Bad day?!


“Why mom??!!” I whined at my mother.

“It’s your brother’s graduation tomorrow and today he and I will go to buy all the things he need for tomorrow.” She said a little bit impatient.

"I’ll go with you then.” I said again.

“No you can’t! You have to watch our store. Now young lady, you have to move your or I won’t let you use your computer anymore for a month!” She said losing all of her patient.

“YOU WILL WHAT?!!” I gasp.

“One… Two…” She starts to count which mean it’s dangerous for me if I didn’t do what she said.

“Okay, Okay, I got it okay! I’m up now!!” I said and get up from my lovely bed.

“Why do you have to go this early? I mean, you can go at noon.” I said to myself after fixing my bed.

“It’s crowd less in the morning so we can shopping more relax and with a less pressure.” My mom answers me and makes me surprised cause I thought she was leaving my room already.

“Okay, but why do I have to watch the store? In the morning. I still need my beautiful sleep you know. Why do you have to open your store at early morning?” I asked her before heading to bathroom.

“Because your dad needs to go to his work and we don’t have another family member anymore except you and you’re brother, are we? And if you still need to sleep, why don’t you sleep earlier last night when I told you that you have to watch the store in the morning? Why do you keep sitting in front of your computer and smiling like an insane person at the computer screen? What did you do at last night or should I say every night?” She said while walking off my room.

“I can’t hear you~” I said to stop this not-so-nice conversation with my mom. I know if I continue this conversation I’ll lose and I can’t enjoy my fangirling life anymore.

I hurriedly go to bathroom and after that I changed my clothes and go to dining room for breakfast.

“Yo Noona.” Suddenly someone calls me before I go to dining room and I know who he is. He's my brother.

“Yah! Don’t Noona Noona me! I know what you want and you already have it because I have to watch the store now while you having so much fun by shopping with mom.” I said

“Eyy Noona, it’s not all my fault at all. Actually I asked you to go shopping with me but you reject it. Why do you have to reject it?” he pouted.

“It’s because your sick behavior while you’re shopping! It can take a whole day and don’t act like you didn’t know it.” I said.

“Okay, okay. But look, I owe you one and you know it.” He said while pated my shoulder.

“Jung ____, Jung Ilhoon. Get your down here or something which will happen to both of you, and believe me it won’t be nice.” My mom suddenly shouted from the dining room.

“Chill out mom. We’re in our way.” My brother and I shouted at the same time while running down the stairs.

I eat my breakfast then heading to my family’s store. Well, it’s a grocery store, not too far from my house. It just took 10 minutes to reach that place. It’s not that big but also not too small and my mom always open it at 7AM and closed it at 10PM. Actually we hired someone so she can replace her at night or when my mom or me and my brother can’t watch the store but too bad she has a final exam for her university and she asked for furlough until her final exam is over. That’s why my mom asked me because I in my college break. Not so lucky for me, I know.

I arrived at the store, put my bag on the cashier place, playing an EXO’s songs on the computer then start to do my routines which is cleaning the store and it will take about one hour to do it. Alone. After cleaning the window glasses I took all the cleaning equipment to the storage room. After that I go to the beverage section and take a drink cause I’m so thirsty then I go back to the cashier room with my drink. I just volume up the speaker of computer when someone enter the store.

“Good Morning.” I said while looking at the costumer then let out a small gasp.

“Can I—Can I have…. A drink… Please??”  That guy who just enter the store said while try to catching his breath.

(A/N) So, How is it? I know that I'm still lacking here and there but hey, I hope you like it! So give me a feedback please *puppy eyes* :3



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final chapter will be post tomorrow. Please give me your thought about this story ♥


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spaghetti_soda #1
Chapter 2: How good is it to be like that? That girl is so lucky. Thanks author-nim for such a good story ^.^
Chapter 2: Sequel , sequel , sequel !!! ^^
kellen_1825 #3
Chapter 2: Awwww this is really cute hahah how I wish he wil, text me too hahah LOL love it ^_~
Chapter 2: DID SEHUN JUST TEXT ME?! YAH, IT JUST... ASDFGHJKL! we want sequeeeeellllll :''''''