

Being Claustrophobic and extremly afraid of hieghts does not work well while on a plane. With most of the Kpop Industry on it. Plus the fact that drugs do not work well with me. So without a clean system and on a plane, sitting next to Cho Kyu Hyun, should be intersting enough. Especially since a third of the guys on the plane are jealous of him. To bad I don't do Koreans.


Claustrophobia - An intense, abnormal fear of small spaces.

This is what started this whole retarded love life of mine. Involving the worst of the Kpop Industry.

Author's Note- hey there, j.purple here. i dont make this sound to interesting -__-. but anyhow please read, and remember THIS IS MY STORY. i can twist it however i want and you guys dont about it. please remember most of this is most likely not real and enjoy (:


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JennyL #1
Update when you can~!
jpurple #2
that too (:
bottled_jar #3
acrophobia - fear of heights <br />
I think you could substitute that.