Six Beautiful Stranger

Six Beautiful Strangers

As the girls start their seniors years together the friendship between them wasn’t going so well, to a point where they would stop calling each other. Joohyun and Yoona barely talks now because of the lie that Yoona and Yuri told their parents, Joohyun never said a word because of the promise she made to Yoona that night she went out with her boyfriend. Uee and Hyuna couldn’t be in the same room anymore, they’re hatred towards each other grew bigger and bigger. Nana was doing fine until Doojoon show up at her house waiting for her. “Doojoon what are you doing here?” she asks as she got out of the car. “I came to see you, I can’t get over the fact that you’re broke up with me.” He told her. “What’s done is done; I won’t go back out with you.” She told him straightforward. “Why?” he said it a bit louder. “Because I can’t love someone that hates my Uee.” She told him again. “Shut up about her, she not really your sister.” Nana clear her thaort and turn around to walk towards her house, as she open the door she turn to face Doojoon. “Hyuna isn’t your sister either, so don’t get involve than.” Close the door. Doojoon kick her tired and shouted before he left.

Uee and Joohyun walk home togather when they saw Changmin talking to some of his friends, those friends left when the two girls got there. “Oppa.” Joohyun said with a smile. “I see you two are walking togather? Did anyone give you trouble?” he asks. The two girls shake their heads. “Why would anyone give us trouble, we haven’t done anything wrong.” Uee said and starts walking for the door. “Uee I’m gonna chat with Changmin oppa for a bit.” She told the other girl, she smile and went inside as the Changmin and Joohyun sat down on the steps. “What’s bothering you?” he said to her. “Oppa, if I move away, you have to promise to take care and love Uee a lot.” She told him. “Joohyun what non-sence are you talking about? Of course I will love Uee, she my sister and so are you.” She put her head on his shoulder. “I know, but I’m just saying.” She told him. “Ok, I promise.” He stood up, and pulls her up with him. “Let’s go inside.” As they turn around to walk up the steps Changmin felt someone turn him around and punch him in the face, he fell to the gound when Joohyun helped him. “Oppa.” She said trying to help Changmin. “Uee!” Joohyun screamed when Uee came out running. “Oppa.” She came down to help Joohyn get Changmin up. “If you don’t want to get hurt, leave my sister alone.” Doojoon shouted at Changmin, the two girls didn’t get what’s going on when he turn his attention on Uee. “It’s because of you, Nana broke up with me.” Grab her hair when Changmin punch him across the face. “Don’t touch my sister.” Both Doojoon and Changmin got into a fight, Joohyun try to stop them but it wasn’t much use until she grabs the water hose and sprays them. “Leave Changmin alone.” She shouted at Doojoon. “You rather took his side then me.” He said as he stood up. “You came here, disrespecting my parents who lived in this house. You can’t come and beat someone up without proof of whatever you think he did or didn't do.” She told him, as he drops the hose. “Get in my car now.” He shouted at Joohyun. “Oppa I don’t want to go with you, I’ll walk home.” Turn to face Uee. “Uee, Changmin oppa..mianhe.” she said and turn to face her brother, she walk towards him and pulled him away from the Shim’s house. She didn’t want to get in the car but he forces her and they went home. When they got home Doojoon pull Joohyun out of the car and drag her to her room, their mother saw and ran up to see what’s wrong. “Doojoon what are you doing to your sister?” she said going after them. “I’m just locking her up, or else she would be at the Shim’s. They’re the one that making Hyuna suffer.” He said and push Joohyun insisde her room as he close the door. “Oppa, open the door. Omma.” She screamed from the inside. “You’re not allow to be out unless its dinner time.” He told her and walks away.

That night Nana heard what happen and went over to the Shim’s, Hyuna and the Kwon twins were chatting when she told them what she did. “Guess what?” she asks them. “What?” they said and look up. “I got my brother to go over at the Shim’s house and he and Changmin got into a fight.” She said as she took a sip of her water. “And he found Joohyun there too, so now she under house watch and she wont be able to see anyone anymore.” Hyuna said happily. “Wow, why did you do that?” Yoona said. “Because I hate Uee, and Joohyun, what else is there?” she look at the two twins. “It’s not like you guys haven’t done something either. Remember you lie to your parents that you’re going to Joohyun to watch movie, but instead you went to see your boyfriend. And you didn’t even come home until the next day, that’s how this whole thing between your parents hating Joohyun started.” Yuri look at Yoona and back to Hyuna. “It’s already in the past, you don’t know how our parents are, they’re strict and don’t allow us to meet them anymore. We’re going to take every chance we get.” Yuri said.  “Who cares, stop talking about it. You should stop making things up to get both Uee and Joohyun in trouble.” Yoona told Hyuna. “No, as long as she still lives in the same city as me, I will never stop. You know how protective they are with me.” She smiles. “You’re evil.” Yoona said. “You’re evil too, that’s why we’re friends.”

