Falling In Love. {final.}

Falling In Love. {sequel.}

falling in love {sequel};



Sandara bit her lip, eyes scanning the crowded area. Chaerin would be arriving at the amuesment park any minute
for their date. Since the two never usually hung out without their Bom and Minzy 
(also the fact Chaera had a crush on each other..) 
 Sandara was extremely nervous. 
"Hey, stranger."
Sandara turned upon hearing Chaerin's voice, smiling lightly at the younger girl.
"Good too see you." She replied. Chaerin returned the smile, "Likewise."

The duo stood there awkwardly for a moment. Chaerin was the first to speak again.
"What do you want to do first?" She questioned.
Sandara scanned Lotte World, and her eyes landed on the something. She smiled, turning to Chaerin.
"Gyro Swing." Sandara announced, pointing to it. Chaerin's eyes followed where Sandara was pointing,
and she nodded in agreement. The two made their way over, and luckily didn't have to wait in line
for very long.
After Chaerin got settled in on the ride she turned to Sandara, who was locked in as well.
"Sure you won't get scared?" Chaerin asked with a smirk. Sandara laughed, shaking her head.
"I assure you, I'll be fine."
The ride began to start and Sandara squealed, making Chaerin laugh.
Sandara squeezed her eyes shut, not daring to open them. So maybe she lied..she was scared.
Chaerin looked at the older and frowned, placing her hand over top of Sandara's.
Sandara felt her cheeks heat up, and she began to relax.
Once the ride was over Sandara quickly exited, Chaerin trailing behind her.
"We should get something to eat," Sandara suggested, hoping to postpone anymore
rollarcoasters for a short time. "I'm kind of hungry."
"Yeah, me too." Chaerin grasped Sandara's hand, pulling her along. Sandara blushed
furiously due to the skinship. Chaerin stopped at a ice cream vendor, turning to glance at Sandara.
She took this as her cue, ordering a vanilla cone. Chaerin ended up asking for the same thing.
"I'll pay you back." Sandara promised. Chaerin assured her there was no need.
They both walked to a nearby table and had a seat.
After a few minutes of silence, Chaerin asked, "So, do you like anyone?"
Sandara coughed, almost choked on her water. "Huh?" She replied dumbly.
Chaerin laughed lightly, "Do you have a crush on anyone?"

Sandara shrugged, wanting to avoid the question. Because there was no way  she was going to confess
to Chaerin. She feared the girl would reject her. Lee Chaerin was so perfect, and Sandara had always
felt scared to approach her. She thought it was kind of humorous, older being sort of afraid of the younger.
Park Sandara promised herself she would never be the first to confess.
Chaerin had realized Sandara's feelings long ago, for her unnie always acted quite flustered around her.
And Chaerin understood that Sandara was shy, and she knew already that
she needed to be the one to confess first. Or they would never happen.
"I like you." Chaerin admitted. Sandara shot her head up, cheeks a light pink.
Sandara felt her heart swell at the girl's words. But she wasn't too sure she heard her correctly.
"Could you repeat that?" Sandara asked softly. She felt dumbfounded.
Chaerin repeated her earlier confession, and Sandara smiled.
"Really?" The older exclaimed, and Chaerin laughed at her reaction while nodding.
"I like you too!" Sandara informed the other girl. "Ah, I can't believe this is happening."
She brought her hands to her warmed cheeks, shaking her head.
Chaerin smiled, leaned over and quickly pecked Sandara on the lips.
"We're officially dating, then?" Chaerin smirked as Sandara's cheeks turned a darker shade.
They smiled at each other, and Sandara was relieved Chaerin finally knew how she truly felt.
Bom and Minzy would be happy to hear the good news later, she knew for sure.



cries i feel like this was way too short. ;n;
it's short length is kind of bothering me but idk what to do with this anymore
haha and it feels pretty much complete so yeah.
um anyways i hope you enjoyed it as much as the prequel???
yeah uh yeah that's it. ^^;;





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dscoveringmichael #1
Chapter 1: I don't care if it was long or short, THEY KISSED! *dies* SLDLFLGLYLGLFLSSÑDÑGL <3 thank you for the sequel