Can't lose to her



"What? On who? Heeyeon? I thought you were over that dare?"

"Who said it has anything to do with that dare?"





"Wake up sleepy head, lunch is ready." Jongup had just finished making lunch and has been trying to wake Heeyeon up so she could eat her food before it gets cold. After many tries of waking her up nicely he was running out of patience and grabbed her shoulder and started shaking her but still no response. "Ya! Are you not going to wake up?!" Then he realised. Heeyeon is the most ticklish person on earth, even the slightest touch could tick her off. So having no choice left he placed his fingers on her hips and stated wiggling his fingers whilst applying slight pressure onto her side and the next thing you know, Heeyeon was a laughing, wriggling mess and was wide awake.

"Stop please!" She said in between her laughs, but Jongup found it amusing, he liked seeing her laugh and be happy. Well, only from his point of view if anyone else was to see wat was happening, despite the laughs they would think that Heeyeon was being tortured. Heeyeon tried prying his arms of however she had used up too much energy in laughing that she didn't have enough strength. After some more pleading and begging him to let go, she lifted her leg up and kicked him where it hurt. In less than a second Heeyeons laughs that filled the room were soon replaced by Jongups groans of agony.

"Omo oppa! You ok?" She scurried off her bed and kneeled down next to him on the floor. She looked at her best friend rolling on the floor in pain unsure of what to do, then she remebered that they have a first aid kit. Her eyes widened at the thought, "Aha!" she said clicking her fingers, "I'll be right back oppa. Don't go anywhere" Jongup gave her a do-you-think-I-can-go-anywhere look before going back to expressing his pain in his lower region. Heeyeon sprinted out of her room and went on a hunt for the first aid kit.

About a 30 seconds later she was back with a little green bag and was panting. "I'm back" she said in between breaths and put her hands on her knees and leaned down slighlty to catch her breath.

"Heeyeon-ah please" Jongups voice woke her up again and she realised that he was still on the floor rolling about in pain. She quickly ran up to him again, "Where does it hurt oppa?" She asked but Jongup only answered her with groans and moans, then she saw that he was holding onto something. That must be where he got hurt she thought to herself so she followed down his arms to see where his hands where grabbing but then her eyes widened in shock. "Oppa, this won't work. We need ice" Jongup gave her another look saying what-the-hell but she was already out of the room.

When she came back with a bag of ice she didn't know if she should place the bag of ice "there" but she didn"t want to see him suffer either but whe she knelt back down beside him on the floor. He had calmed down a little and reached his arm out "Give it here, I'll do it" Heeyeon breathed a sigh of relief and handed him the ice bag but he didn't place it "there" instead he was staring at her.

"What you looking at?"

"You going to sit here and watch? Aish what a ert" he muttered the last part but loud enough for her to hear.

"Who's a ert? And anyway I was just about to leave" she huffed and walked out of the room with her head tilted back and her nose in the air. Jongup couldn't help but laugh at her embarassed state.





"Wait so you weren't angry about the dare at all, you were just ignoring her for revenge?" Youngjae and Yongguk were still in talking things out. Things had just become complicated and Youngjae, being the curious brain he is wanted to get to the bottom things. "If you weren't angry about the dare then why were you giving Zelo the cold shoulder?"

"I was angry about the dare"

"What?! Ahh, hyung such a 4D person. Ok fine explain it all to me from start to finish. I don't understand a thing"

"Ok ok" Yongguk put his hands up in surrender and and slightly chuckled at his memebers confused state. "Come sit down" he patted the spot next o him as he sat on a bed.

"Well?" Asked Youngjae feeling impatient. Yongguk was about to start talking but then some shuffling and mumbling could be heard from the door. The two looked at each and walked over to the door and yanked it open. Two bodies fell into the room both landing on top of each other.

"Ahh, ya Jung Daehyun move would you. God you're so heavy" said Himchan struggling benaeth Daehyun who had fallen on top of him. They both stumbled too there feet and caught their leader glaring at them.

"A-a-annyeong" they bothe lifted their hands up slightly in a wave-like gesture and grinned sheepishly at him. Youngjae wa trying his best to stiffle his laughter but failed.

"How long have you guys been listening?" asked Yongguk in a monotone.

"Oh not for long" replied Daehyun

"Yes, only started listening as soon as you closed the door behind you. Not long at all." Added Himchan causing Daehyun to face palm himself and Youngjaes job of not laughing even harder.

