Meeting SHINee

Chance of a Lifetime

*Why, Hello there! [or] Annyeonghaseyo! [or] Bonjour! [or] Ni hao! Hehehehe I know more greetings than that but those are my min languages (English, Chinese, Korean, and recently, French) now! Okay, so I know I haven't been updating and I know you most likely DO NOT mind b/c this fanfic ! But I'm glad to see no one has unsubbed!! Thank you for those supporting CoaL! I hope you enjoy this chapter! (SHINee based chapter!!!)

| o < 3 XOXO*

We skipped for the longest time until Minho yelled, "We're here!" Oh gosh! Suddenly stopping after hardcore skipping makes your legs feel weak. Of course, my left knee buckled and I almost fell! Luckily, Minho caught my arm and pulled me by my waist before I broke my face! It was a little awkward so I pulled back, bowed saying thank you, and continued up the path to the small apartment. I walked a bit faster because I had to calm my redden face down.

Why am I feeling like this?

I pushed the thought aside when I came to the door. Minho already has a pair of keys out and unlocked the door. A sudden yell came. "MINHO-YAH! DID YOU COME BACK WITH MY CHICKEN!!!!" I furrowed my brow and just shrugged it off. I may know K-Pop, but I only know two songs. That's SHINee's Ring Ding Dong and the Three Bears (<33333). Only the songs. Not to mention, I rarely listened to them before. HAYLIE was the one to listen to the music. She wasn't a stalker, but she had interests.

I walked in, took off my shoes, and looked up to see and bushy head guy looking at me with a confused face. "Minho-ssi, who's this," he asked while pointing a finger at me. "Um, excuse me, but it's not polite to point." I couldn't help myself! That's a big thing that I and many others hate about me: I'm always correcting people!

The bushy haired guy shrugged but dropped his finger. "Hyung, this is Lee Soohae. You remember Key-Hyung talking for hours about that girl? Well, this is her!" Whoa, Kibum talked for hours about ME?! Better be good things! The guy in front of me had an "OHHHH" face. I thought I might as well be polite and bow. "Annyeonghaseyo! I'm Kaylie Lee, but you may call me Soohae. It's nice to meet you." He smiled and stretched out his hand. I took it and shook his hand while he introduced himself.

"Annyo, I'm Lee Jinki or Onew. Either name is good for me." I smiled and they took me farther into the apartment. "Minho, where's my chicken?!" Onew seemed a little frantic. Maybe it could be his missing pet chicken.... NO! That's too weird! Only I would think of that!

"Uh... Hyung, I was going to get it, but I saw Kaylie, here, crying. Afterwards we talked in the park and decided to come down here.... Sorry."

"MINHO! How could you NOT get my chicken?!?!!!?"

"I forgot, Hyung! Jeesh! It's not like you're gonna die for not eating friend chicken for an hour! Actually, it's probably healthier that way!!!"

"NO! DO NOT SAY THAT! TAKE IT BACK! TAKE IT BACK!" Onew was screaming like a spoiled girl who's not getting what she wants. Minho looked like he was having a migraine as he was rubbing his temples.

I tried to help. "Jinki-ssi, it's my fault Minho didn't get your fried chicken. I'm sorry for delaying your meal. Mianhaeyo," I said bowing a 90 degrees bow.

"Hahahahah! It’s okay! I can't stay made at someone as cute as you!" He ruffled my hair as I blushed at his compliment. I gave him a warm smile and said, "Why don't we all go get it now?" I first turned to Minho. He shrugged. "Jinki-ssi?" He ruffled my hair again and said, "Jinki Oppa! And you don't have to ask me twice!!!"

Jinki Oppa made a mad dash and ran down the hall, into a room. Within 3 minutes, he came running back out and he looked flawless. It sounds weird to describe a guy like that but I can't find any more words!

"Let's GO!!" Jinki Oppa seemed REALLY enthusiastic! [A/N omgomgomgomgomgomg! kay, so I was typing "Jinki" but when I looked at the screen, it said "Kinki"!!!!! you get it???? no? darn.]

Jinki Oppa was swift when he slipped on his shoes and spun around to pick up his car keys on the table next to the door. Well, he was swift until he forgot to open the door and slammed face first into the wood. Oh, how I wanted to laugh soooo badly! But I was a new guest and I needed to be polite no matter how hard it is to keep a straight face.

