
Saki's Toy Box (Only Wanting Drabbles)

“Has Daddy hurt himself?” Saki asked as they made their way down towards the shopping mall as they had to visit a very special shop according to her Daddy though she didn’t fully understand as to why.


Bradley chuckled, staring down at his daughter with a light frown, “No, whatever gave you that impression?”


“He’s got bandages around his wrists,” Saki said gently, pointing at the white bandages which stood out against the long sleeved top, “Did he cut himself twice or something?”


Shaking his head, he grinned, “No I didn’t.”


“Then why the bandages?”


“You’ll see sweetheart,” Bradley said, grinning at her as they went shopping for a little father and daughter time.


It was later in the day when they met the others in McDonalds and Saki quickly ran up to the others with a gleeful yell, “Oppas! Daddy hurt himself and won’t tell me why!”


“Yah,” Bradley caught the back of the dress that the girl was wearing the gently tugged her to sit properly on the seat, “Don’t go telling tall tales Saki, it’s not nice.”


“But but but!” the girl went, tugging on his arm to expose the bandaged, “See, he got bandages on both wrists so he must have cut himself but he says that he hasn’t!”


“I haven’t cut myself Saki,” Bradley sighed, finally able to get sat down on the seat next to his daughter.


“Then what have you done?” Jae asked, understanding the English perfectly well, “For both wrists to be bandaged its gotta be something drastic.”


Sang smirked, “Or whoever gave you one hell of a good time.”


“Yah!” Jinseok pulled a face, “You mean he actually gave 50 shades a go?”


Bradley paled a little, “Don’t be so crude.”


“I’m not the one who read a virtual o,” Jinseok replied, sticking his tongue out at the other.


Jongki sighed, “Volume levels. Bradley what have you done to yourself?”


“He’s inked,” the American accent that cut into the conversation was surprising but Kyo sometimes forgot where he was, “That’s what.”


“Hello Cowboy,” Bradley smirked up towards Kyo who was setting down a tray of food, “They let you out of the ranch again?”


Kyo glared, hating that everyone said his English sounded like something out of an cowboy movie – even he secretly agreed that it did – but didn’t press the issue, “Yeah yeah, whatever Mama Bear. I just can’t wait to see your hubby’s face; he’s going to kill you.”


“Stop with the English and tell me what the hell is going on?” Jongki sighed, really not in the mood to try and keep up with the pair and not wanting Jae to join in and really cause everything to go into lala land.


Bradley sighed, “I was going to wait until tonight as they’re still healing but since you’re all so interested.” Carefully the groups eldest tugged off the dressings, lightly batting at Saki’s hands so that she didn’t just yank them off which would really hurt and shifted the long sleeves he was wearing so that the fabric didn’t touch the still sensitive skin.


There was a gasp of surprise from everyone around the table as it sunk in that Bradley had indeed been ‘inked’ as Kyo had put it and he now bore two tattoos around his wrists. On the right hand one was what looked like an id name bracelet in silver with beautiful calligraphy spelling out ‘Sakura Eun, [enter birth date]’ and on the left hand one was a rainbow bracelet with separate sections for each colour which each had a small white star in the middle of them. Inside the white stars were smaller letters and going around the top in comic style writing was the words ‘R-Star PRISM’ and below was ‘day, month and year of debut’.


“Oh wow,” Saki smiled at them, “So pretty. Can I touch?”


“Not yet sweetie,” Bradley smiled covering them back up for now, though aware that someone had snapped them on their phone and was probably in the process of uploading them, “They’re still in the process of healing right now.”


Sunwoo glanced up at Kyo, “How did you know this before us lot?”


Kyo smiled, “Someone had to go with him.”


Jongki blinked, “You took Kyo?” there was an ending to that sentence that wasn’t said but everyone knew what it was.


“He designed the rainbow bracelet,” Bradley smiled, “So I had to take him along. I was going to get it done on holiday but he knows the guys in the shop so I got a good discount on them.”


“Advantage of being a really good customer,” Kyo said without thinking which immediately caught everyone’s attention.


You have tattoos?” Kyung blinked, looking at the lead singer with genuine surprise.


Bradley grinned, “Oh yeah, he does. Our squeaky clean Kyo is covered in them.”


Immediately there was a ruckus as Kyo tried to get away from the others whilst the rest of the group tried to find out if Bradley’s claims were true or not. They disappeared quickly from the table and the eldest sighed, shaking his head, “Should we go off and stop them, [hubby]?


Jongki shook his head, “Let them burn off some steam, they’ve been angsty as hell today [wife],” he looked again at the marks, “You did let Kuso and them know right?”


He nodded his head, “Yeah, I made sure to get it checked before even booking the appointment and choosing the designs. I’m more concerned about what mam will think of them to be honest.”


“Well I think they’re nice...” Jongki smiled, “Though why do you have one with all of our initials on it.”


“Cause you’re all my family,” Bradley smiled brightly in return, “Even though we may not be related by blood or marriage or anything like that, I consider you all to be special and I never want to forget that.”


“Soppy git.”


“Says the man who’s crying right now.”


“Yah, shut up.”


“Erm, I think we best go and stop the kiddies before they strip Kyo of everything”


“Huh? Oh hell, you lot!”


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