Chapter 4

Change of Plans

"Because Mr. Woo is sick today, I will be taking over your class." 


Chanyeol sat there listening to the substitute teacher's ramble about the war between Korea and Japan in the year 1592. He couldn't focus or concentrate on the lesson. Instead, he ended up fiddling with his pens and scribbled down a bunch of words and thoughts into his note book. Words that included "why", "abandoned" and "afraid" filled the page and a couple afterwards for the whole period. 


It wasn't right for him not to listen. Even though he showed a hate towards the lessons and classes that he took, it didn't mean that he never listened. When he got home, his books were filled with notes and even extra work from other teachers. No one ever knew about these things besides himself and his beloved mother. Thinking about her made his heart crumble just a little bit more than it already was. 


"Park Chanyeol." 


Reality struck him as he snapped out of his thoughts to see his teacher standing right in front of his desk.


"Are you not going to pay attention?" 


"Sorry, sir." 


Chanyeol sighed and tried to shake off the thoughts of what happened that morning away from him. Though thinking back to it, his mother was only doing what was right; and the right thing was to let him move in with someone he hated. She knew that he wouldn't make it on his own, at least without any moral support. She knew that Chanyeol needed someone that would be there for him. It was the only thing to keep Chanyeol going. 



His heavy breathing caused the people who were coming in and out of the office to stare at him. He was sitting there not knowing what to do besides twiddling with his thumbs through the half hour wait. He had no idea why he was so nervous for. This was like a biannuual routine for him. He saw no relevance in having sweaty hands and a shivering spine whilst sitting down.


"Byun Baekhyun?"


Baekhyun stood up and turned to his left to see the schools principal with a smile on his face. The principal, from his perspective, was handsome for his age. He had young and sharp features as well as a voice that would probably make anyone apply for this school in an instant.


"Please, come in."


As he stepped into his soon-to-be principal's office, a certain wave of calmness flowed through his body. Baekhyun noticed a scent similar to the breeze that you would feel and breathe in whilst you stroll across the soft, golden sand of the beach. A small smile appeared on the young boys lips as he bowed and sat down. The principal noticed Baekhyun's small change of expression. "The beach is a wonderful place to go to when you want to just sit and recollect all of your thoughts in a relaxing manner. Wouldn't you agree?" Baekhyun nodded in response as the principal grinned. "So what brings you to my school, Mr. Byun?"


"My father moved houses, once again, and said that I've had to move schools. This school was the closest to where we are currently living and I've heard that it has a great education system as well as a music based curriculum." The principal sat down and leaned back in his office chair with his arms crossed and his right leg over the other.


"The reason why my office room has the same scent and the same type of feeling you would get from a beach is because when I deal with kids, they see to have an attitude change from when they step into my office and when they step back out. You, Mr. Byun, had the exact same change." Baekhyun was taken aback from what he said. The principal chuckled and continued. "Before you came in here, you seemed like a troubled child. One with many worries on his mind and one who is very self conscious. I saw that you were nervous before you came in and I can tell that you did not know why. Am I correct?"


All the young one did was nod, still surprised at his teachers deduction.


"You had very good grades from your previous schools as well. I'm guessing that you like to study."


Baekhyun cleared his throat, "Yes I do."


"Well then you're just the type to join my school. Starting tomorrow, I will be your principal, Mr. Lee. I'll expect you to come to the office first thing in the morning to pick up your uniform and get your textbooks as well as your locker location and combination. Once that is done, then you will officially be a part of Seoul Music Academy."


Mr. Lee stood up from his seat and held his hand out, which Baekhyun happily shook. "Thank you, Mr. Lee."


"Just call me Donghae."


"Thank you, Donghae." Baekhyun said with a smile. Mr. Lee could tell, just from the smile on Baekhyun's face, that it's been a while since he has smiled this sincerely before. There was a hint in his eyes that Donghae could see right through, which made him smile back. He knew that Baekhyun would be a student that he would want to keep in this school.


Just before Baekhyun stepped out of Mr. Lee's office, he stopped him. "There's a student that I will assign to show you around the school if you ever get stuck." He handed Baekhyun a photo of the student and continued, "His name is Kim Jongdae. He is one of the schools top student and I think he will be a good person to be around with. When you see him, just mention your name and he will know who you are."


Baekhyun looked at the photo and saw a boy his age with a sharp jawline and very chinese looking facial features. "I won't forget, sir." Baekhyun bowed and bid Mr. Lee a goodbye.











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Chapter 3: They all are good ppl but just don't know how to act!! I wonder how will they meet?
Chapter 2: Oh why is his mother doing that /; cant wait for baekhyun to step in ♥
Chapter 1: Awwww I can already see what is going to happen! Exciting~~~
Chapter 1: wait what? his mom is about to commit suicide?