Chapter 26

Destined To Love You


Jonghyun and Yoona were strolling along haeundae market, trying all sorts of street food, filling their stomach with it. 
"I remember this! Lee Seung Gi ate this in two day one night and it became so famous."
"Yes he did, I guessed all the vendors really appreciate his promotion"
"I'm sure they do. Do you want to try it?" Yoona offered Jonghyun her hoddeok.
"Ahh.. It's ok, thanks for offering, I'll wait for the ahjuma to serve my hoddeok." Jonghyun blushed.
"Ahh.. Deh"
'YA! Yoona ah, how can you offer your food to a stranger.. It's inappropriate. What were you trying to do? Hinting?.. Aish! ' Yoona was reprimanding herself in her thought.
"Hmmm, now I understand why Seung Gi-ssi recommended this dish. It's delicious!" 
"Don't tell me you have not tried this before..."
"Indeed, I have not. I'm not into dessert and sweet things. So... Thanks for introducing this to me!"
"You're welcome, glad that you enjoyed eating it."
"Now that we're done with dinner, do you want to take a stroll at the beach?"
"Y-yeah," Yoona stuttered.
Jonghyun and Yoona walked to Haeundae beach, before they began strolling along the beach, enjoying the night sea breeze in silence.
"Let's take a seat there, alright?" Jonghyun asked.
"Ok, we can also plan for tomorrow's itinerary."
"So.. What time would you prefer to go to the temple?"
"I... I..."
"You?.. What is it? It's alright, just tell me."
"I want to watch sunrise at Haedong Yonggungsa."
"Is alright if you can't make it that early, we can always go at a later time."
"Ok, let's watch sunrise!"
"Are you sure?.. I.. It's ok if you can't make it."
"Yes I'm sure. I've heard that the sunrise there is very spectacular but I have not had the chance to watch it yet. So, if you are willing to, let's watch it tomorrow. Together."
"Of course!" Yoona answered while gleaming, "together," she whispered.
"The sun rises around 6:20, which means we have to reach there latest by 6am. The drive will take around 30 minutes from here. I'll take another 30 minutes from Songdo to Haeundae. Which means... I'll have to leave home latest by 5am and fetch you at 5:30."
"Erm... That's a little too early. Will you be able to wake up?"
"It's ok, I'll try to. Even if I have to set 10 alarms, I will promise you tat we'll get to watch the sunrise."
"Gomawo! Jinjja gomawo! How will I ever be able to repay that?" Yoona held onto Jonghyun's hand.
"Just a kiss will do" Jonghyun whispered.
"Y- yea? Did you just say something?" Yoona asked, feeling pretty sure she heard Jonghyun mentioning about a kiss.
"Oh... Nothing important. Since we have to wake early tomorrow, let me send you back to your hotel so that you can have a good rest."
"Aniya, you don't have to, my hotel is just beside the beach. I can walk back by myself."
"No, I won't let a lady walk back herself at this hour. It's dangerous."
"It's not, I'm safe. And look, there's so many people hanging around, I can always shout for help if needed."
"Precisely... That's so many people around. And I'm not sure if any of them will approach you and take you away."
"And why would they even do that? I'm just here to enjoy the sound of waves and the night sea breeze. Don't be silly, they'll not do anything. I know you're tired, please go home and rest now. I don't want you to feel exhausted and fall sick."
"You're asking me why they'll do that! If you have not realised, Yoona, you're one pretty lady, and walking about without a companion, wouldn't they be interested in hitting on you? If you really want to stay and enjoyed the breeze, at least let me stay and accompany you. "
"But... It's late and you're tired. I'll just walk about for a bit before going back."
"Aish! Yoona, quit being stubborn, will you? I don't want anything bad to happen to you. Just let me be with you, ok?"
"Thanks for your thoughtfulness, but I really can be alone. Just let me stay here for a while, let me arrange my thoughts for a bit before I head back to the hotel."
"What is it that you can't understand?! I'm here worrying about your safety, and there you are, risking yourself by staying out alone at night. You won't know if any drunken men will just drag you away and... And.. Aish! What's so important that you got to think now? Why can't you just let me stay with you?" Jonghyun raised his volume and pulled Yoona towards him and embraced her. 
"I'm sorry for yelling at you Yoona. But you got to know that I'm doing that because I don't want you to get hurt. It pains me when you get hurt." Jonghyun whispered while they're locked in an embrace.
"I... I don't get it... Why?"
"Why what?"
"Why are you afraid of me being alone, being hurt? Why do you care for me and  so willing to bring me around Busan? Why?"
"I.. I don't know..." Jonghyun answered.
Yoona pushed Jonghyun away before turning her back and walked away.
Seconds later, Jonghyun gave chase.
"Yoona! Yonna, stop running, will you?" Jonghyun shouted before he sped up and grab hold of Yoona's arm.
"What do you want from me?" Yoona said with a cold tone, hiding her tears and voice from him.
"Will you please listen to me?" Jonghyun pleaded.
Hearing no reponse from Yoona, Jonghyun continued, "I lied. I lied to you telling you I don't know why I was doing all that you've asked."
