Month Two

JongLo Baby

“Jongup!” Zelo called from his room. “Coming” Jongup replied as he hoped of the living room sofa and headed up towards Zelo’s room.

When Jongup walked in, he spotted the maknae looking into the mirror with his abdomen visible. “My tummy has gotten bigger” Zelo said as he ran a hand over his slightly bulging stomach. Jongup smiled and walked up behind Zelo, wrapping his arms around his waist. “That’s what happens when you’re pregnant” Jongup said resting his head on Zelo’s shoulder. Barely able to because of the maknae’s height ‘I wonder if the baby will be tall like him’ Jongup thought to himself.


“How long has it been….I forget” Zelo gigged “Two hyung…Two” Jongup smiled “Ah…just 7 more months until this little guy or gal is born.” Jongup kneeled in front of Zelo and planted a kiss on his stomach. “I hope it’s a boy. I want his name to be Hakkun.” Jongup said resting his head against Zelo’s stomach. “What if it’s a girl?” Zelo asked. “Hm…I guess Haewon” Jongup replied. “Those are cute names. And I really don’t mind the gender” Zelo commented “I’m just happy that I’m gonna be a mommy.” Zelo shivered. He still couldn’t believe that he was going to have a child. More so that it was Jongup’s child. He was very excited ‘I hope I’ll be a good mother. Zelo thought

Jongup smiled and looked up but then immediately frowned. He saw that glint of doubt in Zelo’s eyes. Already reading the maknae's mind. 

Jongup stood up and wrapped his arms around Zelo’s waist again and looked him straight in the eye. “You’ll be a wonderful mother Choi Junhong” Jongup placed his lips on Zelo’s. He could taste the cherry tomatoes from his ‘wife’s’ lips. Zelo smiled into the kiss. All of his insecurities, slowly disappearing into thin air.

Just at the moment when Zelo wrapped his arms around Jongup’s neck, a certain cheesecake loving boy walked in. “Hey Zelo, Jongup. Bang-hyung told me to-oh lord!” Daehyun said as he saw the happy couple. Jongup and Zelo quickly separated, with the exception of Jongup still having one hand on his lover’s waist. “Please close the door next time” Daehyun commented. “Sorry Hyung” Both replied.

“Anyway…” Daehyun said “Bang said that someone has to get the groceries and….” “You’re sending us” Jongup finished the sentence. “Basically….” Jongup rolled his eyes. “It’s fine. Me and Jongup will be happy to go” Zelo said as he leaned against Jongup. The older nodded. Daehyun smiled “Good, I think Himchan has the list” With that, he walked out of the room.

Zelo and Jongup both soon walked downstairs into the kitchen. Himchan was washing the dishes and Youngjae was sitting on a counter top eating chips. Youngjae faced the couple “Hey Junhong, I can see a bit of your baby bump” Youngjae hopped of the counter and walked towards the two. Youngjae placed a hand on the maknae’s stomach. “I bet it’s a girl” Youngjae commented. Himchan turned around and looked over “Nonsense Youngjae. It’s gonna be a baby boy” Himchan said drying off his hands. Youngjae rolled his eyes. Confident enough to know it was a girl, he wasn’t gonna comment. “Anyway, here’s the list guys and please be back in two hours or less. Before it gets late.” Himchan said giving the list to Zelo. “Will do mommy” Zelo said smiling. Jongup snickered as Himchan faced turned pinkish.


Zelo and Jongup arrived at the store and began looking for the items on the list. Jongup grabbed a shopping cart and picked up Zelo. “Ah! Jongup! What are you doing!?” Zelo cried. Jongup smiled “I was gonna put you in the cart, so I can push you around” Zelo blushed. “I’m not sure if that’s aloud in here, hyung. Besides we won’t be able to fit the groceries in the cart.Jongup pouted “Fine. But can I at least give you a piggy back ride” Zelo nodded “But only when we are leaving the store ok?” Jongup agreed and put Zelo down so he could walk.

“So what do we need to get?” Jongup asked as he pushed the cart with Zelo. “Um…It says ramen, tomatoes, apples, seasoning, milk, juice, beef and um…anything Zelo needs or wants…” Zelo gave Jongup a puzzled look. “I don’t think I need anything.” Jongup chuckled at Zelo’s cuteness. “I think he means for anything your cravings.” Jongup started “Since you’re pregnant, you may start to crave things”
“Like what?”
“Well…I think sometimes women crave sweets….”
“Just sweets?”
“No, a lot of other things too…”
“Anything the mommy wants I guess”


While Zelo was picking out the apples, something caught Jongup’s eye. A flower stand in the store. “I’ll be right back Zelo” Jongup said. “Ok hyung”

Jongup looked at all the colorful flowers. ‘I should get some for Zelo’

Roses we’re a classic flower to get, but Jongup wanted to get him something else. He spotted the chrysanthemum and instantly liked them. ‘I’ll take one color to represent each member.’ Jongup thought. 'If I could find some ribbon I can turn it into a bouquet for Zelo.'

