Exo's Day Off!!!

Life as Kim Joonmyun

Morning came upon exo's dorm, as expected all hell broke loose when the trouble makers woke up from their slumber. I woke up I noticed the otps together, well yeah if you are asking why I know about that, we are more updated than you think, we know about our ships and the fact that our fans aren't that innocent minded anymore, there aren't even any innocent minds to start with, our fans have nasty minds I tell you NASTY~, Oooohh you guys are so naassstyy, NAAASSSTTTYYY~~~, o~key.........now I sound like Simon and Martina, wait am I blabbering again?okay I should stop my blabbering, I blabber a lot, don't I? (who am I talkin to? I might end up looking like an idiot talkin to myself, but, oh well *shrugs* how could someone think that the GORGEOUS me is an idiot, I know hard to think right?)


The whole dorm was a mess with clothes and chips(?) scattered on the living room floor, I'm pretty sure Lay won't like that, but he's currently with Kai right now in his room probably practicing a choreography together(?). HunHan is discussing about, maybe, bubble tea again(?), or something about how they missed each other yadah yadah yadah, ugh, I'm sure they are so gay for each other. TaoRis anyone? Well they're currently bickering(?), aish what did benben do to my poor son?(yeah right my son? *scoffs* not in a million years) Tao's probably asking Kris to buy him the new limited edition Gucci collection, AGAIN (that brat), can't blame him once Tao drags you to the Gucci store there is no escaping,no one does, especially when that kid brings out his wushu stick, his temper and divaness doesn't help, wait is there even a word divaness? I guess not *shrugs*, one time he brought me with him, I swear I heard my wallet cry it, never did that before!!!, I'm JoonMoney for crying out loud!!! okay I need to calm down *breath in breath out* just count from one to ten that's it. Meanwhile....1stack of money....2stacks of money...3stacks of money....4stacks of money, without even reaching ten I started to calm down. Okay back to business, XiuChen is having mandarin lessons together so they're at SMent right now, now that I thought of it why won't they just have their lessons at the dorm- BOOM!!! a loud shutting of the door was heard and some shouting? Oh that explains it, this isn't the right environment to learn at the moment. Aish!!! TaoRis when are you gonna learn?! Wait! an otp is missing....loading... Oh yeah BaekYeol!!! where are they? oh well probably together?*smirking while moving my eyebrows up and down* let's not think about now. That's right! I know what you guys are thinking............, okay maybe not. I sighed I'm left alone AGAIN *pouts*, WAIT!! where's D.O??? EOMMAAAAA!!! eodiseo!? Oh there he is by the computer, I slowly approached him.


I saw him slowly and cautiously type into the keyboard, watching him type is worst than staring at an old person using the computer, he looked like a caveman that just discovered something every time he stares at the screen with concentration and brows knitted together. I feel like watching my grandma using the computer, you know those times when they keep you standing beside them the whole time because they don't even know where the space bar is, it's frustrating. He flipped from tab to tab I noticed some of those are search engines that has his name on it, he search for his name? how low can that be. Some of the tabs where our fanboard, I noticed him type something on it.


Fanboard: *A/N: the words inside the()'s are Suho's thoughts


exo's#1fangirl: Omo Exo oppas I love you so much!!!dhcwbdckwdb (we love you too silly peasant)


exosaranghaja: Oppa my body is ready!!!jhbcfkebfcefb (woah girl there's enough Suho for everybody calm down)


EXOFANGULL16762: Exo oppas fighting we exotics love you guys so much. (thanks a lot, aish fans like you makes me all sentimental *wipes nonexistant tears with my money*)


D.Oghnut: Exo loves you very much too (seriously now D.O?)

                                                                           -a FAN (way NOT to be obvious Kyung, how slow can you be?)


exo's#1fangirl: uhm Duh~ we know that, wait your suspicious. (uh-oh~ way to blow your cover)


EXOFANFULL16762: Wait are you a member of exo??? (Yup you're done now Kyung)


exosaranghaja: Kyungsoo oppa is that REALLY you? omo I can't believe this! *spazzing/dying* (oh no you better escape now Kyung!!!)


D.Oghnut: no.


And with that he directly closed the tab of the fanboard, but the computer lagged, the page won't close so he started clicking the x button a couple of times, why does SM give us slow paced computers? we are idols for crying out loud, we make them money, we deserve better! but then again Kai was given 6 macbooks for his birthday, why not use that? Oh well *shrugs*. Finally the tab was close *sigh of relief*.


"That was close." I heard Kyungsoo muttered.


"Sure was." I answered. The latter didn't seem to notice that I was standing beside him and have been watching him throughout the whole scene.


"Ah- hyung what are you doing here?" the oblivious wide-eyed boy asked.


"Kyungie-ah hyung is lonely and hungry make hyung breakfast? Please Kyung~" I begged. He just rolled his eyes but stood up and went to the kitchen anyway while muttering something between the lines of 'why do I have to cook for this *ssholes all the time?' and 'always making me do the work yadah yadah yadah'. I replaced his throne in the computer.