Yoona looked up, waiting for Jonghyun to continue his explanation.
"Yoona, do you believe in love at first sight? I don't and never will. That's ridiculous. How can anyone fall in love the first time they saw the person? That was what I used to believe. Until today..."
"I do... That's how my unnie fell in love with her boyfriend."
"That's nice! Now, I believe in that too.."
"Yea? Why?"
"The first time I saw you at the restaurant, my heart was beating rapily but I ignored it, thinking that ahh.. It must have happened because I met a beautiful lady with a lovely smile. 
While eating, I saw how you enjoyed and didn't care about how you look, I was smiling because I've found someone who isn't conscious of how she look, who isn't pretending, who isn't set to impress the opposite gender. 
While climbing the steps to the cliff, you lost your balance and almost fall, I was anxious, fearing that you'll get hurt. That's why I insisted on holding you. 
When you were offering me your hoddeok, i rejected you. Not because I didn't want to share your food, but because I was scare that you'll realise me enjoy sharing food with you and thought that I was a ert.
Just now, when you told me you wanted to be alone, I was angry. Angry because you didn't allow me to be with you. Angry because you were risking yourself and very very scare that you'll get hurt. I felt the need to protect you. I want to stay by your side, be with you, see you smile. I didn't know what was I feeling until... Until I saw you walking away from me.
When you walked away, my heart was twitching in pain, it was only then I realised, I, Lee Jong Hyun has fallen in love with you, Yoona.
I know that we have only just met and don't know each other that well, but I just want to let you know that I'm in love with you.
Will you give me the chance to know you better and to pursue you?"
"Eh... I.. I"
"We can stay as friends first, you can learn more about me before answering me."
"Erm... I..."
"I'm sorry if my confession made you feel uncomfortable. Come on, I'll send you back to your hotel first." Jonghyun sighed and walked with Yoona in silence.
While walking back to the hotel, Jonghyun and Yoona passed by a street performer who was playing the song 'Nothing Better' with a flute. 
Both of them stopped walking and Jonghyun started singing along, 
It always appeared before me
Your face, I remember
My heart that stopped short
You spitefully took my dysfunctional heart
And with your bright smile
That’s how you easily opened my heart
It’s true, that is how I became your man
All my unpleasant memories, I no longer recall
Because the hand that holds me tight
is as warm as spring
And now like a dream my heart
has gradually stopped by your side
Without awakening for a single moment,
I dream an endless dream
And now like breathing,
if you were to always rest by my side
if you were to always remain this way
nothing better nothing better than you
nothing better nothing better than you
And now like a dream, My heart
in your embrace, is held still
Without awakening for a single moment,
I dream an endless dream
And now like breathing,
if you were to always rest by my side
if you were to always remain this way
nothing better nothing better than you
nothing better nothing better than you
nothing better nothing better than you
After singing the song, Jonghyun whispered to Yoona, "there's nothing better in my life than meeting and knowing you. Please just let me be your friend, and from there, let's learn more about each other."
"Andwae. I-"
"At least give me a chance, Yoona."
"Don't interrupt and listen to what I have to say first."
Yoona took in a deep breath before speaking, "I'm not going to accept your proposal. I don't want to just be your friend."
Yoona gave Jonghyun some time to digest what she had said before asking, "do you understand what I meant?"
"Not really... So.. You mean you don't want to just be friend with me. So.. What are we? Acquaintance? Strangers?"
"Hai... Babo! Do you know why I was mad and walked away?"
"Erm... Because I hugged you and you didn't like it?"
"Aish! Not because of that. I was mad because you didn't know why you were caring towards me, why you felt the need to protect me. But after hearing your confession, I was certain that I wasn't the only one feeling that way."
"Uh huh..."
"BABO! JINJJA BABO!" Yoona yelled and tried walking away. But with Jonghyun's grip on her arm, she was unable to do so.
"Wait... Wasn't the only one feeling that way... So... You mean.. You-"
"Yes babo Jonghyun, I like you. I like how we interact, how you were able to make me laugh and feel comfortable, how your smile makes my heart goes wild. That was why I wanted to stay at the beach. I wanted to organise my thoughts and feelings first before going back, but you just had to yell at me and send me back. But also because of that, I got to know your feelings. I don't know if what I'm feeling now is love, but I sure that I like hanging out with you. I like your companion and especially, I like your smile with the dimples on the side."
Jonghyun was astonished as he didn't expect to hear Yoona confessing as he thought she wasn't interested in him at all, seeing how she walked away from him and that made him stood still on the spot.
"Aren't you going to respond to me?"
"Aish.. Why am I wasting my time on such a blockhead." Yoona said before walking away.
Jonghyun tugged on Yoona's arm causing her to crash onto his chest. "Who says I'm going to let you off that easily? You already had answer to my confession, yet you still let me think that you didn't want to befriend me."
"Well... you didn't let me have the chance to complete my sentence. And it was you who assumed that I didn't want to befriend you, I didn't say that." Yonna chuckled.
"Alright, my fault, it's all my fault for interrupting my dear Yoona."
