
Behind Closed Doors

45 minutes and three cigarettes later, Yunho finally pulled up to the front of the Cassiopeia botique. He double parked right in front and got out of the car mumbling angrily to himself. He peaked through the glass doors to make sure he got the right store. He knew he had several stores in Seoul but he would be damned if he had to scope out every single store to find her. He could do it the easy way and just call her, but he had his pride to uphold... the only thing he actually had left to uphold. 

He saw her dressed casually but stylishly, walking to a rack of clothes and through them. For a moment, he just watched her. Through she was wearing a striped shirt, he could see the barely there bump that began to form with his baby. His fist chenched tightly. That damn baby was throwing him off so badly.

He noticed a man trailing behind her with a big smile on his face. 

"That must be the tower like assistant," he thought outloud to himself. 

Ni Nah wasn't smiling like her assistant was. She looked lost in thought as she wondered more towards the front of the store. Yunho looked at his wrist watch and sighed. Her appointment was soon, and if he wanted to keep his head he would have to face her. He straightened up. Now or never

He pushed through the front door and looked at her. As if it were instint, Ni Nah turned around with a wide smile on her face, taking Yunho aback slightly. "Welcome--" Her eyes met his, and the smile instantly melted off her face. Yunho looked directly at her for the first time in months. She had light but still definable bags under her eyes and the make up she wore didn't do it justice. A little part of him was hurt when she saw her face turn from complete happiness to utter hate when she saw him, but he brushed it off.


He looked away from her and his eyes roamed the rest of the store idly. "Let's go," he said curtly.

She rasied an eyebrow. "Where?"

"Don't you have a doctor's appointment or something?" Her eyes widened. "Abboji said for me to take you, so let's go." He made a move to grab her wrist, but the Tower Man quickly stepped in front of her, his eyes blazing with anger. Yunho took a step back to look him up and down.

"You're not taking her anywhere," Tower Man growled out.

Yunho sized him up, taking a step forward. "And who the are you to tell me where I can and can't take my wife?" 

"Changmin-ah," Ni Nah's voice came from behind Tower Man as she tugged on his sleeve, "Don't get involved."

"I know all about you, Jung Yunho," He spat his name, "You and your 'acts' in front of the public. You're lucky you're not rotting away in a prison cell right now for everything you've done to Ni Nah."

Yunho narrowed his eyes and looked at Ni Nah. "You told him?!" he hissed.

"He found out!" she defended, "He brought me to the hospital last time."

Yunho growled, clenching his fists to keep himself from acting harshly. He would deal with Ni Nah later. Suddenly, the Tower Man, or as he's called Changmin, took a fistfull of Yunho's shirt and roughly brought him forward. "Unless you want me to call the cops, I suggest you leave," he said threatingly in his face. 

"Yah, Changmin!" Ni Nah tried to pull at his arm, but he didn't budge. Yunho's face was expressionless, only taunting Changmin's anger even more. 

"Go ahead and call the cops," Yunho said calmly, "Then what? Why would the believe you over someone as powerful as me?"

Before he knew it, Yunho felt a powerful punch land on his jaw and he was sent staggering back on the floor. Ni Nah yelped and covered in shock. With a low growl, Changmin pulled away from his noona and charged at Yunho again. "How does it feel to be on the other side of the attack??" he belowed and swiftly landed a kick in Yunho's gut. Yunho doubled over as the breath was knocked out of him painfully. He could have sworn he heard a few cracks when Changmin's foot burried itself in his abdomen again. 

"CHANGMIN, STOP IT!" Ni Nah latched herself on Changmin's arm and attempted to pull him back.

"WHY SHOULD I?!" he turned to her, his eyes wide in anger, "He should feel all the pain he put you through!"

"You're causing a scene," she hissed at him, already noticing a few customers peek through the clothes to see what's happening. Yunho groaned and clutched his stomach on the floor. So this is what she had to feel, too?

Changmin looked around the store and back at Yunho. He sighed angrily and roughly grabbed him by the arm. "Get up," he growled, pulling him to his feet with no gentleness whatsoever. Yunho winced but pulled his hand away from Changmin's and got up by himself. He wiped the blood dropping from the corner of his lip with his thumb and shot Changmin a deadly glare. Not even a split second passed before he was raising his arm to land his own punch on Changmin's face. 

At the last second, Ni Nah suddenly pulled herself in front of Changmin. Even though she was a head shorter than him, Yunho froze in place, his fist still midair. Time seemed to stop as he locked eyes with Ni Nah. She looked fierce, more mad than he has ever seen her before. His eyes widened when he felt his body tense up. Nothing ever stopped him from hurting her before, but... why now? 

It was quiet for what seemed forever between the three of them before Yunho sighed and dropped his fist. "Fine," he mumbled, tearing his eyes from her, "Do whatever you want. I'm leaving." He threw Changmin one last look before turning on his heel and heading straight to the door. 



