
EXO One Shots

Hmmm... 785 words... It's not that long...

Well, it's time for Sehun to receive some love!!

So this is the prompt:

What if every book you have ever read was really just blank, but filled with Psychic Paper… and you were reading only what you wanted to? What if the real reason some people like to boast that they, 'Don't Read' or 'I've Never Read A Book In My Life!'… is because they tried, but only saw blank pages due to lack of imagination?!

I didn't know where I got this prompt from... If I'm not wrong, it's tumblr. Tumblr and their prompts.

Anyway, enjoy this story~


A book in your hand, a cup of bubble tea in the other. This was how you like to pass time. Reading books. This time, a new book in your possession. One that your friend had given you as a gift knowing your love for reading books.

And now, this book nearly left your hands except when necessary.

"Still reading that book, you?" Your best friend, JinAe asked. You nodded, never taking your eyes off the page. "Is it that good?" She asked. You nodded again.

To others, it might a blank brown cover with empty pages but to you, it was pages filled with different adventures every time you opened the book. And when you said empty pages, it meant literally empty and blank pages. Your friend had tried reading the book to find that it was blank.

This book's main character is Oh Sehun. A boy with a lisp and blondish-white hair. He loves drinking bubble tea. You knew his best friend is someone by the name of Luhan. And they'll have bubble tea dates together. The more you read about this boy in your book, the more charming he sounded. And you wished he was real. But pshhh… How was that even possible?

You liked going on adventures with Sehun. His life always sounded more exciting than yours.


This is what you've been dreading.

The last chapter. The adventures that you and Sehun (sometimes Luhan tags along and the ten other friends of theirs) will be ending soon in a few pages.

You were dreading this. And before you knew anything, you've reached the last page.

The last page was slightly different than the others. It was a note. Sehun's handwriting, you could tell.

Thank you for going on this adventure with me. Thank you for you accompaniment. I'm going to miss you but don't worry, I'll see you again. I promise you this, okay? I'll see you again and we're going to have our own little adventures. So don't miss me too much, okay? See you soon!

Thank you, Sehun-ah. Thank you for all the adventures. You whispered.

And that was it.

The book ended. There weren't anymore words after that. You closed the book and clutched the book close to your heart.

You walked to your locker and deposit the books for the day. "Finally finished the book?" JinAe asked, leaning against the row of lockers. You nodded.


The both of you were walking out of school with JinAe talking animatedly about the concert she went to a few days ago. You were half-listening to her stories, the other half was thinking of Sehun. But it was then you noticed a familiar blondish-white hair boy leaning against the school gates. You stopped walking.

You stared at him. He seemed to notice your stare as he looks at you and smirked.

No. No. It can't be.

You didn't notice he moved.

You didn't notice he was walking.

You didn't notice he was walking towards you.

Until JinAe nudged you. "Hottie 11 o clock, walking towards you."

You could only stared at him until he stopped just a few steps away for you.

He looked too much like Sehun. His lisp. His blondish-white hair. The way he stands. The way he leans. The way he walks. It was too much like Sehun and you swear you were hallucinating.

JinAe nudged you again.

"S-s--s--Se--Hu---Hun?" You called. You were half-hoping it was him. The other half of you calling you mad because Sehun is a fictional character and he is not real.

The boy is front of you just gave you a lopsided grin. "I was thinking you might have forgotten me when I saw the reaction on your face." He says.

"Sehun?" You called again. This time louder. He nodded, "Yes?"

"Bu-bu-but… " And he knew what you were going to ask. He gave you a wink and placed a finger to his lips. "Secret."

"Plus, I told you I'd see you again!" He says excitedly.

He looked at your friend, "JinAe-ssi, do you mind if I borrow you-ah for the day?" He added a pout for extra effect. But JinAe just nodded, "Go ahead!!" She shooed the both of you off. "Thank you, JinAe-ssi!!" Sehun shouted as he ran off, pulling you along with him.

"Where are we going?" You asked as Sehun opens the car door for you. "Bubble tea date with Luhannie-hyung. Kris-hyung is driving us there." He answers.

Kris looks exactly how you'd imagined. Brown hair, long legs, tall, slightly thick eye brows and has a permanent face.

You had thanked Kris for bringing you to the bubble tea shop.

Now, let's start your bubble tea date!


OMG!!! I didn't how to end this story...

So let's just leave it at that?

Anyway, the next chapter will be Tao. Because Tao needs some love too!!

I'll look for prompts for this adorable panda.

It's his turn now, don't you think?

Anyway, thank you guys so much for supporting me and this story!!

So to thank you guys, here's a gif of the maknaes of EXO-M and EXO-K and their aegyo.

Read. Comment. Subscribe.

I love you guys so much. Please never ever ever ever forget that.


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EXO One Shot Update: Chapter 36 to 41 is here!!! Enjoy~


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