The next day Joohyun was send to school by her brother, she ran into school when she saw Uee and Nana talking. She went up to them. “Hey.” The two girls turn around to meet her. “Joohyun, are you ok? I heard what happen?” Nana said to her. “I’m fine, they watching my every move now. Well at least in the house they are, but they can’t at school.” She told them. “Mianhe Joohyun, I kept getting you into my problem.” Uee said as she took the girl hand. “It’s not your fault, let’s go I don’t want to talk about it anymore.” The three girls walked around the school for a bit before the first bell ring, they bid their goodbyes and went to their own class. When lunch came around the three girls were sitting together chatting and Joohyun felt a hand pull her up, she turn her head when she saw Dongwoon. “Oppa.” She said as she almost slip, but he caught her. “Go home.” He told her. “No, I have school. What are you doing here?” she told him. “Stay away from my sister.” Drag her away. Nana went after Joohyun when they reach outside she saw Doojoon in the car. “Doojoon!” she shouted when he turn around to face the direction of the voice. “Nana.” He said and got out. “What are you doing out here?” he ask her. “Why are you taking Joohyun?” she pointed at the girl. “She’s going home. Is that a problem.” He said. “Why?” turn to look when he saw that Joohyun was resisting. “Because my parents think it’s better for her to stay home and be home school.” He help make Joohyun get into the car. “Oppa, you can’t do this.” She shouted. “Omma said we can.” Dongwoon got into the back seat with Joohyun, and held her hands so she wouldn’t be able to open the door on the other side and run out. “Oppa, this isn’t fair.” She said. “Joohyun.” Uee came outside when she saw Joohyun in the car, as she ran towards the car Doojoon stop her. “Stay away from my sister, if you don’t want to get hurt stay away. I warn you.” Doojoon said as he point his finger at Uee, Nana push his hand away. “Don’t talk to my sister like that, you have no right to. This is the reason why I broke up with you; you’re so full of yourself and believe everything that girl said to you without even asking for the truth.” Doojoon just walk away and they drove off.

Joohyun stop coming to school as they have a teacher to come and teach her the things she needed to learn in school, when class was over she wasn’t allow to leave the house without one of the brothers. This went on for about two months when she decided to leave without saying anything to her brothers, she went over to the Shim’s when Changmin open the door and saw Joohyun, he hugged her tight. “Oppa.” She said as her voice was at the verge of cracking. “It’s ok, oppa here.” Take her inside the house. “I heard what happen, why didn’t you call or text me?” he asks her. “I couldn’t, they took my computer, phone and everything I could use to contact people.” Changmin hug her again. “It’s ok, don’t cry.” They talked for a bit before the door was open, Joohyun went to the front door when Uee and Nana saw Joohyun, the two girls ran to hug her. “Joohyun.” They said happily. “You looked skinny. What happen?” Uee said with concer in her voice. “It’s nothing, I just couldn’t eat much.” She told them, the girls were chatting for while when they heard a loud banging on the door, they all knew who it was. Joohyun went to the door and open the door when her brothers saw her, they pull her outside. Uee, Nana and Changmin went out as well when they saw Hyuna, Yuri and Yoona with them as well. “What are you doing?” Changmin asks them. “Taking her home.” Dongwoon said. “Joohyun if you don’t want to go you don’t have to.” Uee said to Joohyun. “ Its because of people like you that making her do things she doesn’t normally do.” Doojoon said to them. “No, Doojoon. It’s because of you, you’re making her do things she doesn’t want to.” Uee said to him. “Don’t talk to my brother like that.” Hyuna said as she took a couple steps up. “All this started because of you, if you hated me that badly why you don’t just deal with me, why did you have to bring everyone into this. It’s your entire fault.” Hyuna step close to Uee. “Of course this started because of me, my plan worked well for me.” She said with a smile when she moves away from Uee ear. “I don’t know how they can deal with you, you’re just pure mean.” She told Hyuna, she turn to her brother and cry. “Oppa.” Hyuna let out a few tears that got the two brothers angry, they let go of Joohyun and walk towards Uee, but was stop by Changmin. “If you touch my sister, I won’t let you leave without blood dripping.” He said coldly to them. “Oppa.” Hyuna said again and wipe her tears. “Let’s just go.” She said to them. “No, I won’t let anyone talk like that to you.” Doojoon said and punch Changmin. Changmin got up and punch Doojoon, they two were fighting each other while Hyuna smile in the back, Dongwoon walk up to Uee but Joohyun and Nana stood in front of her. “Omma didn’t raise you to hit a girl.” Joohyun said as she use her hand to stop Dongwoon, he looked at her and grab her hand. “Mom, didn’t teach you how to help those that hurt your family either.” Pulled her away from Uee, Joohyun ran back to Dongwoon and held his hand. “If your hurt her, I will never forgive you.” She said to him. “Joohyun.” She look at Uee, “I mean it oppa.” She said it as she turn to look at her brother. Nana told Uee to go inside the house when Nana and Joohyun try to stop Doojoon and Changmin, Doojoon kicked Changmin in the stomach as he was about to shot other blow he stop just in time when Joohyun cover Changmin. “Oppa, please stop. I’ll go with you, just stop hurting my oppa.” She said as tears ran down her face while looking at Changmin. She wipes the blood off his lips, and kisses his forehead. “Changmin oppa, I won’t come here again. It’s all my fault you’re hurt, I should never came here in the first place.” Doojoon pull her up as he wipes the blood off his mouth “Don’t go Joohyun.” Changmin said as Nana try to help him get up. “Mianhe Oppa.” Doojoon drag Joohyun into the car and they drove off leaving Hyuna and the Kwon twins behind. “Hyuna they just left you.” Yuri said to her. She looks at the two girls and start walking out of the Shim’s front yard. “If I see you near Uee again, I won’t stop next time.” Nana said to them before they left.

