the new guy


A new transfer student. Lu Han. Chinese. Blonde hair, brown eyes, smile of an angel, heart of a beast.


Title: the new guy

Pairing: Xiuhan, minor KaiSoo
Rating: K / G, PG-13
Genre: drabble, romance, fluff, humor
Length: started as a oneshot but turning into a chaptered story in progress :)
Summary: A new transfer student. Lu Han. Chinese. Blonde hair, brown eyes, smile of an angel, heart of a beast.

Comments of advice, constructive criticism, and reviews would be much appreciated. It's my first so, yeah. :-)

Originally posted at my livejournal userinfo.gif?v=17080?v=106.3eternallychan at the new guy



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Chapter 4: My feels after reading this chapter is overwhelming once again, Xiuhan you two will be the dead of me, why must you be so adorable?
I have subscribed and am patiently waiting for a new chapter.
Chapter 3: Waaaa minseok is really cute hereee;~~~;
Ah ok~I'll wait it. Have fun!^^
HaneulRyu97 #4
Please Update ! I would love to read it ! XD
Chapter 3: Xiuhan love was meant to be! Lol
Chapter 2: I think i'm going to love this fic, please update soon! ^^
Chapter 2: Sounds great!!
Can't wait for the update~
Chapter 2: I love it, Xiumin-oppa is so cute! I love this chapter, update soon!
Chapter 1: Can I just say, I love this story already and can't wait until you finish this or update? I love it, please update soon, my Xiuhan feel need this, I love this story, can't wait to read more.