"YA, I'm not yours! Who says that you can call me my Yoona."
"I have all the rights to do that. Says that person who's hugging me tightly and not letting go." Jonghyun teased.
Upon hearing that, Yoona pushed Jonghyun away and blushed.
"It's alright, you can hold and hug me as and when you want. I wouldn't mind that."
"Chey, who wants to do that to you. I'll rather hug my teddy bear than hug you."
"You don't like my hugs, but I love yours. I like the closeness of yours and feeling your warmth."
"Eeee.. Such a sweet talker and it's so cheesy! Are you always like that?"
"Nope, only when I met you. I never knew I could be like this too. Keke. Come on, it's late now, let me send you back. We still got to wake up early tomorrow." Jonghyun said and held Yoona's hand.
"Deh, so... What are we now?"
"It's too early for us to be called 'in a relationship' as we hardly know about each othe. Hmmm... Girlfriend-to-be and boyfriend-to-be?"
"Yea? What's that?"
"Well... Since they have wife-to-be and husband-to-be, why can't we be girlfriend-to-be and boyfriend-to-be."
"Keke... It make sense. Alright then, Lee Jong Hyun, Im Yoon Ah imnida, I'm your girlfriend-to-be. Please take care of me!"
"Neh! I will! And please take care of me, your boyfriend-to-be!"
And so, Jonghyun sent Yoona back to her hotel room.
"Erm... It's almost 12 and it'll be a hassle for you to travel home then back here again in the morning. Do you want to stay over?"
"Yea? Ah.. Ani, it's okay, I'll just drive back home and see you tomorrow."
"It's late and it's dangerous for you to drive back when you're so tired."
"Ani... It's.. It's ok. I'm alright." Jonghyun stuttered. 
"YA! What were you thinking? I'm not offering you my room!"
"Yea?... Erm.. Then... What do you mean by staying here?"
"Babo! Remember that I was expecting to travel with my friends? We booked 2 rooms, which are connected, but 2 separate rooms. That's why I was offering you to stay over. Just what thoughts were running in your head?" Yonna shook her head and chuckled.
"Oh... You should have said earlier then. I.. I thought..."
"You thought that I'll offer to let to share the room with me? Even if you're my boyfriend, I wouldn't let you do that."
"Uhm. And I wouldn't take advantage of that as well. So.. Where do I stay then? Do you have the key?"
"Here, go shower and rest early, I'll see you tomorrow."
"Neh, you too. I'll keep my connecting door open, so if you need anything and need my companion, you can just walk over."
"Neh, and also, remember to send your clothes for laundry and tell them when you need it."
"Arasseo. Good night my girlfriend-to-be! I'll see you 5 hours later. Sweet dreams!"
"Neh, you too!"
"I'm sure I will, cause I'll be dreaming of you!"
"Cheesy to the max!"
"Alright, close the door first then I'll head to my room."
Just as Yoona was about to close the door, Jonghyun gave it a slight push and went in to give Yoona a goodnight hug and a pat before leaving.
"Goodnight my love."
“The brain may take advice, but not the heart, and love having no geography, knows no boundaries: weight and sink it deep, no matter, it will rise and find the surface.”
Truman Capote
So So So Sorry for the long wait! I hope that didn't make you lose your interest in this story. 
For all JongYoon lovers, this chapter is for you. 1 whole chapter of their first encounter. 
For those who want to listen to the song, it's called 'nothing better' sang by Jung Yup.
I'll try hard to update soon, as my workload has been increasing. So if you do drop me a comment, please leave out the update soon point. I'll try my best to do so.
Thank you for those who are still supporting this story! 
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Chapter 31: Hello
lidya_wijayaa #2
Chapter 31: Please update authornim! So curious how its end
loveyong #3
Chapter 31: 안녕하세요 언니...
I'm new reader, and i live yours ff
파이팅 언니...
vynskivale #4
Chapter 31: Please update soon unnie~~ i love this fan fiction!!
UnnieHyo #5
Chapter 31: your UPDATED! YAY!....but lack of yongseo moment. :( but its okay then. HEHE. please update soon, will wait. Sorry for the late reading.
iamforeverlame #6
Chapter 31: Unnniiiiieeeeeeeeee~~~~~~~~ you're back!!!!!! How are you? Ehh wait. I shouldn't ask that since you revealed most of it already. XD I'm fine. I tried out writing too! Although kinda fail. Hehe. Finished my internship and stuff. Going back for part time while studying. How are you coping? Hope you are well. Miss chatting with you.
Chapter 31: Fighting dear...being broke but happy and start earning again is MUCH BETTER then have much money on ur account but have no chance to enjoy it ^^ ..yolo so life to the the fullest..
UnnieHyo #8
Chapter 6: i miss you. omg. :( i still can see my comment last 4months and 2 months, I know its hard for you to do the chapter..sigh. what can i do. :( I just wait till you update! please stay healthy.
UnnieHyo #9
I MISS YOUR UPDATE ALOT. please update please...:'(
UnnieHyo #10
Chapter 30: Thanks for the update! have a blast on your holiday authornim! stay healthy. ^.^