Sick Zelo (Feat. Block B Zico)

JongLo Baby



Zelo vomited for the 6th time this morning. “Junhong?” Jongup said as he knocked at the bathroom door. “Y-yes hyun-” Zelo stared, but wasn’t able to finish since another urge to vomit burned in his throat. Jongup frowned ‘Poor baby …’ Jongup felt bad that his little love was feeling sick.

“Zelo, I’m coming in” Jongup said as he opened the door. He frowned again. Zelo was hunched over the toilet and he looked very pale. Jongup rubbed Zelo’s back “Poor Junhong…”  

“Yongguk-hyung!” Jongup called. Within a matter of seconds Yongguk was upstairs. “Is Zelo feeling better?” He said as he stepped into the restroom. Jongup shook his head. “We’re gonna have to cancel the radio show.” Zelo then shook his head. “No you guys go…I can stay here”

“No Zelo. You aren’t staying here alone” Jongup said firmly. “We can reschedule for another time.” Zelo looked at his hyungs “I heard that they are booked for the week hyung. And we’re only here in China for a more few days.”

B.A.P has traveled to China for a radio show that SuJu was broadcasting from (XXX) Radio show. They invited B.A.P to tag along, but since their maknae was sick, they may not go. 

Soon Himchan, Daehyun and Youngjae were also by the bathroom door.

“But Zelo…What if you need something?” Daehyun urged “We won’t be here” Zelo rolled his eyes “Then have someone come here to take care of me…like Ji Ho -hyung”

Ji Ho or Zico was one of Zelo’s close friends who often hung around him when their hyungs are busy with other things.

Youngjae looked at the others “We could call them. I heard Block B came to visit China and that they’re here in this city.” Jongup frowned he didn’t want to leave Zelo alone, especially with another guy. Zelo was his.

Zelo looked at Jongup, already knowing what was running though his mind. “Don’t worry about anything hyung. Ji Ho hyung is interested (INSERT BLOCK B MEMBER HERE).” Zelo said trying to reassure Jongup that everything would be fine.  


After half an hour of arguing and more of Zelo’s breakfast in the toilet, the finally decided to leave Zelo here with Ji Ho. “I’ll give him a call” Youngjae said as he walked out of the room to go retrieve the phone.


Once Zelo’s vomiting spells were over, Jongup and Himchan helped the maknae into his bed. Himchan; being the motherly one, grabbed many soft blankets and pillows for Zelo. Jongup; being the fun/caring boyfriend, brought Zelo a few books, his mp3 and a small game console for if he got bored. Daehyun suggested placing a bucket by the side of his bed so if he had to throw up again.


Youngjae dialed Ji Ho’s phone number. “Please pick up…” Youngjae muttered. “Hello, Zico speaking” Ji Ho said as he answered the phone. “Hello Zico, It’s Youngjae”
“Hey Youngjae! How’s it going?”
“Good. Listen B.A.P needs a favor from you”
“Anything for you guys. What do ya’ll need”
“You see…Zelo is sick and we’re going to go to a radio show with SuJu”
“On (XXX) right?”
“Yes; and we were wondering if…ya know…” Ji Ho chuckled “Sure I’ll go over and take care of him. I’m not really doing anything anyway.” Youngjae smiled “Thank you Ji Ho. We owe you one” Ji Ho smiled “It’s no trouble really! Tell Zelo that Zico-hyung is on his way! I'm gonna have B-bomb drop me off. I’ll be over in 15 minutes!” “See you then!” With that they both hung up.


“Do you need me to get you anything?” Jongup said to Zelo “Like water? Or another pillow” Zelo pondered “No, I’m fine hyung” Jongup smiled “Ok baby, remember you cellphone is on the side table and you can call me if you want me to get you anything from the store and-” Jongup rambled on as Zelo cutely stared at his hyung. ‘I am so lucky I have him’



“It must be Ji Ho” Daehyun said as he went over to answer the door. “Hey Daehyun” Ji ho said waving. “Hey Ji ho, please come in”
“I told you guys to call me Zico, and thank you.”
“Ok, ok Zico”
“So where is Zelo?”
“He’s in his room with Jongup” Himchan answered as he stepped into the living room; already dressed for the radio show. “Daehyun, you should go get dressed.” Daehyun nodded “You know where Zelo’s room is right?” Ji Ho nodded “Good, now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get dressed” Daehyun said as he went to his room.

