part 5

That Girl

They waited for a bit until she came down with the baby in her arm and a box in the other arms. “Sorry, my sister in law baby woke up.” She said and hand them the box.

“He’s really cute.”

“Thank you.” Kiss the baby cheek.


Daehyun open the box and took out the bracelet, he turn it around and look at the writing, he then turn to his brothers and to the girl sitting across from them. She turn her attention to the man in her living room, she saw the sadness in his eyes.


“What’s wrong?” she asks.

“Where did you get this?”

“I’m not sure, from what I remember..i always had it since I came here. Why?”

Try to smile. “Noth. Nothing.” He said with a shaking voice.

“What’s wrong?” she asks a bit worry.

“It’s because I have the same one with the same writing on.”

She was surprise. “You do?” Roll up his sleeve and she saw the bracelet. “How can that be? They said it was custom made.”

“I made it for me and her.” Tears roll down his face. “Sorry, I just miss her a lot.” Wipe his tears.

“She must mean a lot to you guys.” They smile at her. “If so, you can have this bracelet back.”

“No. I made it for her. Since you have it you should keep it.”

“We should go, have a nice day.” Hoya said to the girl name Joohyun.

“Sorry I couldn’t help.”

“No, it’s more than enough. Thank you.”


The brothers left the house and went to their place; they search up records and ask their buddies to look into Seohyun record. After a few days they got a call from their friend who was searching for Seohyun.


“Hoya it’s me.”

“Chansung what’s up?”

“I found some records on Seohyun.”

“Myungsoo, Daehyun. What is it?” put the phone on speaker. “You’re on speaker.”

“It seems that when Seohyun was taken away she was five months pregnant.” No one said anything on the other online. “Hello? Hoya? Are you still there?”

“Y. Yeah.”

“Ok, I thought I lost you. Anyways, she got a miscarriage due to an accident.”

“What kind of accident?”

“It said she slip on the stairs and was submitted to the hospital for a couple of weeks, and that’s when she can’t remember anyone from her past.”

“Do you think someone push her?”

“I believe so. But I think this was before she got married.”

“Can you find out who push her?”

“Um, it might take some times but I’ll look into. Hoya are you guys really going to get her back?”

“I’m not letting her go; I rather lose her then let her live with someone else.”

“Myungsoo, it won’t be that easy.” Chansung said on the other line.

“I know, but we’re not losing her again. Even if that means we have to kill.”


Joohyun told her husband about three man came to visit their house, he was surprise but didn’t think much of it until she mention about her looking like the girl they been looking for. He told her to stay in the room as he went out to make a call.


“Mrs. Jung, you’re sons found us.”

“Make sure Seohyun knows doesn’t remember them.”

“Yes madam.”


A few days went by since she saw them; she went out to get some food when she ran into Hoya. The two of them chat for a bit when black van drove up to them and pull them into the van. They cover their eyes and mouth so they wouldn’t talk and see where they are heading. When the van stop the man inside took them out and drag them inside a house. As they took the blindfold off Hoya could see his mom sitting on the chair looking at them.



“Hoya, I never thought you would go this far just for That Girl.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“That Girl, took everything I love, she took you and your brothers away from me. So she has to die.”

“I don’t even know you?”

“Seohyun, it’s been while since I saw you. You got very pretty; too bad the child in your stomach has to die.”


“Oh, Hoya you probably didn’t know. She was pregnant with your brother baby..when I found out, I had to kill it. I don’t want a grandchild from her, so I had no other choice but to kill it.”

“You’re not my mother; the mother I know isn’t evil like you.”

“Hoya that’s not really nice to say to your mom.”

“I’m not your son.”


Mrs. Jung stood up and walk towards the girl with Hoya, she pull the girl up and slap her. She start hitting her back and forth when Hoya try to help the other man would hold him down. He watches the girl he loves being mistreated by his mother, when he saw his mother grab the gun from one of the man he shouted.


“No. Please mom. Please don’t hurt her anymore.”

“You love her that much, then its better if she dies.” Point the gun at her head. “Any lasts words?”

The girl looks towards Hoya’s way. “Hoya.” She said with a smile before she closes her eyes.


“What?” Mrs. Jung turns around when she saw her other sons running in and hitting those men that blocking her. “Take them away.”


Hoya got up and kicked the man next to him, he ran towards his mom and tackle her down. He got up and kicked the gun away; Daehyun ran to Seohyun and untie the rope on her hand, while Myungsoo untie Hoya.


