Flower Boy Antics


Kai and Sehun have just been made new employees at Excellence Overnight Hotel. A place where eccentricities are a requirement and trouble is everyone's middle name. Between cyborgs, haunted laundry rooms, and waaaaay too much pudding, Kai and Sehun have their work cut out for them. And Kris is pulling his hair out trying to manage it all. Let the antics ensue.


WARNING: This isn't a romance. There will be lots of fanservice, awkwardly ual situations, and pairing interactions up the wazzu but love-relationships are not the focus (just very ambiguous ones ;P). This is purely about crazy boys being crazy. However, I do have a sekai oneshot here (shameless advertisement alert!) for anyone interested.


Working on the next chapter. Hopefully it'll be up by the end of the week ^^


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Chapter 17: This is awesome :D:D:D:D:):):)
I love how you wrote Sehun and Kai for this fic xD~ This story is so funny and I love the cute interactions sprinkled throughout it.
The pacing is nice, and the cast feel like real people (I know they're real people irl xD). In conclusion...Thanks for writing this fic ^^.
Kay_Kayy #3
Chapter 17: I've read this so many times and it's still so funny XD are you going to update soon?
Totally_Extreme #4
Chapter 1: LOL srsly this is epic i'm sooo enjoying this!!! omg srsly i can't stop laughing!!! nice job!
Chapter 17: Hahaha poor sekai and I love kyungie and his devilish side aah those hyungs can't resist disturbing him because he's too cute XD
CuTAEpie #6
Chapter 17: Aw i missed this haha