Yongguk slowly went up to the two causing them to back away and stopped when they hit the wall behing them, "Why didn't you just knock?" The two looked at each other then at their leader with their mouths agape, could that have been more easier than pushing and shoving each other to get a better position to hear the conversation going on inside? Well I guess it would've been just a tiny bit easier.

Their thoughts were distracted by Youngjae who suddenly spoke up, "So hyung where were we?"




Jongup had finally recovered from the incident earlier that. He came downstairs to see Heeyeon sitting at the table and having her lunch but instead he saw her sitting on the couch watching tv instead. The food on the table looked untouched. "Heeyeon-ah, aren't you going to eat?"

"Huh? Oh I was waiting for you. Are you feeling better oppa? I'm really so-"

"Ok Ok I know you didn't mean to it was my fault for tickling" He said walking up to her and giving her a brief hug, afterall she has been through alot.  

"Well then in that case that serves you right for touching a lady in an inappropriate way", her sudden outburst caused Jongup to break the hug.

"What do you mean in an inappropriate way?"

"You touched my sides. What if your hand went lower? That would have been ......" she held herself in her arms and started shaking at the thought of his hands lowering down her body.

"What? That's if my hands lowered down. You actually kicked me in the - "

"Ok stop!" Yelled Heeyeon holding a hand up. Then all of a sudden she burst into laughter. She crouched down to hold her stomach then straightened back up and tilted her head back laughing whilst her hands where stil wrapped around her stomach.

"Y-you should've seen your face" she said whilst laughing then suddenly falling down onto the floor, having a laughing fit.

Jongup was confused, he bent down next to her on the floor, similar to how she'd knelt down next to him. "What about my face? What happened? YA BANG HEEYEON!" He lost his patience when she only answered his questions with giggles.

"Calm down oppa I was only joking about" she cajoled after sitting up and slightly recovering from her laugh. "Congratulations oppa you passed the ert test." She said holding out a hand for him to shake but he only ended up saring at it. Heeyeon took his stare at her hand as a way of saying he deosn't understand.

"ert test?" he asked.

"Yes just a simple test to get to know the real Moon Jongup. If you were a ert then you would have reacted differently towards my statement of 'What if your hand went lower?' You would've been all y and God knows you may have even placed you hand......t-there" She looked away embarrassed, what the hell did she just say to him.


"What? Why would you do such a trick?" He asked her.

She sighned and turned to him. "Sorry oppa, I just thought that If I made a few jokes then maybe I would be able to stop worrying about oppa. But this joke sort of didn't turn out very well."

"Or funny" Added Jongup.

"Ya! Who aid my jokes aren't funny? Even if they are a failure their still ten times funnier than your succeeded jokes" she sniggered.

Jongupp ruffled her hair as he couldn't argue back. She was right she is the master of all pranks and even though he didn't admit he did find that ert joke a little funny, just a little.

"Heeyeon-ah I'm sorry but, I should get going, the hyungs may be worrying about where I am. Don't worry I'll try and talk things out with Yongguk hyung ok? Don't worry."

"Ok, but don't get him any angrier than he already is. Let him calm down in his own time don't pressure him too much."

"Aigoo, since when did our Heeyeonie grow up?" He patted her head, but she yanked his arm away and glared at him. Well, tried to glare, which only caused Jongup to laugh. Which wasn't the impression Heeyeon was waiting for.

"Are you leaving or not?!" she suddenly yelled causing Jongup to startle.

"Ok I'm leaving. You sure you sure you'll be alright on your own?"

"Well, if I need any company I'll make sure I let you know" she said in a seductive way and walked up to him in a seductive manner.

"Didn't I just pass a ert test? Why are you testing me agian?"

"That's my oppa" this time she was the one who ruffled his hair.





"Aish so impatient. Alright I'll tell you." Everyone gathered on the bed waiting for their leader to speak, Yongguk took a deep breath and started. "This morning was angry about the dare."

Jongup entered the dorm but instead of being greeted by his hyungs, the living room was empty until he heard a voice coming from the bedroom. It was Yongguks. So he leaned by the door frame and started listening.

"I was cold to Heeyeon, I made her cry. Usually I would comfort her even if she was hurt in the slightest bit but I just couldn't bring myself to wipe away her tears and pull her into a hug so I just left. You're all probaly thinking that I'm a terrible person to leave her like that but believe me I felt terrible. As soon as I left I needed to clear my head so I went to the park across from our house. I was just sitting their and the image of her crying just kept coming bak to me but then I also remebered her and Zelo leaning in closer together. As I was sitting down I saw a couple, they were sitting on the bench next to mine. They looked so happy, laughing at each other's jokes, wiping ice cream off each others faces and giving each other little pecks on the lips. It looked like nothing could ruin there happiness. Until the girls phone rang. The look on her face changed from love to fear as she looked at the caller ID. Every word she said through the phone was a lie, she said things like working on a project with some friends in the library. It amazed me at how someone could come with such lies so quickly. Then I thought to myself I'm being angry over nothing I mean they didn't even kiss. When Zelo arrived she gave him a hug and I didn't mind that but when they were inches away I did? I felt like a monster remembering that I had left her home alone crying."