Carry Seohyun in his arm. “Seohyun ah, wake up.”

She opens her eyes. “Daehyun.” She smiles.

“You care about her more than your own mother, the mother that gives births to you, loves and care for you.”

“We love you mom, but what you’re doing to Seohyun isn’t right?”

“If you pick her, I’ll die in your eyes..if you pick me, she will die.” Put the gun to her head. “Put her down if you don’t want to see your mother brain dash out.”


Daehyun put Seohyun down on the floor and told her sons to move away from her, when they’re far enough she pull the trigger and shot Seohyun in the chest. The three boys ran to her side held her.


“I do… I don’t regret dying. “Smile when she saw all theirs faces. “I got to love you, care for you and now I’m even dying in your arms.” Coughing. “The moment is saw you, I remember everything.” Touch Myungsoo hand. “Sorry that.. sorry that I couldn’t keep our baby alive. Do… Do you hate me?”

“Seohyun, how can I hate you. You done the best you could, its my fault I couldn’t protect you and our baby..will you forgive me.” Touch her face. “Please don’t close your eyes.” Water fills his eyes up. ”We’re go live somewhere that no one will bother us, I’ll love you a hundred more times for the pains I cause you, the suffering you went through because of us. My beautiful girl, please don’t give up on me.”

“I wish, I wish I could go with you to that place.” Wipe his tears away with her hand. “Daehyun ah, Now I wont trouble you so much.. I don’t want to say good bye to you like this.. But time isn’t waiting for us, I’m sorry for not being able to be with you any longer. Don’t blame yourself for something like this, my life isn’t worth anything. As long as I..i get to die in the arms of my love ones, I’m already happy.” Turn to look at Hoya. “Hoya.”

Try to smile. “Seohyun, you don’t have to say anything. I know how you feel.” Bend down to kiss her cheek.

“I have to go now.. It’s getting dark.”

“Seohyun, please don’t go..stay with me..please.” hug her tight.

“Myungsoo, tell your mother and father I said sorry..sorry for making their life hard.. after today, they won’t have to worry any longer.”

Seohyun close her eyes when Myungsoo held her in his arms, he let out a scream of sorrow. Mrs. Jung told the others to take her son’s home and threw Seohyun body way, but Myungsoo wouldn’t let anyone touch her body. He took her and ran off into a car, he finally stop the car at this cabin in the woods and took her body out. He dug a hole and lay her down. He went to pick some flowers and crave their names onto the tree where he rests her body. They didn’t know where Myungsoo took Seohyun as they search for a week, when they found them they saw both their body together rest in a hole with a small message.


“There’s no point of living if the only thing that kept you alive is no longer in this world.” Hoya read the blood writing out loud.

“I hope you’re happy.” Daehyun said and left.

“Take their body out.” Mr. Jung said.

“No, leave Seohyun. Only Myungsoo.”


Just then rains and thunder fill the skies, they try to get Myungsoo out but for some reason they couldn’t take them apart from one other. Hoya look up in the sky and back down on their body.


“You made them suffer enough, let them be together now. You lose one son already.”


Mr. Jung bought that land and gives it to both Seohyun and Myungsoo as their place; Daehyun and Hoya left home and never return back. Mrs. Jung was heartbroken when she lost her Myungsoo, she cried and cried. It been 10 years since the death of Myungsoo and Seohyun, the place they call Paradise was blooming with flowers and sunlight. Stories about their love story went around saying they’re death was caused by his mother, while other say they’re love for each other was stronger than death, true loves will live on.



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KookieSeo5 #1
Chapter 5: that evil witch mom, you made seohyun and myungsoo suffer and now they are dead because of you!!. How could you!!
Chapter 5: Cries cries. Such a great story
yoonic #4
yoonic #5
Baekseo #6
gigibaby #7
Chapter 5: I'm sooo speechless.... This was an awesome story. Daebak author and this was a bittersweet ending. But anyways it was a nice ending.
Chapter 5: somehow.. the mother is too ridiculous...
it's better just put seohyun in the orphanage since she was little..
does this woman exist in this real world..
i hope no..
and the three brothers also kind of ridiculous and annoying..
i can expect the ending coz Ive been reading a lot of your stories..
u really love this kind of plot.. hehehe.. :D
Chapter 5: WOWOWOWOW *SPEECHLESS* i cant explain what i feel, i really hate the mother so cruel and evil, but it is sweet and sad at the same time of Myungsoo to do that