We got...Wait, What?

Saki's Toy Box (Only Wanting Drabbles)

Saki’s Toy Boy


We Got...Wait, What?


Even though no one could quite explain it, Thursday nights had been designated the ‘Maknae-line hog the TV night’ for as long as anyone could honestly remember. The elders of the group were pretty much convinced that it was due to Kiyeol having some kids TV show that he liked to watch on a Thursday night back when they were the band that was rarely mentioned but whatever the cause it was a tradition that they stuck by as much as humanly possible. Though granted, most of the time the boys were watching recorded episodes because they were forever catching up but no one really minded cause it got the three out of the way for a few hours and saved any arguments.


Of course, being the trouble makers that they were, they would watch every last minute of the episode that they had recorded, including the adverts.


Sang hopped onto the sofa, somehow stopping short of spilling the bowl of sweets that he was carrying, and stretched his legs out over Kiyeol and Sunwoo who naturally complained at him in grunts because they were engaged in the ending of Mr. Cat which was a particular favourite of the two maknae’s of the group but not one of his. He blinked, “Told you they would get together at the end.”


“Oh hush,” Sunwoo said, throwing a pillow at Sang’s head, “Just cause we’re watching something else-”


“Kiyeol, are you bubbling?” Sang blatantly ignored Sunwoo to look at the youngest who was snuggled up and literally had tears b in his eyes.


Not that he was going to admit it in the slightest of course, “Nope. I’ve got something stuck in my eye.”


Sunwoo rolled his eyes, “You’re a really bad liar Kiyeol, here, have a tissue.”


Sang sighed and rolled his eyes, turning his attention back to the screen, “Seriously you two got soooo soppy over that...” he blinked in shock at what he was suddenly looking at, “Is that Bradley?”


Turning abruptly, Kiyeol and Sunwoo stared at the screen too, “Where?”


“I swear that he was just...there he is again!” Sang was pointing at the screen now which clearly displayed their Mama Bear and he made a grab for the remote, “Please tell me that I’m not seeing things here!”


Kiyeol shook his head, “No you’re not. That’s Mama all right. What’s he doing on the TV?”


“It’s probably an advert for ‘Cottons’,” Sunwoo said dismissively, trying to grab the remote back.


Sang shook his head, “That doesn’t come back until the summer when Saki is on holiday. Plus we would have known about it cause there would have been cameras all over the house.”


Blinking, Sunwoo thought about things for a few seconds and had to agree on that point but it was Kiyeol who got the remote and continued to play the rest of the advert.


Bustling about in his kitchen, Bradley wasn’t aware of the unusual silence coming from the living room until the three boys suddenly latched onto him with cries of questions that got completely jumbled up together.


“Whoa,” Bradley said, calming his heartbeat down and hoping that he hadn’t poured too much chilli sauce into tea, “One at a time, I can’t understand when you’re all babbling at me.”


“What are you doing on We Got Married!” the three maknae’s managed to say together in perfect unison.


For a few seconds the elder looked completely bewildered at the three of them, “What are you..?” his memory then kicked in, “Oh yeah, that.”


Sang latched onto him arm, “When did you sign up to do that?”


“A few months ago now,” Bradley shrugged, “It seemed like fun.”


Sunwoo shook his head in complete surprise, “I thought you weren’t interesting in dating though right now?”


“I’m not and this isn’t exactly what you would call ‘dating’ to begin with,” Bradley replied, going back to his cooking and unaware that Kiyeol had disappeared back to the living room, “It’s just a fun little show to keep me going at the moment.”


“Little?” Sunwoo looked gobsmacked, “It’s seasons are longer than Cottons.”


Bradley sighed and shook his head, “It’s a special. It’ll only last a few...”


“Hyung!” Kiyeol yelled, “Jongki’s on it too!”


That had Sang and Sunwoo running to get back to the TV and Bradley sighed before going back to his chilli and taste testing it.


“What is all the yelling about or don’t I want to know?” Jongki asked, wandering into the kitchen to grab a drink. It was notable that the three youngsters were now yelling a fair amount more than what they had been so they had probably grabbed a laptop to look up more info in regards to the show.


“Maknae-line know that we’re on Married,” the elder replied, “so I would advise hiding for the next half hour.”


Jongki grimaced slightly, “Great. The entire family will know soon then.” He paused, taking a drink out of the can that he had pulled from the fridge, and then a slight frown crossed his face, “Do they know the other part?”


There was a sudden scream from the three which caused both elders to grimace before Bradley chuckled, “They do now.”


Jongki groaned, “This is going to be fun.”


“No ,” Bradley sighed, “You best scarper. I can take most of the fire.”


Jongki smiled and quickly hugged Bradley, “You really are the best wife going you know that.”


Gently he placed a quick kiss on the elder’s cheek as he slipped out of the kitchen to get back upstairs so that he could try to get a little bit of peace and quiet. The others would be undoubtedly curious as to why he had agreed to star in ‘We Got Married’, especially given that he was still searching desperately for Jial.


Getting back to his room, Jongki glanced at his laptop but suddenly had no more interest in cruising around the web and instead stared up at the long tapered candle which had yet to be lit for the night. Sighing he moved to it and simply stared out at the rapidly darkening sky, his fingers unconsciously finding the necklace he always wore now that held both of the pendants, “Where are you, my love? Why can’t I find you?”


Lowering his head, Jongki turned away from the window and clambered on his bed to let himself wallow for a little before inevitably having to face the music about the new show. Not that he was too worried of course, he knew that Bradley could sort them all out and it wasn’t going to be that strange of a situation. Though it did mean admitting that they had actually dated...that was going to be a kettle of fish to the others.


Was that even the right saying? Oh he didn’t know and right now he didn’t really care either. 

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