


-Yuri's POV-
I slid the comb through my hair, tying it up into a high bun, then fitting the netting on it. Taking the wig on the table, I walked to the mirror and fitted the black wig to my head. 
Hmm... How would guys style their hair? I took the gel and combed it through my 'hair', fixing it into side swept bangs and a straight, stick-to-the-sides-of-the-head-style. I slipped my tank off, staring at my chest.
It would deffinitely give the game away...
I took the roll of bandage lying on the bed and started wrapping it around my chest. Hopefully it would seem flatter. Satisfied, I slipped into the school uniform. After one long gaze at the mirror, I walked forward and took the black contacts out of my eyes.

I walked down to the breakfast table. Only he was there.
My non-blood father.
I called him Su-ie
I greeted him with a smile and walked to my usual seat opposite him. He stared at me in my crossdressed form.
"So... You understand your task?" He asked.
"Yes..." I sighed.
He laughed.
"This would be radically different."
Yuri's face remained blank and emotionless as it usually was when it was buisness. He spun around from his huge chair to look at her.
His eyes were a dark shade of brown that seemed warm, yet strict and penetrating. For his age, his hair was still thick, with some tinges of white at the ends. He was in a buisness suit that looked like a box, showing his broad frame.
"I want you to dress as a guy..." He said slowly, letting it sink in.
"And enter Shinwa high and get close to Kim Jaejoong."
She looked up at him. She knew about Jaejoong. His father, Kim Junsu, ran the biggest and most powerful mafia in the entire of Korea. Drugs, human trafficking, animal smuggling, you name it, they did it. 
"I want you to get close to him, find out more about his buisness and whatever else that would help us."
She listened on. This should be easy.
"And when its time, I want you to exterminate them. Every. Single. One. Of. Them."
"By the way, you look cute as a guy." A voice said.
I smiled at the voice.
I turned around to see Jiyoung, my non-blood brother. He smiled at me as he pulled out the seat beside me. 
"But I look like a guy right?" I asked, facing him.
"Yea... You do... I bet Minah would flirt with you if you weren't a girl." 
The table erupted into laughter. 
"I heard my name! What were you guys saying? I bet Oppa was-" a voice said and paused.
I looked at Minah.
She was staring at me.
"Nope... I'm Yoochun starting today." I smiled at my non-blood sister.
She stared at me, walking to the seat beside her dad. 
"Minah ah... You could see through Yuri's disguise?" My dad asked, concerned.
Minah shook her head.
"No... It was the eyes..." She said "Yuri... Your eyes are so beautiful. Why do you have to wear black contacts? And also... Have that EMOTIONLESS and scary face when you're at the agency?" Minah asked for about the millionth time. 
I sighed.
"Well, I'm going to have a 180 degree character change when I enter Shinwa high. So you can enjoy it while it lasts." I told her. 
"Remember your gun and needles. Kim is not that easy." Jiyoung said.
He was giving me THAT look. The one that felt like it was shooting arrows at you and penetrating right into your body. 
"I will... I will... " 
"And please do not leave your blouse so open like this. I can see your cleavage." 
I looked down. 
"Oops... Haha"

I got into my red lamborghini, ensuring that I'd packed in the oldish looking bicycle. 
Minah got into the seat beside me, insisting on a ride.
"You know... If you weren't Yuri, I would have started hitting on you..." 
The black limousine slid past the fountain, reaching the grand opening of Shinwa high. As the limo stopped, the students crowded around the area. 
The chauffeur ran out and opened the door.
A foot stepped out.
Screams immediately sounded.
His shoe was shiny, obviously made of crocodile skin. The second foot stepped out as the tall figure immerged. His golden brown hair was plastered to the sides of his head, his side swept fringe just above his gold rimmed shades. His chiselled features were sharp and slightly tanned. His low cut tank showed his tonned abs, his suit style jacket showed his broad shoulders but his interestingly small waist. His black trousers skinnies rode just above his ankles, showing that puny bit of skin. He walked forward slowly as he pulled off his sunglasses, hooking them to his tank, making it show even more skin.
Girls screamed as his shirt rode lower and his grey orbs shone in the bright skin. Burrying his hands in his pockets, he leaned against the limo, waiting. 
This time, a white pointed shoe stepped out.
Screams. Again.
He was wearing skinnies that clung onto his long legs and white blouse. A suit styled jacket hung on his right arm. His mahagony coloured hair reached his collar, literally long like a girls hair. His eyes were a dark amber colour, gleaming in the bright sun. As he ran a hand through his hair, screams echoed through the whole courtyard. Unlike the previous guy,he was carrying a suitcase in hand.
A violin suitcase.
He leaned against the car too.
This time, two pairs of shoes stepped out, followed by their owners. The one that came out from the right of the car had blond hair that complimented his dark brown eyes. He walked to where the others were, well swaggered, as he flashed a wide smile at everyone and drew two fingers to his lips for a blow kiss. Of course, his actions were met with screams. He was the first of them to smile at the crowd. The last one imerged from the left side of the car. As sooner as he was out, the students were net with the brightest eye smile ever. His dark brown hair looked so soft that you just had that longing of running your hand through. It was those blowed to the side styles. He stood beside the blonde and waved to the crowd, again, inducing screams. 
All met, they started walking together, through the crowd, which immediately formed a pathway for them.

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i likw this
lifejusthappens #3
Sounds so good :D please continueee !