The next month came by when no one heard anything from the Yoon’s family, Hyuna couldn’t get in touch with her brothers when she went over to their house. No one came to open the door and there wasn’t car parked, she didn’t know what happen to them when she saw the mailman walked by. “Excuse me, do you know where the Yoon’s went?” she asks. “They moved out of the city two weeks ago.” He said and left, she call Junhyung when he came to see her, she cry in his arms as he try to smoothen her. “They just left me.” She said between cries. “They don’t care about me anymore, they really left me.” He just hug her tight. “Don’t cry, I’m sure they wanted to tell you, it was probably in a rush that they forgot to tell you. They will be back.” He said to her. When the news about the Yoon’s left the city, Changmin was heartbroken, he didn’t get to see or say anything to her. Time to time Yuri and Yoona would sneak out at night to meet their boyfriends or sometimes they would come over and meet the girl’s parents, they got to know each other better but were still forbidding seeing each other during the night time. Nana would go over to the Shim’s and stay with Uee for a couple of days per week or she would come to the Kim’s house and stay with them for a few days as well.

5 Years Pass By

After four years of college all five girls came back home to their parents, no one heard anything from the Yoon’s for the last five years, all the girls has grown up and are now more mature then they use to be. Most of them even got married after college and already started their life. “Uee ah, can you bring me my coffee?” the man sitting at the dining table said. “Honey, I have to make a quick run to the store, I’ll be back soon, take care of Minho.” Kiss her son forehead, “I love you.” Kiss her husband lips and left. “Looks like it’s just you and me again son.” He said and feed Minho some baby food. Uee drove to the store and start strolling down the aisle one by one, she didn’t pay much attention to the others when her cart bump into other person. She was about to apologize for hitting his cart when he call her name out. “Yoo Jin.” She looks up and was surprise to see him. “Hyun-Joong oppa.” She said a bit surprise. “Did I surprise you that much?” he said and walks over to her. “I missed you. How Minho?” he asks. “He’s doing good, how. How did you know I have a son?” she ask him. “Nana send me a photo your of wedding and your son. He’s beautiful like his mother.” She smile and invited him to her house, after they got everything he followed Uee to her house. Uee husband and child came out. “ Siyoon ah, this is my friend Hyun-Joong.” Turn to look at Hyun-Joong. “Oppa, this is Siyoon my husband and our son Minho.” The two men shake hand as they got to know each other, they went inside and Uee went to cook some food while the two of them chat. Uee called her sister Nana as she too came over with her family. “Look Minho you’re aunt Nana and cousin Minhyuk came.” Siyoon said and went to open the door. “Hi Minho, brother in law.” Nana said and walked in with Minhyuk. “Oppa.” She said happily when she saw Hyun-Joong standing there. “I missed you.” She told him and give him a hug. “I miss you too.” Return the hug back. “Wow, you’re a mom. I would never have guessed.” He said to her. “Oppa, it’s time for you to start your life as well.” She told him. “Not yet, when the right one comes then I will.”