"Hhmm what should I search?" I thought out loud. "Oh I know" I said as I typed in 'Kim Joonmyun' on one of the search engines.


"Wow that's very low of you" I heard someone mutter behind me, Kris to be exact. I just rolled my eyes, yeah whatever you think, ANGRYBIRDLOOKALIKE.


"So how's you and the panda guy doing?" yeah so Tao and me aren't really that close in real life so I call him panda guy derived from the dark circles around his eyes, not like what they show on cam all those skinship and mother-son act we do are, excuse my language, bull, since he whines a lot, i just hate it every time we are on stage he always puts this we-are-close-so-I'll-cling-on-you-act, that guy irks me, I'm straight for his information, not like him he always asks the other members to shower with him, SHOWER, we are a bundle of men in our early twenties for god's sakes, and he wants us to shower with him? like together in one room? I better not, but there was this one time when I forgot to close the bathroom door cause I was too tired and he just directly barged in already ! that day was so traumatizing after that shower experience I directly locked myself in my room for TWO days I just formed a ball at one of the corners of the room and rocked back and forth. That day I lost my innocence if you are wondering, yes, I did have innocence, BEFORE.


"Fine" he answered shortly. Don't mind him he never talked much to begin with.


"O-oh o~kaaayy" I said in a sing~sang manner. Then I heard some thumps and thuds in one of our rooms and some sobs(?). I raised my brows at him he just sighed while rolling his eyes before going inside the said room. I just chuckled to myself


"Yah- Joonma food's ready" D.O hollered from the kitchen.


"Neh coming!!! and hey don't call me that eomma." I answered.


"Aish this bastards I cook them food and they make me a woman? ungrateful peasants." I heard him grunt.


"D.O yah~ thanks! I love you eomma!!!" I cheered, he rolled his eyes before cringing.


"How geasy" he lowly muttered.


"Yah! I'm not greasy!" I defended.


"Sure you are, not to mention selfish" Kris said as he entered the kitchen. I stared at him confused.


"Wah hyung your eating without us? how could you?" Luhan asked pouting while Sehun just stood beside him with his famous face on. I rolled my eyes.


"Fine whatever, would you like to join me with breakfast?" I asked dryly. "No"-Kris "Nevermind I wasn't hungry anyways."-Luhan. "...."-Sehun. "Seriuosly now? so what about me being selfish and junk and when I finally offered you food but rejects it anyway?" I asked. The three of them shrugged before walking away. I swear they are just so-random(?) at times, okay maybe all the time.


After finishing breakfast I just sat on the couch trying to kill time since manager hyung hasn't arrive yet with our schedule. I was enjoying my time relaxing when the doorbell rang. I grunted before deciding to go and open it only to reveal our manager hyung but without his papers for today's schedule or even his tablet or Ipad, no nothing,


"Good morning hyung~" I greeted as I bowed.


"Yes, Yes, so I won't stay for long I just came here to inform you that since you guys seems to have no schedule for today you can have a day off, but no partying and alcohol tell your members I don't want them having hangovers tomorrow, arrasseo? I'm serius Jonnmyun no house party." he said firmly.


"Ahh, N-Neh hyung!, Thank you!" I said.


"Yes, now I have to go some where else, bye tell the boys I just dropped by" he said before scurrying off to who-knows-where.


Exo's having a day off!!! "Who was that?"-Chanyeol still in his pjs paired with his bedhair, his visual just literally shouts 'I just woke up and i have no idea what dahell happened'.


"Oh it's just manager hyung, he said exo can take a day off." I answered to the oblivious bedheaded tall giant. His eyes rounded in surprise and directly went inside his shared room with Baekhyun. I could hear him shouting "BAEKHYUN-AH WAKE UP EXO'S HAVING A DAY OFF". His voice was heard all over the dorm, I would not be surprised if our neighbors heard it too. Then one-by-one heads pop out of nowhere.


"Exo's having a day off?" they asked at the same time.


"Yes, Yes we are" I answered calmly. Then cheers erupted everywhere.


Let their day off begin.





A/N: okay it took me long to update, but hey, I did, but still, I'm sorry for the wait since I'm not that skilled in writing crackfic or any fic at all so, once again, I'M SORRY. Oh and some of the jokes I used are true it happened in real life, especially the one about D.O in the fanboard thing they said he really did that. My cute and Idiotic Kyungsoo, and btw I am NOT a hater of Tao so I'm sorry to any Tao biased out there if I ever offended you in any way I just wrote that for.......I have no idea why i wrote that so TeeHee~


(I had no time to proofread cause I finished writting this at 3:50 A.M cause darn it inspiration strikes you at the most unusual moment, or time, so yeah, just inform me about any mistakes that I made) BTW bye my lovelies~~ Kingzelo out~~

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HaibaraShery #1
Chapter 2: This is good (y) it's even better than my first posted fic :D keep it up