Introduction 1/1OO

Counting Stars ★ Drabbles



    Standing in the midst of a crowd the girl was very visible, noticeable infact.  Her porcelain skin, brown wavy elbow-length hair, and a tall posture of 5"7. Considering she was of foreign descent in this country she inherited many good features. Mostly a pessimist towards herself and what she does, applies to her low self confidence  and esteem. The way she moves almost masculine-like, being told to "act like a lady", but always refuses. She has a big voice and she knows how to use it. The only thing she hates the most, besides tight spaces (claustrophobic) and cracking/popping joints (condylacousticphobia) is being told to lower her volume, a major insult to a woman of her kind. Is the only girl in the family and demands special attention and a different type of concern. Allergic to both peanuts and any powedry-like substance. Avoiding make-up was easy, but the yearning for peanutbutter., practically unbearable. Has both very bad eyesight and teeth gaps. She despises the word 'NERD', not for the fact she wears glasses and braces, but the fact that it is mainstream, overrated, and cliche'. She is not the prettiest, nor is she the thinnest, but the thought of being the happiest, for her, is already sufficient. Her aura being very adaptable and contagious, she posseses both inner and outer beauty. Her dark circles and few spots of acne are detectable, nevertheless she is STUNNING.

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