I was trying to say, "OMO! Jinki Oppa, are you okay?", but instead it came out as, "HO-o-MO! [Hehe. i got a dirty mind] Hin-Hee OppHa, h-are-h you-hoo ok-hay?" I was stuttering and choking on my words while holding in my bursting laughter! I couldn't stop myself anymore. I bursted out laughing while sitting against the wall. I started to choke because I was forcing myself to stop though it wasn't helping. Minho, who was laughing as well, walked into the kitchen and got me some water. I took the glass and attempted to drink it. However, Onew was still on the floor with his eyes set straight ahead.

He looked dead just lying there but I knew he wasn't because he kept wrinkling his nose. I was going to go over to him and apologize but there was a rustling sound and someone swung open the door only to hit Onew's legs. I heard a loud sigh and an annoyed voice saying, "Onew, Get off of the floor!" How did he know it was Jinki? Anyways, Jinki came back and pushed himself off the floor.

The door finally fully opened to reveal an orange haired guy with a blonde fringe. He eyed me for a second and then winked at me. I was caught off guard and I could feel my face warm up. He walked in front of me and looked me up and down and finally said in a calm voice, "And who are you? You are very pretty." More blood rushed to my face. I looked away and Minho said, "Hyung! Stop harassing her!"

"Minho, I'm not harassing her! I asked her a question and told her the truth!" My face was heating still.

"Key Hyung isn't going to like you hitting on his best friend!"

"Hm... So YOU'RE the famous Soohae my Yeobo has been nagging about! Key has some really good taste in girls. Look at her," he said gesturing towards me. "She's beautiful, y, cute, healthy looking, in good shape. I could go on but then we'd be standing here all week!" I swear my head is going to explode from how red my face is!

"Hey, cutie! I'm Kim Jonghyun. Nice to meet you." He reached my hand and brought it up to his lips and kissed the back of my palm. Okay, it is official: My face is hotter than the sun!!

"Yo, Hyung. Kaylie is already taken!" Oh, yeah. I'm with Kyuhy- HOW COULD I FORGET?!?!?! Maybe I was too mad at him...

"Mmm, that's a shame." Jonghyun winked at me again and led me to the sofa in the living room. When we were there, I was quite uncomfortable because Jonghyun was still holding onto my hand. "So, what brings your pretty face here to the SHINee dorm?"

I couldn't find words to say; I just kept looking at our hands. But thank God that Minho came to save me. "Hyung," he said while making Jonghyun release my hand. I mouthed thank you to him and he gave me a smile and continued with Jonghyun. "She got in a fight with her boyfriend and I found her crying in the streets. We talked after a while and I thought it'd be nice for Kaylie to see Key, so we came to the dorm. But I don't see Key."

"Hmmm, interesting," Jonghyun said without taking his eyes off of me. I slowly started to inch away from him. It was an awkward silence until Onew screamed from the kitchen, "ARE WE GONNA GET MY CHICKEN OR WHAT?!?!?"

"AISH! Hyung, can live ONE HOUR without chicken?!?!"

"No, Jonghyun, no I cannot. Now, LET'S GO!!" Jonghyun sighed and I was glad he finally looked away from me. I stood up and said, "Okay, Oppa, I'm ready." I made my way over and looked behind me to see an annoyed Minho and a smirking/winking Jonghyun. I quickly looked forward. We all stepped out when a black van stopped in front of the dorm. I was lost while the others around were smiling.

The door slid open to reveal a kid with a bowl hair cut looking giddy with cuteness. "Bwoh, who's this noona?"

"Hi, Minnie! This is Kaylie; Key's best friend." Onew said and then turned to me. "Kaylie, this is our maknae, Taemin." At that moment, Taemin comes bouncing in front of me like a little kid who's on a sugar rush.

"Wah! Minnie! You might want to stop if you don't want to scare your Noona away!" Minho was laughing at the cutie pie in front of us. I giggled, "Its fine. Hi, Taemin-ssi. I'm Kaylie Lee or you could call me Soohae. Any way is fine."

"Hehehehe," Taemin giggled. I couldn't help but giggle back. "I'm going to call you Yeppeun Noona! And you can call me Minnie!"

"Hehe, I like your full name, though! I'll just call you Taeminnie, okay?"

