
Flower Boy Next Door
Daehyun watched as his manager left without a question. 
He jammed his foot in between the door and the wall as Youngjae scrambled to shut it. He winced at the sharp pain traveling in his leg when Youngjae slammed the door against his leg. 
Daehyun squeezed his arm through and threw the door open. Daehyun invited himself in and made himself comfortable on Youngjae’s bean bag while the said male was having a mental breakdown by the door. 
Daehyun smirked as he watched Youngjae suffer with his internal struggle.
“Are we going to get started or?”
“Sorry for?”
“Peeping into your apartment.”
“Eh it’s fine. I just wanted to play with ya’.”
Youngjae stumbled towards Daehyun, his hands waving wildly in the air as he tried to find an appropriate place to put them. 
The air was tense and Daehyun absolutely hated it. His mind whirred with questions for the other male but Youngjae looked incapable of processing anything at the moment. 
“Yah, why are you so uncomfortable around me? Most people tell me that I’m so easy to be around but you’re acting the opposite. I’m hurt.” Daehyun whined and pouted childishly. 
He stomped his foot down and expressed his frustration through his body as he threw a tiny tantrum. 
“Why do you keep apologizing? Stop it, I don’t like it.”
Daehyun sulked when the other male didn’t reply and swooped forward to pull him down to the bean bag next to him. 
Youngjae flinched when he felt Daehyun’s skin come in contact with his. 
He stepped back and fell back down onto his own work chair. 
“I’d rather work from here.” He mumbled in a quiet voice. Youngjae curled back into the chair, hoping that it would swallow him up and take him away from his misery.
He hung his head low when he saw the look of confusion on Daehyun’s face.
“So, what’s your name?”
Youngjae swiped his tongue over his dry lips. His voice didn’t want to leave his throat, it seemed to have disappeared along with his tiny bit of confidence. 
It had been so long since the last time someone had asked him that. 
“It’s Youngjae, Yoo Youngjae.” He whispered. His fingers gripped tightly onto the arms of the chair. He felt nauseated. 
“That’s a nice name. I’m Daehyun, the football player!”
“I know.”
The air grew tense once more. Daehyun was at a loss because Youngjae kept his answers short, giving him nothing much to feed on. “So, what am I here for exactly? What can I do?”
“There’s not really much.”
“Then why are we spending our precious time in here? Do you want to go somewhere with me?”
“That’s not necessary. I feel more comfortable in here.”
“I really really want to go to this place but nobody wants to come along. We can get to know each other and all. It can help you with the biography.” Daehyun spat, hoping that he could convince the introvert to leave the comfort of his home. 
“No thank you.”
“Fine! But at least come over to my place for dinner. I cook really good pasta.”
“I don’t want to be a burden.”
“But I insist. You can’t say you know me if you haven’t tasted my pasta.”
“No buts. You’re coming over. Go get changed now.”
“Daehyun, I-”
“I’m waiting Youngjae. You’ll be happy when you’ve tasted my cooking.”
Youngjae stayed silent and reluctantly changed into more appropriate clothes.
Youngjae let himself be dragged to the apartment across the street. The constant contact with Daehyun’s hand and his made him tremble more than the biting cold did. His hands were clammy and he felt dizzier than usual. 
He waited awkwardly behind Daehyun as the latter keyed in the password to the house. “I hope you don’t mind having dinner with my cousin too. He should be home soon.”
Youngjae’s eyes widened as he heard the news Daehyun decided to deliver only then. 
“I don’t think I’m very comfortable being around more than one new person.” Youngjae muttered with a strangled voice. He didn’t want to hurt Daehyun’s feelings. 
“Yongguk’s easy going too! You don’t have to worry about my cousin.” Daehyun chirped and pulled Daehyun into the warm apartment. 
“Make yourself at home! You can watch the tv if you want or play with Hippo if you want.”
“Hippo’s my cousin’s dog. The lassie.”
Youngjae slid down onto the leather sofa next to the sleeping dog. His hands itched to touch the soft fur of the dog but he played with the frayed thread on his sweater instead. 
Youngjae saw Daehyun busily preparing the food and nervously turned to the dog. ‘What if the dog doesn’t like me like everyone else?’ 
Youngjae anxiously ran his fingers on the fur and a small smile appeared on his face when the dog didn’t move an inch. 
He took a deep breath as his hand hovered above Hippo’s belly. ‘What’s the worst that could happen, Yoo Youngjae?’
Youngjae dropped his hand onto the dog’s tummy and yelped as a sharp pain shot through his hand. 
“Are you okay?”
Daehyun sounded surprised. Who wouldn’t be? The dog looked like an angel that would never bite anyone. 
Youngjae attempted to hide his bleeding palm but his arm was yanked out of his pocket by Daehyun. 
The blood was staining Daehyun’s clean rug. 
The male rushed to grab a box of tissues and wrap Youngjae’s palm in his own.
“He doesn’t normally bite people except for once when he bit me for stealing his toy. I’m sorry he did that.”
“Don’t apologize. I don’t like it.”
Daehyun couldn’t help the shock that painted his face. Youngjae had shot his words right back at him.
“Yongguk’s going to be back soon and he would know what to do.” Daehyun murmured and took another wad of tissues to stem the bleeding. 
Youngjae winced when Daehyun pressed down on the wound. “It’s no biggy, really. I should head home now and apply some cream.”
Daehyun scowled at how Youngjae was trying to avoid him. “I’m not going to let you use this as an excuse to leave without eating.” Daehyun said with a tinge of annoyance in his voice. 
His face reflected that of an annoyed child. 
Just as Daehyun was about to pull Youngjae to the sink to wash his cut, a beep was heard coming from the door and it opened. 
Youngjae swallowed the lump in his throat as his eye candy stepped into the apartment, someone he hadn’t seen before trailing behind him. 
His eyes couldn’t meet Yongguk’s gaze but he could feel the man’s stare on him. 
He could see that his eye candy was about to ask Daehyun a question but the said man cut him.
“What is Seyong doing here?”
word count: 1,143
a/n: a filler chapter before the real stuff happens. I'm sleepy T_T
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3rd chapter soon ^^~


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Emma194 #1
Chapter 1: it brings good memories of the drama to me xD
Chapter 4: lol, I thought I was the only one who thought that Dae was Jae's eye candy.
but it's actually bang, that was a total mind trip for me. >.<
Chapter 4: well, it's great till now! i wanna read more of it ^^ urm, anw you just change what dae is, rite? you won't be changing the otp, rite? please please please
Chapter 4: Gahhh everything is complicated to start but it'll be fun seeing how they end up together :)
Mi91Nah #5
Chapter 4: So many different relationships and everyone seems to like the wrong person at the moment :D I'm curious how this story will continue and how Daejae will find each other ^-^
Chapter 4: OH the eye candys yongguk! lol i feel dumb i had to read it again xD my daejae mind takes over everything oh my god
Chapter 4: lol wow u drew their relas xD idk but im glad somebody actually likes Jae,more like obsessed w him,its cute~ i almost wanted them to be tgt >w< *sr i havent watched the drama* Daejae is hopeless~& idk if Bang likes Seyong or not,but he's like the only innocent one haha. maybe he does,then they can be a couple~
Chapter 3: ok took me 3 times re-reading to understand that Bbang was Jaes crush. then Dae was just a partner,& Jaes scared of him. then Daes crush(??) came back (sooner than i thought) so if that boy actually likes Dae,& Jae obviously like Bang it'll end up curious how Daejaes gonna happen lol
Chapter 3: OooOoOo gahhhh I like it soooooo much =) now I'll have to wait for the next chapter heheh