It wasn’t long that they met Hyun-Joong again; they begin hanging out more as their husband and Hyun-Joong are doing well with each other. Hyuna and Junhyung broke up during college and she went on dating Hyunseung, who she engages to. The two likes a lot of things that are similar and fit each other well. They sometimes goes over to Nichkhun and Yuri house to chat. “Yuri I heard Hyun-Joong oppa is back.” Hyuna said to the others. “Really?” she was a bit surprise. “I didn’t think he would come back, I guess he threw everything that happened away and decided to start over.” Hyuna nod her head at Yuri. “Maybe you’re right, but still. It was really sad when Uee rejected him, he must have loved her a lot.” She said and look at Hyunseung hand. “I’m just happy I found mine true love, and he loves me.” He kiss her cheeks. “I love you.” He told her,  the two women went on talking when they saw Yoona car parked outside Yuri house, they went to open the door when she and Taecyeon walked in. “How the doctor’s appointment?” Yuri asks. “Good, the doctor said I’ll be due in five months.” She told the other two girls, they walked inside the house and sat down. “What’s going on?” she ask them. “They’re just talking about Hyun-Joong, he back.” Yoona was pretty surprise. “Oh, wow, I didn’t think we will see him after that night.” she said as she took a bite of the fruit. “That’s what me and Hyuna are saying as well.” Yuri told her sister. “Do you think he really gotten over it?” the two girls nod their head. “I believe so, he’s not the type to ruining people relationship.” Yoona told the others. “Yeah but if I was him, and the girl I love did that to me, I wouldn’t want to live.” Taecyeon said and took a bite of the fruit in front of him as well. “Well, you’re not him. He’s strong enough to make it through. I admired him.” Taeceyeon hug his wife. “But you love me.” He said to her, she pushes him off her. “Keep talking and you’re going to stay the night over here.” She told him. “Ok, I’ll keep quiet.” Sit straight again. The others laugh at their cuteness when Yoona give them the stare to make them quiet.


(Ok, during the five years, Hyun-Joong confesses his love for Uee but she couldn’t accept his love, she told him she couldn’t love him because he was Nana ex and that she doesn’t have those feelings for him anymore. It broke his heart but he accepted what she said to him, he then move out of Korea for a while but still keep in touch with Nana. Nana was away for college when she met a man, the two fell in love and were planning to get married but things didn’t go according to their plans when he got killed, she didn’t know she was then pregnant with her son. She raised Minhyuk as a single mother on her own, when she told her parents they wanted her to come back and finish college in Korea while they take care of Minhyuk. Hyuna and Junhyung broke up because he fell out of love with Hyuna and didn’t want to keep pretending with her, so he decided to break up with her. She was devastated but was found by Hyunseung, since them the two of them became an item. Yuri and Yoona left their parents’ house and got married to their boyfriends Nichkhun and Taecyeon, they’re parents weren’t happy about the girls getting married early but they soon accepted it. Yuri has a 1 year old daughter and she named her Bomi, Yoona is now four months pregnant with their first child. After Uee rejected Hyun-Joong she left the city, as she was studying she meet Siyoon. They became friends and soon after they became a couple, after college ended the two got married and just started a family. They have their first son Minho who is almost a year old. )


It was Yoona five month checkup when Yuri tag along, as they were waiting for their time Yoona saw a women that looked like Joohyun, she got up from her seat and walk towards the couple. She taps on the women back when she turn around to see who was tapping her shoulder. “Yoona.” She said with a smile. “Joohyun, is that really you?” she said and touch the girl face. “Yes its really me.” Yoona pull the girl into a hug, she was happy to see her again. “I thought I will never see you again, I missed you. And I want to apologize for not sticking up with you, I don’t know why I didn’t help you.” She said to the women in front of her. “It’s ok, it’s was the past. We’re all grown women now.” She said and hugged Yoona again. “I want to introduce you to someone.” She look behind her when she saw him. “This is my husband, Kris. Kris this is one of the girl I told you about.” She said to her husband and Yoona. “Nice to meet you.” He said to her. “Same, wow. You’re husband a looker.” She told her. “A looker?” she smile that she was still the same clueless girl that doesn’t care much about boys. “It means he handsome.” Yuri said as she came forward. “Yuri.” Joohyun said and hug her also. “When did you come back?” Yuri asks. “Just about a week ago, I try looking for Changmin Oppa, and Uee but its seem that they moved.” She said to the two girl. “They did, after Uee got married Changmin and your parents went to live in a smaller house.” Yoona told her. “Oh, do you know where I can find them?”