Jongup grabbed six flowers in total, A Blue one for Toto, Red one for ShiShi, Pink one of Tats, Green one for Dada, Yellow one for Joko and a white one for Keke. “A special bouquets for a special someone huh?” Someone said. Jongup turned around to see one of the female flower stand workers. Jongup nodded “Someone very special” “Don’t mind me asking who it is?” She asked. Jongup glanced over to Zelo “The boy with the pink hair” Surely she would see him. He was the only one with pink locks. The lady looked over “Ah, he’s very cute….Um…not to be rude, but his stomach looks a bit big…” She said looking over to Zelo. Jongup smiled “Yes, he is very cute…and yes his stomach is a bit big. He is carrying my baby” The lady smiled “Oh! You’re gonna be a father? Congratulations!” She said clapping her hands. “Thank You. Anyway, How much for the bouquet?” Jongup said. “Free of charge. It’s going to someone very special.”
“Really? Thank You!”
“No Problem. Would you like some ribbon for the bouquets?”
“Yes please”

The lady brought out a ribbon dispenser. “Pick out a ribbon” She said as she placed it on the counter. 'Hm... So many different ribbons'

Jongup was having a difficult time choosing. "Doesn't your lover like cherry tomatoes?" She asked. 'B.A.P fan...I can tell...' "Loves them. Why?" Jongup answered. The lady pointed out a ribbon that had little singing tomatoes on it. "This one is perfect!"

She then took out a pair of scissors and cut a somewhat long ribbon and tied it around the bouquet.

Jongup smiled. ‘It’s perfect’ “Thanks again” The lady smiled once more “It was no trouble”


“Hyung! I think we have everything!” Zelo called. Jongup hide to bouquet behind his back as he approached Zelo.

Zelo was looking over the list making sure he didn’t miss anything. Jongup sneaked up behind him and planted a kiss on his cheek making the maknae blush. He held onto Zelo’s hip with one hand while the other placed the bouquet in front of him. “For you, my love” Jongup said trying to sound romantic. Zelo gasped “Hyung, they’re so pretty!” Zelo said grasping the bouquet and smelling the flowers. “Glad you love them Zelo” Zelo gave Jongup a kiss on the cheek making Jongup smile.  


After they paid the exited the store and began walking to the car, but stopped when Jongup began tugging at Zelo’s shirt. “What is it hyung?” Zelo asked he halted. Jongup gave a sly smile “You said that when we leave the store that I could give you a piggy back ride back to the car.” Zelo giggled “Ok hyung”

Jongup kneeled down so Zelo could get in his back. Once Zelo was on his back Jongup stood up and held onto his leg with one hand. “Don’t drop me” Zelo commented as Jongup stood. “I would never drop you Zelo” Jongup said as he stared walking towards the car while carrying the groceries and Zelo. ‘Good thing he’s strong’ Zelo thought.


The two arrived back home in under an hour, like Himchan wanted. And it good timing too, it was already 10:00pm. “We’re home!” Jongup called as he and Zelo entered the house. The other four were sitting in the living room watching TV. Well…more like only Bang was watching it. It was a war movie. Daehyun and Youngjae were on the tablet together and Himchan was fast asleep on the sofa.

“Welcome back guys” Bang said as he looked over. “You can place the groceries in the kitchen and come  watch the rest of movie if you want too.” Zelo denied “No thank Bang-hyung. I’m tried now, and I think I’ll just go to sleep” Jongup denied as well “Yeah. No thanks. I’m pretty tried too” With that they both left to their room.

Zelo and Jongup changed into their comfortable pajamas and both laid in the bed; that they now share. “Good night baby” Jongup said as he kissed Zelo. Zelo smiled “Good night nae salang” [1]

Jongup pulled Zelo closer to him to where the maknae could hear his heartbeat. Zelo gave one last soft smile before he fell asleep.  Jongup soon dozed off as well while looking at Zelo’s sweet sleeping face.


^_^ Hope you liked it!

[1] = Nae salang / my love






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Chapter 2: Oh finally i found jonglo fanfiction. I am so glad to read this. I hope you will continue this wonderful fanfict i ever read. Cherio!!❤
Chapter 2: Bang dae. Himjae
_jeonchi #3
Chapter 4: Arasso... I'll wait... take your time... this story is soooo cute so don't forget your ice cubes arasso?
Chapter 4: I cnt wait
Chapter 4: I hope u update soon cause I can't wait <3~~
KwangminYoungmin #6
Please update soon, but if you can‘t its ok, because I can wait but please do update its a great story!∩_∩
Chapter 4: I kn0w the video of the gif!! Subscribed and upvoted!
kawaiiboo #8
Chapter 4: Ohhh okaaii, I hope someday you finish this... I really like it <3
Chapter 2: sweet of them~
keep updating!