Chapter Two

Hello Baby? =| Oh No

Yunho's POV

I woke up when I felt the van stop to a halt. And I very unleader-likely fell out of my seat. No funny. I saw a small hand reach out towards me. I looked up. It was Jaejoong and he wasn't laughing like Junsu, Yoochun, Changmin, and manager hyung was. I greatfully reached up and grabbed his hand. Hmm it's all warm and soft. Suprisingly it had a strong grip to it. He pulled me up and glared at the others and gave that 'I am your mother so shut up' look which scared the others and I hid a smirk. 'You idiots fell out of your seat to. REMEMBER?' and they all fell silent. Except manager hyung who was trying to hold back his laughter. Jaejoong gave his incredibally scaring spine-chilling hair-rasing glare of his and manager hyung went silent. His scary look is seriously scary man. My look could beat his but I only do it when I am really pissed. And yes I am pissed at manager hyung. 'Manager Hyung, come here.' And I glared at him which succedingly made him unconciously whimper and shuffle up outside. I heard inside Junsu saying 'I reckon Yunho and Jaejoong should get married seriously' a cushion flew at his head, unfortunately, it missed and he continued. 'They both have that scary look that frightens the hell out of people.' and a second cushion flew at him and smacked him in the face, HARD, which made him topple over. Oooh Jaejoong has a strong arm to throw it that hard not saying that he is weak or anything. It is just that, Jaejoong is a more motherly person than aggresive and you never see him like that. I noticed Manager hyung trying to make a run for it. As much as Manager Hyung was fit I was fitter considering all the dancing and workouts I have been in. And I caught him. And had a huge yelling. Which unfortunately turned out negative. Negative 1,000,000,000. Even though he would want to back out of Hello Baby, he couldn't, once you entered, you entered and it stayed that way.

Jaejoong's POV

I watched Yunho yelling at Manager Hyung which was funny. Manager Hyung was winching at Yunho's loud voice. I laughed as I remembered all the times when people told him to use his 'inside' voice and he would just glare at them and say that was his inside voice which would scare them. Now it seemed to come into good use. Changmin was cheering him on while Junsu and Yoochun was headlocked in Changmin's arms trying to discourage Yunho in muffled attempt in Changmin's arms. When they found out that they were going to stay in Hello Baby they cheered and Changmin let go in defeat. Junsu danced Eunhyuks funny victory dance which Eunhyuk taught him while they were together during when they were training. Yunho glared at them and they silented immediantly. Yunho found a tree stump and he sat on it grumpy and pouting in defeat which I found really cute as he has these really good looking lips. Wait hold on a second. Why am I thinking of these things? I must be going mad! 

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elfishy #1
hahahaha.. again again! I mean.. I want more XD hahaha.. and I've voted ;)
bigbang990 #2
Its so hilarious! When JaeHwa asked for a kiss between Yunjae i laughed my head off!
Ohhh dayum let's just hope no camera's filmed that
elfishy #4
I always comment this. Hahahaha.. Manager hyung is greedy! LOL<br />
and they got twins! it must be very hard!<br />
and aww.. jaejong is the umma!!!!!! XD and this part: "'Appa can you kiss umma?'" really made me laugh!!! LOLOLOL XD
elfishy #5
kyahahaha...<br />
I like the update >3 and the poster is cool! I know, undankbar is always good :) hahahaha..<br />
<br />
oh! I wanna tell you.. I might not comment often because I'm really busy likee... umm. like this-___- but I still read all your story with my phone :) hahahaha
yunjae23 #6
Update soon
your poster is ready for pick-up :)
elfishy #8
kyahahaha.. Yunho dislikes baby? no~~ and silly jaejoong... she can fall in love with yunho!! <3 kkk~<br />
ChangMin, Junsu, and Yoochun is heavy sleepers. and Changmin looks the best sleeper ever!!!! *evil laugh*
elfishy #9
Yeah.. yeah.. I've heard about "Hello baby" but never saw it XD will wait for the first chappie XD kkk~