The Leaky Roof


You crawled into bed with Seungho and he held you tight as the rain was coming down in buckets outside. It was monsoon season so severe storms would randomly pop up and was difficult to sleep. Just as you both started to drift off to sleep you felt something on your face, a second later you felt it again. You reluctantly opened your eyes and realized you were feeling drops of water land on your face. You let out a sigh and suddenly the water began to turn into a steady trickle on your head. You wake up Seungho who was sound asleep and he growls like a panda. "Oppa! Please get up, the roof is leaking. It's getting all over the bed." Seungho gets up but still has his eyes closed since you suddenly the light blinding his vision. "Ahhh, baby the light. I can't see." You rush to the kitchen to grab a bucket and place it where the water is dripping. By the time you come back Seungho is out of bed and puts on a pair of jeans. He throws on a t-shirt and grabs the flashlight and a hammer. "Oppa, what are you going to do?" you say. "I'm going to patch the roof quick. We won't be able to sleep if I don't do this." he gives you a kiss and then goes outside into the storm.
You are nervous and begin to pace the bedroom. He returns only 2 minutes later dripping wet and says, "I hate to ask this but...it's so windy and I can't climb the ladder without someone holding it." Without hesitation you throw on a t-shirt, shorts and tie your hair up and go to help your husband. You secretly loved being his little assistant and you could make sure he was safe. "Ok oppa, let's go." You go outside and you are immediately soaked to the bone. You hold the ladder as Seungho begins to climb with the shingle, hammer and nails in his hand. He finds the spot where the water was coming in and begins to pound the nails into the roof. The storm is so loud that you can't even hear him doing this. He lays down on the roof so that he won't get blown away and finishes the job in less than 10 minutes. You hold the ladder as he climbs down and see he is all dirty from the roof. 
You both go back inside dripping wet and stand in the kitchen in your wet clothes. Seungho watches you as you let your wet hair down and then shiver from being wet and cold. You look over at him and notice how his wet clothes are formed to his skin and his lips are swollen and chattering from being cold too. Seungho's eyes deepen and he says, "We need to get out of these wet clothes before we get sick." You shake your head and pull off Seungho's shirt first. He pulls down your shorts and suddenly you are both getting warmer. He suddenly picks you up and slams you against the wall kissing you as if he hadn't seen you in a month. Seungho removes your shirt in one swift movement and throws it into the sink. He puts you down and you yank his pants off causing him to fall to the floor laughing. You giggle and then pounce on top of him as you continue to heat up in the kitchen. There would be no problems sleeping tonight after what was about to happen.
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2026 streak #1
Chapter 1: haha... That was a nice oneshot :)
Chapter 1: Lol I guess she really REALLY does like being Seungho helper ;P