Ni Nah couldn't stop the word that came out of as she watched Yunho's retreating back. Yunho froze again, but didn't turn around. She quickly went behind the register to get her bag with Changmin in tow. She didn't know what she was doing or why she was doing it, but her feet acted on their own. "What are you doing?!" Changmin hissed.

"Going for my check up," she said simply, as if nothing had just happened.

"With him??" Changmin pointed at Yunho's back accusingly. 

She stopped and sighed, looking up at him. "He's the father of my baby, Min."

Changmin was left there momentarily stunned. Ni Nah took the opportunity to walk away without any more questions. Her heels clanked as she walked pass Yunho, who was still frozen in place. She paused at the front of the door and looked back at him with an eyebrow raised. "Well?" she asked.

Yunho looked suprised for a second before he cleared his throat. "R-Right, ok," he said before stalking past her to his car, not even bothering to hold the door for her. Ni Nah rolled her eyes and followed him out. 

Changmin watched the two of them with his fists clenched so tightly he could have sworn his palms were bleeding from his nails digging deep into his skin. He couldn't help but to feel slightly betrayed that she would pick her husband whom she's hated for almost a year over him, someone she's known for almost eight years. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. At least I got a good punch on him, he thought with a smirk. Next time I see you, Jung Yunho... I promise I won't hold back.

The car ride to the hospital was nothing but awkward. It was uncomfortable as hell, for Ni Nah at least. She had no idea why she suddenly had the impulse to willingly get in the car of the man who has been mercilessly beating her for the last year, but she was here now, and no matter how tempting the idea of opening the car door and jumping out seemd, she was staying put.

For a second, she thought it could have been the unborn baby within her trying to bring it's mother and father together... Pfft, no way, she snorted out loud, I'm only three months pregnant, the baby hasn't even proprely developed it's brain yet.

Ni Nah idly looked at the dashboard of the car and noticed the ash tray, filled to the brim. She raised an eyebrow. "You smoke?" she asked. 

Yunho glanced at her. "Yeah, so?"

She frowned. You'd better not smoke around my baby, she wanted to say, but then realized she would be a hypocrite, seeing that she smoked for the first month of her pregnancy. The rest of the car ride was painfully silent. They fell into their usual facades on their way through the hospital. Ni Nah grabbed Yunho's hand and smiled at the nurse at the front desk. "We're new patients here," she said sweetly with her hand on her stomach, "We're here to see Dr. Kim."

Yunho put his arm around Ni Nah's shoulder and smiled at the nurse as well. The poor woman was dazzled by their million dollar smiles and just nodded. "H-He'll be right with you," she cleared and looked back down at her pappers, blushing like mad. "J-Just fill out these forms and we'll call you in when you're done."

Yunho threw the woman a wink. "Thank you," he said before pulling Ni Nah to the waiting area to fill out the forms. 

In the untrasound room, Ni Nah laid on her back with her shirt rolled up under her s. Good thing most to all of her bruises were gone so she didn't have to answer anymore questions from any of the nurses. It was just her and Yunho in the room as they waited for the doctor. 

"Yah, put your shirt back on," Yunho demanded with a wave of his wrist. He was leaning on the wall adjacent to her with his arms crossed. He was almost nervous seeing her skin not battered with woulds. Almost.

"They're going to tell me to roll it up anyway so I might as well do it myself," she retorted nonchalantly. 

Yunho opened his mouth to say something else, but the door suddenly opened, revealing the doctor. Or in this case, Ni Nah thought, an angel. A bright light seemed to appear from behind him, making him look even more godly. Or maybe that was just Ni Nah's imagination.

Ni Nah's jaw dropped open open at the sight of the doctor with the brilliant smile and the flawless face. "Good afternoon!" he said cheerfully, his voice like silk, "I'm Dr. Kim Jaejoong and I'll be your resident GYN for the next nine months!"

Yunho saw Ni Nah's reaction to the good looking doctor and scoffed. Shallow ... he's not even that good looking... "Jung Yunho," he said curtly, his voice falling low for some reason. He cleared his throat for the nth time that day and gestured to Ni Nah, "This is my wife, Kw--Jung Ni Nah." He almost forgot that she has his last name.

Ni Nah bowed her head in greeting, a sheepish smile along with a blush growing on her face. 

Kim Jaejoong threw her another smile, almost knocking her off their feet. "Of course I know of the Almighty Jung couple!" he said happily as he slipped his latex gloves on, "It's really an honor that you chose me to be in charge of your wife and child, Yunho sshi," he said turning to Yunho. 

Yunho eyed him suspiciously. It should be a damn honor, he wanted to say, but forced a small smile and said, "Thank you for having us."

The doctor laughed lightly, and Ni Nah could have sworn it was the angels calling out to her. "If you say so," he said, taking a seat next to Ni Nah. She could feel the blush on her face grow even bigger as faced her and smiled sweetly. "How are you doing, Mrs. Jung?" he asked polietly.

"F-Fine," she squeaked out. 

