The Amusement Park

Chance of a Lifetime

Kyuhyun got us a cab. He turned to me asking, "Where do you want to go?" I shrugged and said, "You know the places better. I'm just a tourist!" He grinned and said, "Ahjussi, can you take us to the closest amusement park?" The cabbie nodded and took off.

It was a good three minutes into the ride that I noticed I didn't have my iPod! "Oppa, do you have my iPod?" He reached into his back pocket and took out my iPod Touch with a mirror screen and purple zebra cover. He handed it back to me. Our hands touched and he wouldn't let go. I thought, 'When did my life turn into a Drama?' I pulled it out of his hands and looked out the window.

We passed by a pool full of kids. I could hear their laughter and excited screams and the splashes caused by cannonballs. After the pool, I saw a beautiful park. Trees and flowers covered the area. I saw people walking their dogs. In the corner of the park, there was a bench. The cab stopped at a red light and I saw an old couple sitting, holding hands, and laughing. I smiled. It must be wonderful to be with someone like that.

I suddenly heard screams and the vibrations of the roller coasters. We're here! I hadn't noticed it, but Kyuhyun had been watching me the whole time I was passing by the sites. He was smiling in awe at her beauty.

Kyuhyun paid the driver and we said thank you and got out. Kyuhyun paid for our tickets and then took me by the hand and walked me into the park. "Where to first, Soohae?" I put a finger to my chin and puckered my lips. It was a habit of mine. Kyuhyun was laughing. I pouted, "What are you laughing at?!" He pointed towards me and said, "YOU!" I was completely confused. "Why?! I'm not trying to be funny!" He kept laughing. "No, you're being cute!" I blushed. "I'm not trying to be cute either." He smiled. "You don’t need to try; you already are cute." I looked down, trying so hard not to smile! He tilted my face up and said, “Don’t look down; I like seeing your perfect face."

I didn't listen and looked towards the park. His hand dropped from my face. I started walking. I took a few steps and felt Kyuhyun slip his hand into mine. I didn't resist and slightly smile. We walked to a small coaster where there was a drop and a few sharp turns. We went on that. I screamed like a girl. I looked over and Kyuhyun had been looking at me smiling. He didn't seem scared or anything. When we got off, I asked, "Why weren't you scared?" He said, "I love roller coasters. They don't scare me at all." I narrowed my eyes at him. I hate heights. My stomach grumbled and Kyuhyun dragged me to the food concessions.

"Pick anything you want, Soohae!" I looked around. Burgers, chicken, popcorn, corn dogs, cotton candy, hot dogs, and more. I lead him to the burgers. After the burgers, I had gone to the bathroom. I had to do some touch ups! I saw how my hair was completely a wreck. I had strands sticking out and it was 100% frizzed up. If you ever saw an Asian with messed up frizzed hair, you'd know how bad it can get! Good thing I brought some stuff for Minghae. I brushed my hair into place and put on more mascara and fixed my eyeliner and lips. I got out and Kyu had waited for me with cotton candy in his hand.

We started walking around and eating cotton candy. We went to the games. I saw an ADORABLE big penguin. There was a regular black one and then a pink girl with a pink flower in her hair. Kyuhyun saw me eyeballing it and went to go play the game. It was where you had to hit the ball off of the pyramid. He got it on the first hit. The game guy said, "WE GOT A WINNER! Since you won so quickly and you and your girlfriend look so cute together, I will give you the set! Thank you for playing today!" I blushed when he said, 'girlfriend'. Kyu didn't seem like it was a big deal.

Kyuhyun handed me the pink penguin. I wasn't always crazy for pink, but it was really cute. I offered we go to all the roller coasters because I could tell he wanted to go so badly every time we passed by one. I pulled him to the lockers where you can rent one and safely put your things away. I put our penguins and my bag into the locker, and then ran Kyu to the biggest rollercoaster in the park. The ride begins by going up to a decent height, than it drops suddenly, there's a sharp turn, two loops, it goes back up, then makes sharp turn, falls back down, one more loop, then, turns to a finish.

I was very iffy about this ride, never the less, I went on for Kyuhyun. I kept my eyes closed a lot. However, I didn't want Kyu to make fun of me later so I tried to it up. It was the greatest ride. They finally let us off and I patted down my hair 'cause I knew it was a mess. I looked at the sky and gray clouds were starting to blow in. I felt a drop on my face. We started running towards the lockers. Right when we got in, I heard the thunder clap and I jumped. I loved lightning storms, but when I'm safely inside. 



*If you didn't watch it, GO BACK TO CH 14!!!! and watch the video!!!!

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UPDATE SOON~!!<br />
These hints now have me fuming at my laptop >.>
LEEJAE :D<br />
and update sooooon plz~~~
Welcome :D<br />
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So you're picking LeeJae? <br />
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Awesome I'm happy to be your favorite reader!!!
@myfishyx HAHAHA! THANKS!!! And yeaah... I think so too... "/<br />
Kyu is just amazing!!!<br />
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Oh and it should be LeeJae it sounds better ^^<br />
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lol i think I'm the only one commenting
@myfishyx IKR!! If I wasnt me. I wouldve thought I DIED! But no. Just busy. Thanks for the compliment. God how much I put my fantasies into my stories!! ^^
Omg you finally updated!!!<br />
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That chapter(40) was too sweet. Now I wish I had a boyfriend that would do those things for me.
@myfishyx LOL. i am too. and thats baaaaad! bc im the author!!!!!!!!! XDDDD
I'm torn between Kyu and Minho.<br />
Cause like I love Kyuhyun and his evilness and sweetness. And then you've got Minho the gentleman who's always there for you.<br />