 “Zelo?” Ji Ho said as he knocked on the door. “Come in” Zelo said. Ji Ho walked in to see the poor baby Zelo wrapped in blankets. “Where’s Jongup?” Ji ho asked. At that moment Jongup walked out of the bathroom, already dressed as well. “Hey Zico-hyung” “Hey Jongup, I’m here to care for Zelo” JI Ho said proudly. Jongup smiled “Thanks again hyung.”
“It’s no problem really. So anything I should know before you guys go?” Ji ho asked. “Well for one, Zelo has been vomiting a lot.” Jongup said as he fixed his hair. “We have a bucket by the bed so he doesn’t get up. You may have to rinse it out if it gets full.” Ji ho nodded “Seems easy enough” “If he seems to be in  a worse condition, please take him to the doctor” Jongup whispered. Ji Ho nodded “Ok”

Jongup walked over to Zelo and planted a kiss on his forhead. "We'll be back Baby. I love you" "I love you too"

After the other members of B.A.P were ready they headed off to (XXX) with Super Junior.


“Zico hyung!” Zelo called. Zico soon entered his room “Yeah? Whatca need Zelo?” Zelo pointed at a small radio in the room. “Can you turn it on to (XXX) for me hyung?” Zico smiled and nodded. “Sure Zelo”
Zico walked over to the radio and turned it on to (XXX).


“Hello everyone! I’m Sungmin”
“I’m Ryeowook”
“I’m Siwon”
“I’m GameGyu”
“I’m Mimi”
“I’m Henry...and this is…”
“” (XXX) Radio”” The all said in unison. “And we are lucky to have our very special guests. B-A-P!” Sungmin pressed the little applause button.

“We’re really happy to have you guys here” Zhou MI said smiling at the boys “We’re all happy to be here” BAP’s leader replied. “Wait a second…” Siwon stared “One...two...three...four...five….where’s Zelo?” Himchan answered this “Zelo is back at the dorm He was feeling sick so he couldn’t come” “Poor Zelo…” Ryeowook commented. “Is he alone?” Kyuhyun asked. Jongup shook his head “Zico-hyung is taking care of him”
“How nice of him. So what’s wrong? Does he have a headache?”
“I guess a stomach ache since he was vomiting”
“Have you guys taken him to the doctor?”  Sungmin asked. “He was sick yesterday too and we wanted to take him, but he sort of lashed out at us.” Youngjae answered. “What did he do?” Henry asked. “He lashed out as Youngjae said. He tried to hit me and Himchan” Daehyun said “It was scary seeing Zelo act like that” “We tried chasing after him, but he sure has a lot of energy. Even if he was sick.” Jongup added “I tried tircking him into going into the car by saying there were cherry tomatoes” They all laughed “Did it work?” Ryeowook asked. Jongup shook his head “No, he found out when Bang hyung was hiding behind a bush; ready to grab Zelo and put him in the car” “He saw me and then he ran inside and bolted to his room”

“Did he ever calm down?” Henry questioned. “He did. In the end we decided to just let him rest. Maybe rest would help” Himchan answered. “But it didn’t work, he still woke up vomiting today”
“But I told Zico-hyung to take him to the doctor if he gets worse”
“He sounds like he’s pregnant to me.” Siwon joked. They all laughed.


Zelo smiled as he listened to the radio interview. “Well I sure hope he gets better” Kyuhyun said “Anything you guys wanna say if he is listening?”
Leader first “I hope you feel better, Junhong. And hyungs are thinking of you.”
Himchan next “Please get better Zelo baby! We all really wanted you here today!”
Then Daehyun “Junhong-ah, I hope you get well soon. And to Zico, please care for our precious maknae”
Zico was in the room with Zelo “Of course I’ll care for him!” Zelo smiled.
Then Youngjae “Zelo-ah, Get well soon! We love you!”
Lastly Jongup “Zelo-baby, please get well soon. Sarameul is sad when his baby is sick. We’ll be back and you and I can watch your favorite move. I love you”

Zelo smiled “I love you too”


Zhou Mi thought it was the right moment to press the ‘Aww’ button. “So caring towards the younger” Sungmin said smiling. “Unlike you guys are to me” Henry said in a joking manner making the others laugh.

