – But… Wait. – He frowned and pointed to each one of them. – One, two, three, - he pointed to himself. – four! Why…. Who is missing? – Changmin asked with  an interrogation look.

Yunho stepped forward. – Changmin…

- It’s missing someone here!! Yunho ah!

Yunho held his arm. – Changmin ah, what did you do?

- What? – Changmin looked at Yunho.

Yunho held his chin when Changmin ran away from the eyes contact, obligating him to look at him again. – Why did you go out drinking?

- Ne… It was just a few glasses. No big deal.

- No big deal!? – Junsu exclaimed. – You’re drunk!

Changmin did a “no” with his fingers. – I’m nooot. I needed it. I spent the whole day looking at nothing, and I was tired. I need to have fun, too.

Yunho asked – What about Jaejoong?

- Jaejoong? Who‘s that? – Changmin interrogated him, confused.

All stared at him.

- What are you talking about, Changmin? – Junsu shook him. – Don’t play with those kind of things.

- Let go of me. – Changmin stepped back and was going to fall if Yunho didn’t have pulled him first. – I don’t remember anything after leaving the hospital.

- Hospital? – Junsu asked.

He shrugged. – I woke up in a hospital bed. I was feeling dizzy but the doctor said I was lucky the car didn’t run over me. I don’t remember anything I did before it, but aside from that my memory is fine. I remembered you and my house.

Yoochun sighed. – What about Jaejoong, you didn’t find him? Did you read his letter?

- Jaejoong? Letter? What do you mean?

- Don’t you have a letter in your coat pocket?

Changmin looked for it and soon he took the letter from his pockets. – This one? Why is it here?

- I gave it to you. – Yunho said. – But what does it say?

Changmin shrugged. – Why would I know? I don’t read things non related to me.

- But this is for you! From Jaejoong!

- Jaejoong, Jaejoong, Jaejoong. – Changmin ironically said. – You only know how to talk about that guy? Who is him anyway?

- Who, who… You don’t remember Jaejoong??

Changmin frowned. – Should I?

Junsu stuttered. – I… You… You even asked if we were only four, that it was missing someone!

- Did I? – He touched his hair in confusion. – I don’t remember. Apologise to that guy later, ok? I’ll go to the hospital tomorrow again.

They were all shocked. Jaejoong was missing, they were disbanded, Changmin was almost run over by a car, and now Changmin didn’t remember Jaejoong? What kind of fate was that one? Why were the Gods so unfair?

Yunho spoke first. – Give me the letter, Changmin ah, please.

- Ok. – He gave it to Yunho. – Can I go to sleep? My head hurts.

- Sure. – Yunho touched Junsu’s arm, making a sign to him.

Junsu understood. – Ne, Changmin ah, I’ll help you. – he put Changmin’s arms on his shoulders and helped him going upstairs to his room.

Yoochun pulled Yunho to sit. – Did you read the letter?

- Not yet. – Yunho opened the envelope. – Here. Want to read or…?

- Go ahead and read it. It’s fine. – Yoochun said and waited for Yunho to read out loud.

On the next day, Yunho had a meeting with Sooyoung.

All SNSD girls did their best to make Sooyoung pretty, even thought Sooyoung told them not to. It was a hard time for Yunho, it wasn’t a date. But they kept saying a girl should be pretty every day, even on the hardest times.

She was anxious to meet Yunho but first she needed to go there meet their new songwriter with SNSD. Soon she was done with the reunion.

When she was about to leave, Krystal called her. Sooyoung turned around and saw Krystal running behind her and pulling Minho with her.

She smiled at their linked arms. – How are you, new couple?

Krystal smiled. – As if you and Yunho were an old couple!

- Well, we know each other for a long time… We're old.

They laughed. – As if. Where are you going in such a hurry?

Sooyoung replied – I’m going to meet him.

- Who-

Minho put an end on the talk by covering Krystal’s mouth with his hand. – Just be quiet for a while, Krys, and let Sooyoung meet her boyfriend.

Krystal pouted. – Ok, ok. Good luck. Hwaiting!

Sooyoung smiled and hurried to leave. Yunho was waiting her on SME’s building.

She pecked his lips on the entrance as a greeting and they decided to walk on the nearby park.

After an awkward moment of silence, Yunho started speaking. – Jaejoong ran away from home.

- What did you say?! Why?

Yunho smiled awkwardly. – Ran away from home… This sentence sounds so bad. I… The President wanted to disband us because he found out Jaejoong and Changmin were gay. And Jaejoong decided to be the one to leave and let us perform. Stupid jerk! Why is this happening? Jaejoong is not a kid anymore. And he just left a letter, we don’t even know where he is.

Yunho gave it to her. Sooyoung opened it and read it.

“My dear friends,

You know I love you, don’t you? That’s why I did this.