Couple of days went by when Joohyun and Kris went to look for her parents; they saw the house and ring the doorbell. A woman came out and opens the door when she saw Joohyun. “My baby, is that you?” she said to the girl infront of her. “Omma.” Joohyun said with tears running down her eyes. “Omma it’s really me.” She hugged the girl tight. “My baby, you’re all grown up.” After a good minute or so they went inside the house when she saw her father, she hugged him from behind when he heard her voice his tears make his eyes bury. They all sat down and talk for a bit when Joohyun told her parents who Kris was, they were happy that she found someone to take care of her. Joohyun was helping her mom cook when they heard the door, Kris went to open the door and let the others came in when she heard Uee voice. “Omma, appa, are you home? I took Minho here to see you?” she said looking around. “Uee come in here.” Her omma said from the kitchen. When Uee came into the kitchen and saw Joohyun tears fill up both their eyes.

Later that evening everyone came to the Shim’s house when she got to meet everyone again, Hyuna ask about her brothers. “How are my brothers?” she said. “They’re good, they’re both married now.” She told her. “Really?” she said excited. “Where are they?” she looked at Kris and back to Hyuna. “They moved to America’s with their wives, they haven’t come back since they left.” Kris touches her shoulder. “Maybe when the time is right they will come back.” He said to her. “Thank you.” When Joohyun saw Changmin coming out of his car, she stood up and ran outside. She ran to hug him. “Oppa.” Hug him really tight. “Joohyun.” He said it softly. “I miss you so much when I was away.” Break the hug. “Don’t cries, Oppa not going anywhere.” Wipe her tears. “Come, I have to show you someone.” She pulls the older man to the house, he saw everyone sitting there looking at him. “Oppa this is Kris my husband, Kris this is my brother the one I told you about.” The two man shook hand with each other.

The Six Beautiful Strangers were once stranger to each other; their love for each other grew as they help each other through out their life. Every one of them lived their life to the fullest, happily married and raising their children’s together.



LOL, i hope you guys liked it. I had this chapter done couples of days ago..i just didnt update. Well here it is, sorry if i disappointed you guys in any ways. Thank you for reading and commenting on my story, it makes me feel happy. ^^

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kiruyanila #1
KIM HYUN JOONG AND UEE ARE A BETTER COUPLE >_> but good job though :)
algaiaknight #2
Chapter 5: Omg!!!this is completely unexcepted ending haha i should be Joowon oppa than asiyoon oppa oh never mind i lke im too anyway but then too bad KHJ not end up with Uee this and thanks for all the hard work =)
Chapter 5: I liked the ending :D specially the SeoKris :3 really good story :D
algaiaknight #4
Chapter 4: Oh this is...damn so i guess the bad girls are hyuna,yoona & yuri meanwhile the good ones are uee,nana & seohyun..poor seohyun...keep up the good work & cant wait for the next chapter
Song_Hye_Jae #5
Chapter 4: I love this! But I will love it more if Uee will pair up with Changmin. I just hate the fact that Doojoon and Dongwoon dont like Uee and will do anything for Hyuna. They should treat Seohyun better! Author-nim you're still daebak!
Blair98 #6
Chapter 4: i not really like they way hyuna treat Uee....also her twin brothers........update soon...........
Chapter 4: I hope they fix there problems,I don't like the way seohyun is being treated,YoonYul are liars~~~ xD anyway,I hope everyone got along...I wish Changmin and seo still meet :\ anyway update soon ;)
algaiaknight #8
Chapter 3: OMG...this is so complicated..can you please make summary after the girls return to their original family...and OMG Uee is in the Shim family *heart-broken*I want her to pair up with Changmin actually haha..but then KHJ also fine haha...keep up the good work & cant wait for the next chapter
Chapter 3: Omo how sad. It ruined so much relationships. :'(
update soon please.
dramagirl_3379 #10
Chapter 2: yeahhhh uee and hyung jooong forever!!!!!!!!!!!!! update plzz