"Anything is fine from you, Yeppeun Noona!!" I blushed. "Where were you all heading?"

"We WERE going to get MY chicken but then Jonghyun interrupted and now you did, too! WHEN WILL I GET MY CHICKEN?!?!?!!?!" I couldn't help the weird look that went across my face. Taeminnie said to me, "its okay, Yeppeun Noona. If you hang out with us more, you'll get use to it!" I nodded and asked no one in particular, "Where is the nearest KFC?"

"FOLLOW ME!" Jinki Oppa sped off. "YAH! HYUNG! WAIT FOR US," Minho yelled.

"NO! I HAVE BEEN AWAY FROM MY BELOVED CHICKEN FOR TOO LONG! You got long legs; you'll be able to catch up!" Minho just sighed. He turned to me with an apologetic look.

"Its okay, Minho-ssi. I understand him. Plus, he's making me laugh!" I beamed a smile at him.

Then, I thought it was the perfect time to answer a big question in my head. "Jonghyun-ssi," I turned behind me.


"How did you know it was Jinki Oppa who was on the floor?"

He shrugged. "Eh, he's always doing that or things like that. He does it so much that fans made the name, 'Onew Sangtae'."

"Or Onew Condition," Taemin chirped in. Minho just nodded along. He looked a little awkward so I went to investigate. "Minho?"

"Eh? Oh, neh, Noona?"

"YAH! I thought I told you not to call me that!!" He gave me an apologetic puppy-eyes stare and said, "Mianhae, Noo- uh, Kaylie."

I tried to resist looking but unwillingly peeked with one eye and let out a big puff of air. "Fiiiiiiiiiiine! You can call me "Noona"," I pouted.

"Hehehehe!" Despite his deep voice, Minho's giggle was high pitched almost like a girl's. "Okay, why not a truce? I will call you Noona but only on occasions. Deal?"


When we finally got to KFC, we found Onew in a corner booth with a XL bucket of fried chicken and half of it already gone. "OPPA! HOW DID YOU FINISH SO MUCH SO FAST?!?!" He just shrugged and continued starring at us with a drum leg in his mouth. "Noona, just be glad he didn't finish the XXL bucket by now," Taemin sighed. My mouth just hung open.

After a minute of staring at Jinki eating more and more chicken, I felt hungry myself. "Hey, is anyone else hungry?" They all shook their heads. "Okay, well I'm gonna go order something. You guys can go sit down." Taemin sat next to Onew while Jonghyun sat across from them with a bored look. Minho, on the other hand, stayed next to me and said, "Nothing is gonna happen there anyways. Unless, someone is stupid enough to stick their hands in the bucket. If so, someone is gonna have one less hand." I gave him a small laugh.

"I'm sorry about Onew Hyung."

"What is there to be sorry about? I find his obsession with chicken funny and a lil` cute. Strange, but funny and cute." The boy at the counter called for the next person and that was me. "Hello, what can I get you today?" I ordered and paid and we sat next to Jonghyun with me at the end.

It was pretty silent so I decided to try and break the ice. "So... tell me about yourselves." But before anything could happen, a familiar skinny, stuck up-looking body slid into the booth next to Taemin. "BABE! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE COMING OVER HERE?!?!?! WHAT DID THESE BABOS DO?!?" He kept going until I yelled, "AISH! KIM KIBUM! Will you SHUT UP?!?!"

He gave me a mad look but became quiet. "I'll tell you everything later. Right now, I'm trying to get to know these guys." He eyed me. "Who's first?"

"OOOH! ME! ME! ME!" Taemin was raising his hand excitedly like he was a nerd trying to answer the question up on the board in school. "Uh, Tae...min...?"

"YAAAY! Mmkay! First of all, I'm a good dancer, I LOVE my soft stuffed animals, Pokémon is amazing, and I think Yeppeun Noona is perfect!"

"Aww! Taeminnie! That's sweet." I tried hiding my red cheeks by looking down. But of course, Kibum have to ruin it by saying, "HA! Soohae? PERFECT?!?!"

"YAH," I screamed while punching his arm. "Am I lying?!" He got me there.

"Oh, Hyung! Stop it! I bet Noona is perfect! And if she has flaws, there's only ONE!"

"Taeminnie, you're too sweet. But Kibum is right, I do have many bad points," I confessed.

