How it started


“Jie jie, I’m claustrophobic.” I said cautiously as we climbed into the plane.

All Kpop stars and MCs were going on a vacation to Hawaii. Weird I know, but someone’s sponsoring and we’re just enjoying the free trip.

“Just take your pills and relax.” Fei Fei told me.

“Okay… But I don’t think it’s gonna work on a plane, heights…” I worried.

“Well just sit with someone you trust.” She assured me as she sat with her band.

I actually have been too lazy to debut. I wanted to with Miss A and will be soon when my parents approve.

“But you just took the last chair!” I complained.

The last seat available in this place was next to Cho Kyu Hyun of Super Junior. The last person I wanted to be with. The guy’s freakin creepy! I mean he always glares at me and sees me at the most awkward times! I put my bigger bag in the overhead compartment and sat next to him.

“Hi?” He nodded at me, well then.

All the colors were already starting to smush together as a wave of claustrophobia hit me. My breathing became shallow and I couldn’t even work properly.

“Ah, hey Jasmin-ssi are you okay?”

“Could you help me before I pass out?” He looked a bit baffled and had a worried expression.

“In my smaller bag there’s a bottle of pills, get me one and a water bottle. Make it snappy,”

He chuckled as I was still all sarcasm even when I was about to pass out. He got it quickly and I downed it.

“Hey Kyu Hyun, take care of my Mei Mei,” Fei Fei called from 6 rows up.

Ughh. Now I had a splitting headache. I downed some Advil. Ohh this is gonna make me crazy.

“Kyu Hyun, when Jasmin takes Advil she gets a bit… ahhh you could call it… drunk.” Jia warned him, ohmigosh who forced me to sit here.

“Ah its okay, I’m used to drunk people.” He said honestly.

“Yahh what are you talking about?!” Kangin yelled from 2 rows back.

“Hyung, you usually are drunk at the dorm,” Kibum said innocently.

“Kibum, we don’t talk about this in front of other stars!” Lee Teuk yelled from the other side of the plane.

“Well you get drunk easily to Hyung,” Eun Hyuk giggled like a little girl on crack.


“She’s drunk.” Sung Min said happily.

“I’m just on Advil.” I responded, then I fell asleep.

End of POV

Kyu Hyun had a WTF face when Jasmin went out onto his shoulder.

“Ahahaha he looks so stiff,” Min giggled.

“Bwohh, Noona what do I do with her?” Kyu Hyun asked Fei Fei awkwardly.

He shifted to aim his voice at her and Jasmin ended up on his lap. His face turned a slight shade of pink.

“I advise you not to do anything about it. If she’s on her pills and Advil at the same time and on a plane, she’s better off asleep. Unless you want your head torn off that’s okay too.” 

“Plus it’s good for your girl experiences.” Heechul smiled.

“Yahh Hyung, whats that for?!” Kyu Hyun glared.

“Oppa shut up.” Jasmin shifted into another awkward position on his lap, having her face turn towards his stomach.

Basically her face was right there.

“Aiyahh our Magnae is growing up so fast,” Han Kyung sighed.

“Our Mei Mei grew faster.” Fei Fei retorted.

Kyu Hyun sighed as they argued about who grew faster and looked at the sleeping girl who he thought was the weirdest person he’d ever met. She always was really pretty and he brushed a piece of hair out of her face.

“Awww how cute,” Dong Hae .

“Shut up Hyung.” Kyu Hyun pulled out an iPod and tuned everyone else out.

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JennyL #1
Update when you can~!
jpurple #2
that too (:
bottled_jar #3
acrophobia - fear of heights <br />
I think you could substitute that.