Jaejoong reached for the bottle of ultrasound gel** and applied some on her little bump of a stomach. "I understand you're about 13 weeks along by now, correct?"

She jumped a bit when the cool gel touched her stomach but nodded. "Deh, that's correct."

He smiled at her as he talked. "The forms said you were refferd here because of the weak condition of the baby, right?"

Ni Nah nodded again. "My previous doctor said that it would be better if I were handeled by someone with more experience."

Jaejoong laughed. "I do have a lot of experience," Yunho hated the way he said 'experience', "But I do specialize in cases where either the mother or the baby is in weak condition. I have notes from your previous doctor, so we'll discuss that when we're finished with the ultrasound."

Yunho unconsciously took a step closer to the Ni Nah when the doctor began to rub the gel along with the ultrasound transducer*** on her belly. He eyed the doctor again, something in the back of his head telling him that he had met this man somewhere before. But when he tried to remember, his head would pang sharply. "Aish," he muttered to himself, and focued back on the screen that the doctor had just , "You've had an ultrasound before, so you know the deal," Jaejoong said, gesturing to the small moniter next to him and Ni Nah. She looked at Yunho and jerked her head lightly as a gesture for him to come closer. He frowned but did as he was told. 

The picture at first was fuzzy until Ni Nah gasped and instintively grabbed Yunho's hand. There was a picutre of their baby****, extremly definable, right in front of them. Yunho didn't even notice Ni Nah's grip, for all his attention was on the picture in front of him. It wasn't the first time seeing a picture of the baby, but seeing it with so much definition made Yunho's heart pang against his chest. 

Jaejoong smiled at the couple and turned back to the moniter. "Would you like to know the gender?"



Ni Nah and Yunho shot each other glares. "Why not, honey?" she asked batting her eyelashes ever so fakely at her husband.

"Because, darling," he increased his grip on her hand and spoke through his teeth, "Don't you want it to be a suprise?" Honestly, he didn't want to know the gender of the baby, because if he did, he would have an ever harder time with his conflicting his emotions. It was always his dream to have a little girl as his first born, and if Ni Nah made this dream come true... he wasn't sure what he would do.

"But it'll be better if we find out now so we can plan accordingly, right doctor?" Ni Nah turned to Jaejoong and her smile increased tenfold.

Jaejoong chuckled. "Most couples do find out as early as possible, but others like to be suprised at the end."

"Exactly, and you hate suprises, don't you sweetie?" Ni Nah turned to Yunho again, and before he could open his mouth (again) she turned back to Jaejoong, "We would most definately like to know the gender of our baby."

Yunho mumbled incoherently to himself in anger. Deep breaths, Yunho. Deep breaths. Don't let this baby get to you. Don't forget about Ara... My princess...

Jaejoong pointed to a spot on the moniter. "See this?" The couple saw nothing, but nodded their heads anyway, "This would usually be the spot where a boy's genetilla would start growing by now."

Ni Nah squinted. "But I don't see anything."

Jaejoong nodded. "Exactly. Congragulations, Mr. and Mrs Jung, you're having a girl."

And with that said, Yunho felt like his whole world was crashing down.

*GYN - short for Gynecologist  

**ultrasound gel - I'm forgot what it's called, but it's this gel they put on a mother's stomach when taking an ultrasound in order for the wand to run smoothly across her belly to get a better view of the child. 

***ultrasound transducer - That wand the doctor uses to send live frequency to a projector or monitor 

****baby - random picture I googled of a 13 week old's ultrasound, but let's pretend it's little Yunho and Ni Nah Jr :D

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shiho1412 #1
Chapter 24: Please please please update this story, I have been a follower for years and I really hope that Ni Nah gets to be in a loving relationship. She really deserves to be happy after all that she has been through...
useless_1 #2
Chapter 24: I guess this story. Has no hope of getting updated but it's really really good though
Do try to finish it please it's an earnest request
Aigoo,Authornim. When will you come back? Please update.
Chapter 24: This is so sad. I hope Jaejoong will take Nih Nah away from Yunho and he can live the rest of his life alone while Nih Nah enjoys the peaceful,wonderful life she deserves. Please come back and update.
it has been 3 years.. T.T
amallu #6
Chapter 24: Update please :o :'(
korinna26 #7
Chapter 24: Update please?
shiho1412 #8
Chapter 1: update please, pretty please?~~~
Chapter 24: Oh something else -- I wonder if Jaejoong knows who Yunho is. As in he knows the face of the man Go Ara was in love with. If he knows who he is, and suddenly he's in his life again, especially that of his wife, I wonder if he wants to take revenge or act upon the fact that Go Ara didn't love him and preferred to kill herself than to be with him. Maybe he wants Ni Nah to fall in love with him ... or maybe he'll do something rash so that Yunho can feel the disappointment he felt. IDK. IDK. What I do know ... is that ... it wasn't Yunho watching her when she went to the coffee shop. I feel so sure about that. He was at the cemetery - it HAS to be someone else. Ni Nah ... oh god, I fear for her life now. lol.