You turned me into a better person. Before meeting you, I had no confidence, I had no life. As a DBSK member, I felt really happy and glad. I always felt thankful to you, I made a huge debt to you after so many years. And now, I’m paying it back.

Please, keep working hard. Please, keep going as DBSK. You won’t see me anymore but I will always see you. Keep honouring the name of Dong Bang Shin Ki. Keep making me proud.

Don’t try to find me because it will be impossible. Even if you do, my decision is taken, there’s no going back.

I love all of you. I always will.



- This... – Sooyoung looked at Yunho, tearing. – He just left this?

Yunho just nodded and looked away. It made Sooyoung realise there was something else to tell.

She pulled his arm and turned him to her. – What more?

- What?

- Tell me, you’re hiding me something.

Yunho breathe slowly and looked at her. – Changmin doesn’t remember Jaejoong. He has lost his memory and is always bothering us to sign a contract with SME again.

- Yunho…

- What to do? Where did I fail, Sooyoung? – Yunho looked at her with a sad face.

- Yunho… - Sooyoung touched his face and cleaned the tears that were falling from Yunho’s cheeks. – This was not your fault. This, this is another challengue for you. It’s going to be ok. He will come back. All of you will be fine. And you’re an amazing person, an amazing hyung, an amazing leader. Don’t forget that.

- Sooyoung…

- That’s the truth. And you will always have me, you know that. – Sooyoung smiled and was not ready when Yunho pulled her to an hug.

- Thank you, Youngie. Thank you. 




After such a long wait, here am I.

Are you going to kill me? No, please, if so how will you know what happened next? ^^"


I'll give you a MinhoxKrystal pic to beg your forgiveness hehe


Oh, and did I already tell you I'm a reviewer?  ^^

Actually this fanfic needs to be reviewed as well lol too many mistakes. bt i have no time.

If you want a review from our shop, click  here  !!

And... I did a parody of SNSD "The Boys". Please read the description first, I didn't like how it was but... here is it:




AND, finally...





I'm writing a fanfic to celebrate his birthday ;) Need to type it to the computer but I will publish it soon. Maybe when you read it it's already done. Check it here.


Do you have a better idea for the title? And the foreword ... I had no ideas xD

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"Why did i fall in love with you" is updated for weeks already, but there are no comments yet... Should i even finish it?


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Chapter 23: Wow, i become goosebumps when i found my username in this chapter, i thought maybe there are someone who have same username as me ^^
Silly me ~ Impressive, authornim

P/s: This story really funny ^^
tamtastic74 #2
Chapter 23: Woah thank you for saying my name in this!!!!
tamtastic74 #3
Chapter 23: This is sooooo good(^∇^)
mmm13579 #4
Chapter 24: O.o I was reading chapter 19 and then I saw my username at the end .... I was a bit scared to e honest xS The irate thing I thought was "OMG someone hacked my account!!" !>.< I still don't know how you did that but it's fun x) .....Anyway, great story ^^ thanks for sharing
Chapter 10: wow i fall with your fanfic so badly keke
Chapter 23: I was just reading the ending of the page and i got so surprised to see a name Kas2umi because thats my user name! Hahahato who does it refer to? Please tell me... Saranghae <3
Chapter 43: Soulfighters are the best! *-*

Thank you for this awesome fic that had the power to make me give up my precious sleeping time.

I totally enjoyed it.
This story was nice, I read it so fast.
I loved Jaemin and yoosu, so cute <3
sooyoung/yunho relationship was also funny ^^
Thanks for this jaemin :D
This comment is kinda late because I just got off from school at 8PM.. okay... now please, step aside so that I can spazz and flip non-existent tables.


*Sobs* I can't believe it's over.
This is one of the most cutest and interesting story here in AFF and I love it cause it's MinJae. *wipes my tears with tissues*

I really liked the progress of love and different types of emotions in this story because they somehow feel so real to me... ;AAA;

*whines* what have you done?! I'm a writer but I wrote FLUFF/ROMANCE/COMEDY because I liked this fic's progress. *whines while pointing at my melted and erted heart*

And the way that each pairings love develops makes me smile because the story is not dragging nor slow enough. It's enough to be viewed again and again.
Though I wish that instead of using this - for the characters dialogue you use "xfsdff" but of course other than that everything else is fine with me...

Now if you'll excuse me my author-nim. Let me flail and spazz for a moment because you're writing another JaeMin.

*runs away while yelling how much I love you* AND THANK you for advertizing my ty fic!
*cries more*

And it's 3:00 AM in the morning!!!!!!!!! I have school tomorrow but I'm going to read this fic again!!!!!!!!!! ;AAA;

Oh well.... *throws away priorities for a moment*
I promised you a LONG comment after I read the last chapter so I will do it tonight. Mwuahahahah!