 “Zico hyung, I’m  hungry” Zelo said looking over to Zico. He smiled “Sure Zelo, what do you want?” Zelo thought for a moment. “I want some ramen with chocolate syrup and sprinkles”


Zico gave him the ‘what are you saying?’ look.

“Ramen with Chocolate Syrup and Sprinkles?” Zico questioned. Making sure he wasn’t going deaf. Zelo nodded. “Zelo…your stomach is not well at the moment. I don’t think eating …that...will help any” Zelo pouted “but I want ramen with chocolate and sprinkles” Zico looked down ‘Must not look into his eyes. I read on that they will control your mind…’

Zico made the mistake of looking up, because Zelo had a cute little pout on. “Please…” Zico gave in. “Fine. Hyung will make it for you…I wonder how Jongup handles you aegyoZelo smiled “Can I help?”
Zico would argue but before he could say anything Zelo was already standing up and stretching his arms above his head. “Um….sure…” ‘it seems he’s better now’


While Zico the stove Zelo went to get the syrup and sprinkles ‘He sure is a weird maknae’

Zico was brought out of his though when he head glass break. He quickly whipped around to see that Zelo was clutching the counter and the bottle of syrup was on the floor; broken. “Zelo! What’s wrong?” He rushed to his side. Zelo looked very pale again. “The room….is spinning…..” Zelo mumbled our incoherently. Zico helped him over to the couch. Zelo held his head. “Make the room stop spinning. Its giving me a headache.” Zico took out his phone and called Kyung “Hey Zic-”

“Hey clam down. What’s wrong?”
“It’s Zelo! He’s suddenly very pale and he says the room is spinning!”


“And he threw up on the couch”

“Calm down Zico. Give him some water, see if that works” Kyung said. Zico ran into the kichen; nearly slipping on the syrup, and he grabbed a glass of water and went back over to Zelo. “Here, drink” Zico said as he give the maknae the glass. Zelo reached for the cup but dropped it when it was handed to him. His hands were trembling. “He’s shaking like a Chihuahua!” Zico said to Kyung.



“Wait…that’s a text”

It read.

Lay Zelo down for a moment. The others and I are on our way.
Contact B.A.P and tell them we will be going to (XX) Hospital.



Here's a key:

Zelo: Blue
Jongup: Green
Youngjae: Yellow
Daehyun: Grey
Youngguk: Red
Himchan: Pink

Zico: Orange
Kyung: Plum

Siwon: Cyan
Kyuhyun: Brown
ZhouMi: Maroon
Henry: Salmon
Sungmin: Lime
Ryeowook: Purple

I'm TERRIBLY sorry for the late update! :(

Been busy lately. BUT I AM FREE NOW! I WILL CONTINUE! NEXT CHAPTER IS 'Zelo is what? (Feat. Block B)' After that, it will be normal since this is supose to be chapter one. Haha.


ByeBye now~

Zelo loves you!

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Chapter 2: Oh finally i found jonglo fanfiction. I am so glad to read this. I hope you will continue this wonderful fanfict i ever read. Cherio!!❤
Chapter 2: Bang dae. Himjae
_jeonchi #3
Chapter 4: Arasso... I'll wait... take your time... this story is soooo cute so don't forget your ice cubes arasso?
Chapter 4: I cnt wait
Chapter 4: I hope u update soon cause I can't wait <3~~
KwangminYoungmin #6
Please update soon, but if you can‘t its ok, because I can wait but please do update its a great story!∩_∩
Chapter 4: I kn0w the video of the gif!! Subscribed and upvoted!
kawaiiboo #8
Chapter 4: Ohhh okaaii, I hope someday you finish this... I really like it <3
Chapter 2: sweet of them~
keep updating!