"Would you mind telling, Noona?" Taemin had big, pleading eyes but I did my best not to give in.

"Sorry, Taeminnie. I'll tell you later. First, I wanna get to know you guys. Who's next?" Taemin pouted but just nodded along.

"There is one thing you need to know about me," Onew said. "I will marry chicken once it becomes legal!" I laughed and everyone just rolled their eyes. "Next?"

"Uh, I guess I'll go," said a bored Jonghyun. "Okay, I am an amazing singer, everyone loves me, I'm fun, and I make an awesome boyfriend~~" He sang the last part. Again, Key put in his 2 cents. "HOLD UP! Okay, you're a good singer, I'll give you that. BUT not everyone loves you, you sit around at the dorm making messes all day, and when was the last time someone asked you out that WASN'T an obsessing fan!?! You're too annoying!"


I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up from my seat and scolded them, "YAH! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO?!?!? DO YOU NOT SEE WE ARE OUT IN PUBLIC?!?!?!" They looked around themselves to see practically everyone in the store glaring at our table. I dragged both of them out of their seats and ordered, "APOLGIZE! NOW!" They immediately listened and said to everyone looking shooting missiles through their eyes at us, "We’re truly sorry to have disturbed you. Please ignore us and we will become more mannered and keep our inside voices. Mianhae." They did 90 degree bows in all directions and I continued to bow and apologize to the people still scolding. I dragged everyone out of the KFC and we walked back to the dorm.

"AISH! Are you two always like this?!?!"

"He started it," Jonghyun said childishly.

"You didn't have to lie!" Key said like a diva. I just rolled my eyes and knocked them both in the head. "YAH," they yelled in unison.

"You're just lucky I didn't knock you out!!!" We all walked in the quiet. It was still bright outside. Minho had given me comforting looks and I relaxed. When we got back to the dorm, I learned Minho was 100% competitive and was not the type to use aeygo, Onew is a complete push over for cuteness, Jonghyun is actually a really good person, and as for Taemin, I will never give him sugar.

SHINee was so amazing to me that I thought I might as well tell them about the gender secrets. They took it well surprisingly. They supported me and Haylie but said that it was bad to lie about something so simple. When I was alone with Key, I told him what happened between me and Kyuhyun. He seemed a little ticked but I told him I'll take care of it. "Okay, Babe. But if anything goes wrong, call me and I'll beat him up!!"

"Arraso," I laughed.

It was a little past 7pm so I decided I should probably go back to the SuJu dorm. Minho and Key offered to take me home in their car. I thought that'd be better than wasting money on a taxi. A block away from the SuJu dorm, I had changed in the back seat. As I got out, Minho stopped me and helped fix my wig. He had touched my cheek with the tips of his fingers and had sent chills down my spine. Before I did something I regretted, I kissed Key on the cheek and told him I'll call him later and went upstairs.

I still had chills running through my body from Minho's touch.


WHOOOOOOA! Looooong a$$ chapter!!!! I hope this makes up for not updating in a long time!!! Okay, so I found a STUPID mistake. I forgot Kaylie was OLDER than Minho so I had to reedit the last chapter since she called him Oppa! xP

iloveyouall!!! nighty night!!!

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UPDATE SOON~!!<br />
These hints now have me fuming at my laptop >.>
LEEJAE :D<br />
and update sooooon plz~~~
Welcome :D<br />
<br />
So you're picking LeeJae? <br />
<br />
Awesome I'm happy to be your favorite reader!!!
@myfishyx HAHAHA! THANKS!!! And yeaah... I think so too... "/<br />
Kyu is just amazing!!!<br />
<br />
Oh and it should be LeeJae it sounds better ^^<br />
<br />
lol i think I'm the only one commenting
@myfishyx IKR!! If I wasnt me. I wouldve thought I DIED! But no. Just busy. Thanks for the compliment. God how much I put my fantasies into my stories!! ^^
Omg you finally updated!!!<br />
<br />
That chapter(40) was too sweet. Now I wish I had a boyfriend that would do those things for me.
@myfishyx LOL. i am too. and thats baaaaad! bc im the author!!!!!!!!! XDDDD
I'm torn between Kyu and Minho.<br />
Cause like I love Kyuhyun and his evilness and sweetness. And then you've got Minho the gentleman who's always there for you.<br />