"So why didn't you go back home?" Asked Himchan

"Because then I remebered."

"Remembered what?" Interuppted Daehyun.

"The trick she played on me before you guys came." Everyone looked at one another then back to the leader with cofused looks. "Ok I'll tell you about that aswell. That morning I made her do the dishes and I fell asleep whilst observing her."

"Observing her? Why?" Asked Youngjae.

"You know her she will find one way or another to get out of something she doesn't want to do and she hates it when I observe so thats what I did to make sure she does her job" replied Yongguk

"So did she do the dishes?"

"Yes she did. But because she couldn't get herself out of it this time, she played a little trick that could've meant she don't have to do the dishes again. She used onions to make herself cry and smeared food rd food colouring on her finger and made it look like blood. She sat across from me and I woke up because of her fake crying. When I saw her bleeding finger I cursed myself for forcing her to do th dishes but then, she burst out laughing. Pointing at me with that red finger of hers." 

Suddenly the room was filled with laughter as the lattters burst out laughing at the silly reason for their leaders revenge. "So hyung, thats why you want revenge? Because she scared you into thinking she hurt herself because of you?" Said Dahyun between his laughs.

"Ah Gukkie I never thought you would - " Himchan stopped talking and everyones attention went towards the boy laughing whilst leaning against the door frame. Jongup looked up to see four pairs of eyes on him.

"You too? Aish what is it with you guys and creeping up on people can't you just come in instead?" complained Yongguk.

"Sorry hyung but can I ask you something?"


"I also want revenge on Heeyeon." Everyone was shocked at his statement. Jongup's the last person on earth to watch revenge on someone, he is so vunrable that he can fall for anything.

"Why do you want revenge on her?" Asked Youngjae.

Jongup gave out a long breath and told his hyungs about the incident he had whilst trying to wake her up.

"What? She touched you t-there?" Asked Yongguk whilst pointing a finger towards the youngers memeber causing his cheeks to flush into a pinky colour. "Right it's decided we are going to get revenge on that girl!" He added.

"But you guys better do something good, I mean if you're caught she can haunt with that for the rest of your lifes" said Daehyun

"Yeah, that girl is capable of anything" added Himchan. Which was his way encouraging the others.

"Hyung we can't loose to her" Jongup told Yongguk.

"I know, but if we do......." They wrapped their arms around themselves and shivered at the thought of being defeated by Heeyeon.


Yay! Another update :D I hope you guys are having fun. If you've realised I replaced the angst tag with comedy. I tried to write angsty but it didn't work out *^*

so I changed the story just a little, hope you guys aren't confused :S And yes I'm sorry this chapter turned out a bit longer than I thought it would >.> Please comment and subscribe ^-^   Bye my lovely readers <3


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Chapter 25: Your fanfic is awesome^^ I hope that your health is good and your school-life too! Fighting^^
subscribed~ omg im starting to love your story ouo
kpopwhiterose #3
Suppose it's still good at least it's KPOP! ^^
Jlugo24 #4
Chapter 24: YAY UPDATE! ^o^ I wanted to see B.A.P in NY but I had already bought my ticket for Block B.... loose win?
Chapter 24: I still read this! And I still love you, author-nim ; u ;
thank you for a great chappie xD
emotional yongguk + fluffy zelo & heeyeon >w<
Yoe_chan #6
Chapter 24: I'm still here Author-nim ^^
But I didn't love ya...
Hahaha just kidding.
It's been a long time, but heeyeon comeback with a new trouble >_<
Chapter 24: Yayyy the Story is back wooo I missed ya and I staYed hehe
Chapter 23: Fighting!! Do your exams well (if you dont, THEN im gonna kill you) and get/stay healthy!! ♡♡
Yoe_chan #9
Chapter 23: Waaa.... Don't leave the story....
Hehehehe, the same here i'll have my final exam too for this semester.....
Fighting for the exam author-nim ^^
Chapter 23: Unsubscribe in one....two... just kidding! Goodluck in your exam :) Fighting!