Haylie's Turn

Chance of a Lifetime

*Hey Readers! Thank you for subbing and commenting!!! They are my highlights of the day! I'm sorry for the long chapters! If it's bothering you, PLEASE tell me and I'll try to fix it. But I can't promise because I'm one of those ppl who have to put things into details. School is starting soon so I may not be able to update every day, but I'll try. Thank you again.

much love XOXO*

~Haylie's POV~

I got found out today by Park Leeteuk, the meanest guy and the one who hated me the most. But now I am so happy he knows. He even is much nicer to me. I thought that if he knew I had lied to him, he would hate me even more and even tell the whole group, but today, he promised me he wouldn't tell anyone.

I got to the sleeping Korean chick on the bed. She was softly snoring. I took out all the pins and bands in her hair. Then, I took off her shirt and put on her Elmo shirt. Next came the awkward part. Even though she's my sister, it's weird that I had to take off her pants and put on her black shorts. (PLEASE do not think anything nasty about that! They're twin SISTERS! They both have the same things!) I knew she got cold easily so I slipped on her socks. I laid her down and a tucked her into Kyuhyun's bed.

I went outside and saw Kyuhyun and Leeteuk talking. I announced, "I'm going to bed. Goodnight. And Soohae is good inside. I tucked her into your bed like you asked. Thank you for being so nice to her." I walked into Leeteuk and my bedroom and covered myself with the blanket and dozed off to bed.

~Leeteuk POV~

Today was one of the most awkward days of my life.  Kyuhyun came out to where I was sitting on the couch. "Hyung, how'd you find out?"


Everyone is at the dance studio with Mingjae. I should really be nicer to them. They are the best dancers I've ever seen, maybe even better than Donghae or Eunhyuk. My schedule was canceled so I'm home all alone. Note to self: Got to wash laundry. ASAP!!!

I'm going through my clothes and think, 'Maybe I should wash everyone else’s clothes.' I walk into Donghae's room. He really needs to clean his room! After a few minutes trying to find which shirt was dirty and which were clean, I gave up and put them all back where I found them: the floor.

I walked across the hall and Kyuhyun and Minghae had placed all their dirty clothes into their hamper. It was totally different than Hae's room. I could tell the differences from Kyuhyun's clothes and Minghae's. Minghae's clothes were much smaller than Kyu's.

I walk into my room. I grab all of my dirty clothes from the hamper in my closet. I look around for Mingjae’s clothes. He probably put them back into his dance bag. That's just dirty! I reach in and his bag fell off of the shelf and onto the floor. Everything spilled out. There were his clothes. I picked them up. There were hair brushes and combs. Then, I didn't think much of it, but now, it makes much more sense. The next thing I saw was what set it all off.

I look underneath all of the clothes and extra stuff to see bunches of flat squares and short tubes in paper. I've seen these before. My mom used them, and I learned about these from old girlfriends. The things lying in front of me right now were pads and tampons!!!!!!!!


I heard the tinkling of keys. Then, the door creaked open and clicked shut. Mingjae yelled, "Is anyone home?" I said nothing because I was still under shock. He opened the door to see me kneeled on the floor with an "unbelievable" look on my face. He had long hair and was combing his fingers through his hair. He screams, "HYUNG!" Wide eyes and an opened mouth. I look in his right hand. He was holding a WIG!

"YAH! YOU NEED TO EXPLAIN THIS!!!!!! WHO ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU??!" I was screaming. He looked down and nodded his head. He motioned for me to follow him. I did. We walked into the kitchen. We sat down and I yelled, "Explain!"

He told me about calls from Manager Hyung, what happened with their names, the auditions, the money problems, the SNSD party, and, the thing I wanted to know most about, their gender! I was shocked still. I wanted to yell at hi-HER. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I raised my hand, but dropped it. I stared her in the eyes and she looked like she wanted to cry. Her hand was on the table and I reached for it and nodded my head in approval. She beamed a smile at me and jumped up. She asked, "Hyung, can you keep this secret?" I answered, "Oppa! And yes, I promise I'll keep your secret." She hugged me. I continued, "On ONE condition." She stepped back and said, "Depends on what it is." I sighed, "Never keep another secret from me again." She nodded her head crazy fast. Any faster and her head would pop off! She hugged me again. No, not hug, STRANGLED. I had to laugh.


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UPDATE SOON~!!<br />
These hints now have me fuming at my laptop >.>
LEEJAE :D<br />
and update sooooon plz~~~
Welcome :D<br />
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So you're picking LeeJae? <br />
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Awesome I'm happy to be your favorite reader!!!
@myfishyx HAHAHA! THANKS!!! And yeaah... I think so too... "/<br />
Kyu is just amazing!!!<br />
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Oh and it should be LeeJae it sounds better ^^<br />
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lol i think I'm the only one commenting
@myfishyx IKR!! If I wasnt me. I wouldve thought I DIED! But no. Just busy. Thanks for the compliment. God how much I put my fantasies into my stories!! ^^
Omg you finally updated!!!<br />
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That chapter(40) was too sweet. Now I wish I had a boyfriend that would do those things for me.
@myfishyx LOL. i am too. and thats baaaaad! bc im the author!!!!!!!!! XDDDD
I'm torn between Kyu and Minho.<br />
Cause like I love Kyuhyun and his evilness and sweetness. And then you've got Minho the gentleman who's always there for you.<br />